sunship Member


  • affirmative!
  • netflix with subtitles and earplugs - watching still game now - a savior!
  • do before and after pictures -- esp of your face -- you'll see -- :)
  • :barf:
  • Week 3 Goal: 3500 + 3 HIIT 09/15 Day 1: 1,073 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/16 Day 2: 1,077 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/17 Day 3: 1,146 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/18 Day 4: rest 09/19 Day 5: 1,063 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon)…
  • Week 3 Goal: 3500 + 3 HIIT 09/15 Day 1: 1,073 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/16 Day 2: 1,077 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/17 Day 3: 1,146 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/18 Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/19 Day 5: calories burned (how…
  • Week 3 Goal: 3500 + 3 HIIT 09/15 Day 1: 1,073 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/16 Day 2: 1,077 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/17 Day 3: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/18 Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/19 Day 5: calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • Week 3 Goal: 3500 + 3 HIIT 09/15 Day 1: 1,073 calories burned (rowing ergometer - half marathon) 09/16 Day 2: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/17 Day 3: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/18 Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/19 Day 5: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/20 Day…
  • Week 2 Goal: 4,200 09/08 Day 1: Rest / travel 09/09 Day 2: 1,058 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/10 Day 3: 552 calories burned (rowing ergometer, quarter-marathon) 09/11 Day 4: 1,082 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/12 Day 5: 1,059 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon)…
  • Week 2 Goal: 4,200 09/08 Day 1: Rest / travel 09/09 Day 2: 1,058 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/10 Day 3: 552 calories burned (rowing ergometer, quarter-marathon) 09/11 Day 4: 1,082 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/12 Day 5: 1,059 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon)…
  • Week 2 Goal: 4,200 09/08 Day 1: Rest / travel 09/09 Day 2: 1,058 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/10 Day 3: 552 calories burned (rowing ergometer, quarter-marathon) 09/11 Day 4: 1,082 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/12 Day 5: 09/13 Day 6: 09/14 Day 7: Total: 2,692 cals Left to go:…
  • Week 2 Goal: 4,200 09/08 Day 1: Rest / travel 09/09 Day 2: 1,058 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/10 Day 3: 552 calories burned (rowing ergometer, quarter-marathon) 09/11 Day 4: 09/12 Day 5: 09/13 Day 6: 09/14 Day 7: Total: 1,610 cals Left to go: 2,590 cals
  • Week 2 Goal: 4,200 09/08 Day 1: Rest / travel 09/09 Day 2: 1,058 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon) 09/10 Day 3: 09/11 Day 4: 09/12 Day 5: 09/13 Day 6: 09/14 Day 7: Total: 1,058 cals Left to go: 3,158 cals
  • Week 1 Goal: 3500 09/01 Day 1: Rest 09/02 Day 2: 1,102 cals (half marathon - rowing ergometer) - 13.1 miles 09/03 Day 3: 1,103 cals (half marathon - rowing ergometer) - 13.1 miles 09/04 Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/05 Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/06 Day 6:calories burned (how they…
  • Week 1 Goal: 3500 09/01 Day 1: Rest 09/02 Day 2: 1,102 cals (half marathon - rowing ergometer) - 13.1 miles 09/03 Day 3: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/04 Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/05 Day 4: calories burned (how they were burned) 09/06 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned) 09/07 Day…
  • one -- the other days i'm burning 1,100 calories per day, rowing. i absolutely need it -- my legs burn -- after the rest, i'm okay -- though if i needed a second day, i'd take it.
    in Rest Days Comment by sunship August 2014
  • hahaha -- -- i need a life -- :| Progress Week 1: 147,679m
  • I only workout at home -- travel time can't be beat, and you can wear what you want -- :)
  • just hit 15mm meters today -- get a pin, shorts and shirt -- :) i love this machine!
  • I am in Germany for work, and found a gym with a Model E. I tell you, the plastic handlebar is MUCH better than that on the Model C -- my hands are singing -- literally -- :) That said, my projected annual meters from the C2 site are at 4.6 MM meters -- we'll see what happens. I love rowing, but I love eating more -- the…
  • almost there -- :) make sure to get your rows before the days is done!
  • this made me laugh -- :)
  • i was going with definition #1 -- -- and to me, juice is GOOD FOOD -- :) i've been juicing for many years, as a supplement to my diet, and i really love it. enjoy!
  • umm --
  • i wish i could eat it, but i can't -- just can't stomach it. but the juice is agreeable to me. that's all -- i enjoy it, and it's not overly caloric.
  • if you read what i wrote, i said going non-organic would ingest more pesticides (than organic). never implied or stated organic wasn't treated with petsicides. that is all.
  • with the right juicer, all greens, spinach included, is fantastic. i presently juice kale / spinach / collard greens / radishes / dandelion greens / cilantro and carrot, tops included. don't forget to go all organic, lest you ingest more pesticides. juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.
  • if only i could find the time...
  • cardio, ergometer, 120 minutes, 1,060 cals, 6 days
  • i am now officially perplexed by this event. it seems like a LOT of teams are doing a LOT of rowing -- is this always the case? i wanted us to keep in the top 20, but it seems pretty darned hard --