2018 women who want to work towards being under 200lb



  • DisNerdMama267
    DisNerdMama267 Posts: 13 Member
    Request sent
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    I just requested to join. This is exactly what I need I weighed in at 330 last weekend. I have tracked religiously the whole week and have like a little over 6 lbs. I need all the support and motivation I can get!
    cwlong2 wrote: »
    I just started MFP in Feb. I was 244. I am now down to 234, and trying to break 200. I’d love to join! The last time I saw a number lower than 200 was 10 years ago.
    Request sent

    ADDED! :star::star::star:

    We are now 700+ STRONG
  • jorsdom
    jorsdom Posts: 4 Member
    Can I join too? I so need some friends on here!!! I am 5' 10" at 254 lbs and want to hit at least 200 this year if not lower and then keep going down. I have lost about 10 just wih healthy eating and tracking but would love some friends to keep me motivated.
  • cwlong2
    cwlong2 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome! Here’s to seeing a 1 as our first number before the end of the year!
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    .... I'm 22lbs down since Jan!
  • dianneboonstra
    dianneboonstra Posts: 5 Member
    How do I join? I started in August at 250. Today at 229. Goal is 145 to 150 lbs.
  • got2get2165
    got2get2165 Posts: 2 Member
    Request to join sent!
  • bl3ss3dmfp
    bl3ss3dmfp Posts: 43 Member
    I requested to join!

    And feel free anyone who needs more pals to send me a friend request. I could use the support and would love more friends that are trying to get to Onederland as well.
  • Hopeful2BHere
    Hopeful2BHere Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'd love to join but I've looked all over the site and can't find instructions on how to join groups or even how to find groups like this. I'm in the 240s and would love to be way under 200 eventually but definitely under the 2 this year. Would love some kindred spirits.
  • cwlong2
    cwlong2 Posts: 13 Member
    Today was a travel day. Ugh. I was not at my best, but I entered everything....so that’s something.
  • crazylilysue22
    crazylilysue22 Posts: 1 Member
    I requested to join... but I don’t know how any of this works?? Currently stuck in the 230’s... looking for the 100’s! :)
  • fitchick37
    fitchick37 Posts: 124 Member
    Late to the party, request sent. Hanging about at 235, motivation a bit awry the last couple of days, in need of some support/kick up the backside! Feel free to add me.
  • gcconroy29
    gcconroy29 Posts: 85 Member
    Just sent request. I've been doing pretty well over the past 10 weeks, down from 245 to 217. I've gone off a bit over the past week and really need to re-focus
  • Hi all! I sent a request to join the group. I'm hovering in the 230's and would love to get past the plateau I feel I'm on. I'm not focusing so much on the 100 pounds I want to lose, but more about the continual progress. I'm always appreciative of accountability and support and hope to do that for others, so feel free to add me as a friend! Thanks!
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    Hello, I sent a request to join your group. My weight is 273 lbs, and I would be happy just to get below 200. My UGW 180 lbs, and I'm 6ft tall. I have about 93 pounds to go and it'd be nice to be in a group of like-minded women that are going through a lot of the same things and we can, support and encourage each other. I know that if I'm with others and have to be accountable for everything that I do or everything that you eat I know that it would help me. I appreciate you listen to what I had to say and looking forward to hopefully being your group. Thank You!!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi all! I just sent in my request too! I've gained about 40 pounds over the last few years, and would love to get back to the 180 to 185 range. I am currently at 224, and just getting below 200 again would feel amazing!
  • hapamama23
    hapamama23 Posts: 233 Member
    Just sent my request. Started a week ago at 217 and am hoping to get to ONE-derland by Summer. Ultimately hoping to get to 170 ish by the time we go to Maui in October. Long road ahead.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm an older woman and weight loss has been so tough, but I'm really trying. I've done it before and I know I can do it again. How do I join?
  • J_Zardo
    J_Zardo Posts: 7 Member
    edited March 2018
    I requested to join as well. I started using MFP about a year ago and didn’t stick with it. I’m back on and 4 days in. I’m 5’9” and I’ve gone from 279 to 245.5 in about a year on my own but I’m really wanting to get below 200 this year. I need to for health reasons and I also want to feel good about my body. I’m also wanting to try for baby #2 and I want to be healthy when that happens.
    TATWTTLTG Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I am Natalie and I Would love to join! I just recently hit over 230 pounds after a trip and lots of pictures and not feeling good about them at all. I decided I needed to take action and really focus on the goal at end. But it’s so hard alone, I have always gave up before, so hoping the support and meeting other women who are going through the same struggles as me will help. I am not sure my request was sent. Can you check and confirm please?