Rest Days

How many rest days do you usually have per week? I've done something (walking or Zumba) every day for a week, and I don't feel bad (like not so sore that I feel like I can't), but I know that rest days are an important part of fitness.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Alternating walking and Zumba probably doesn't need any rest days. Take one of you feel like you need it but I wouldn't worry about it much
  • crescentgaia
    crescentgaia Posts: 71 Member
    I have two, Thursdays and Saturdays. I walk Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and cross train Tuesdays (stationary bike and weight train) and Fridays (swimming). The program I'm using says to have a walk on Saturday and rest Sunday but I flipped it because I'm exhausted from the swimming. It's been a few decades since I swam laps, which is why, but it's working for me.
  • sunship
    sunship Posts: 59 Member
    one -- the other days i'm burning 1,100 calories per day, rowing.

    i absolutely need it -- my legs burn -- after the rest, i'm okay -- though if i needed a second day, i'd take it.
  • frayst
    frayst Posts: 62
    Alternating walking and Zumba probably doesn't need any rest days. Take one of you feel like you need it but I wouldn't worry about it much

    ^^This. In my mind, rest days are only necessary for weightlifting or high intensity interval training. In those cases, I recommend anywhere between 1-3 rest days depending on your goals and fitness level. I usually weight train or do HIIT 4 days a week, and do just cardio for one of my rest days. Zumba and walking I feel is something you can do every day, unless you really feel tired.