binged really bad.



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Sometimes we lose small battles. As long as you win the war, this little bit of peanut butter in nothing more than a bump in the road.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Tomorrow is a clean slate....simply resume normal activities and move on.

    Good luck!
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    well, what can i say.. after reading this thread i had to have a few spoons peanutbutter too... lol

    tomorrow is a new day! :)
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    I mean they say you should have a cheat day once a week.

    Who is they? Also a little peanut butter sounds like a rookie binge to me. Call me when you polish off two pints of ice cream, a giant bag of peanut M&Ms, and 40 pizza rolls.

    i did 12 Jack-in-the-box tacos a couple weeks ago. It was wonderful and horrible at the same time.
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    Honestly, thank you so much. Everyone see's food differently and no one has the right to say what I felt was wrong. Coming from someone who already has disordered thoughts of food, I really felt that people we're responding back to this in a rude way. Maybe it's because I am a young girl, but I don't need to be treated like a child. I posted this in regards of help, and motivation because I was very upset last night.
    People are really rude. I would consider that a binge. Just because some people's binges mean 209483048 calories, doesn't make yours not a binge.
    Anyway, keep your head up! What's one day in the scheme of things? We've all had bad days.
    I'm glad that you're eating 1500 now instead of 900! That's doing it the healthy way.
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    As everyone else said, tomorrow is a new day. I'd track it as best I can just so I could try to adjust my weekly totals with a walk, or some other exercise.
  • And I just ate a Graham Snacker with peanut butter and grape jelly totaling up to 290 calories. That was my lunch. Very filling that peanut butter.
  • sunship
    sunship Posts: 59 Member
    I mean they say you should have a cheat day once a week.

    Who is they? Also a little peanut butter sounds like a rookie binge to me. Call me when you polish off two pints of ice cream, a giant bag of peanut M&Ms, and 40 pizza rolls.

    i did 12 Jack-in-the-box tacos a couple weeks ago. It was wonderful and horrible at the same time.

    this made me laugh -- :)
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    Honestly, thank you so much. Everyone see's food differently and no one has the right to say what I felt was wrong. Coming from someone who already has disordered thoughts of food, I really felt that people we're responding back to this in a rude way. Maybe it's because I am a young girl, but I don't need to be treated like a child. I posted this in regards of help, and motivation because I was very upset last night.
    People are really rude. I would consider that a binge. Just because some people's binges mean 209483048 calories, doesn't make yours not a binge.
    Anyway, keep your head up! What's one day in the scheme of things? We've all had bad days.
    I'm glad that you're eating 1500 now instead of 900! That's doing it the healthy way.

    welcome to the internet. If you expect to stay here very long, we recommend both a thicker skin and the ability to laugh at yourself, since you will need both quite often. Almost as of equal importance would be to remember that you didn't hear the guy actually speak. You took it how you wanted to take it. Read it back to yourself and pretend it is a friend who is teasing you rather than a stranger telling you something that you don't appreciate. All in all, one day over does not weight gain make; so log it, then move on.
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    That's a great binge in my opinion, plenty of essential fats. Don't worry about it, at all.
  • jouttie
    jouttie Posts: 109 Member
    Hey honey,
    You are young and have issues with eating. We are faced with all these ads and good advice and being told what is good for us, what is bad for us, what we should do, what we shouldn't do. What is healthy, what is unhealthy - this makes it hard to know what is best for us. I don't know if you have seen a doctor or a dietician but it sounds like you are getting back on track. I wish you all the best in your endeavour to enjoy and appreciate food. And of course your life! Take care,
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    :noway: Sorry, that's not a binge. I polish off a jar of peanut butter every week.
  • Meerpka
    Meerpka Posts: 20
    Hahahahaha, first off "binged really bad" isn't 1/4 of peanut butter..and second, let me get up after I fell laughing, you CAN NOT gain 15 lbs water overnight UNLESS you have heart disease, where patients can gain even 20...
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    yeah it is a binge because i'm a small girl who only eats about 1500 a day, so eating about 7 servings of peanut butter is about 1260 more calories then normal. i gained 15 pounds of water weight over night.

    A jar of peanut butter is 14 servings, each of which are 2 tbsp... If you ate seven servings, then you ate 1/2 the jar, not 1/4... Either way, that's not a binge. Peanut butter is just calorie dense. A binge would be eating a whole large pizza or an entire bag of cheetos.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Yeah I didn't even attempt to log it either!
    Funny thing is, i woke up and was like wow my stomach is so flat that I was like hm.. let's just see the damage and i was shocked to see 15 pounds of water weight! I'm just going to drink a lot of water and do some extra cardio today after work!

    But hey great minds think alike when it comes to binging on peanut butter :p

    good luck to you as well!

    Maybe 3-5 of that was water weight, but that leaves about 10 more "gained" pounds to be accounted for. Do you realize that it takes about 3500 calories ingested to gain ONE pound of weight. That means you would have had to ingested roughly 35,000 calories to be able to "gain" that extra 10 pounds, once you've accounted for possible water weight? Either it's BS or your scale is broken. Also, scales are not 100% fool proof anyway... Scales DO lie.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    This is your second post about bngeing this week. Is this something you need to talk to a professional about?
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    No it's not..and actually last night was the first time i ever binged. So I'm not sure what you are talking about.
    This is your second post about bngeing this week. Is this something you need to talk to a professional about?
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    Please take your rude comments somewhere else thank you.
    Hahahahaha, first off "binged really bad" isn't 1/4 of peanut butter..and second, let me get up after I fell laughing, you CAN NOT gain 15 lbs water overnight UNLESS you have heart disease, where patients can gain even 20...
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    I'm aware that it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound, I didn't gain any weight from last night and I knew that if i did it would be water weight. Don't tell me what's a binge and what's not a binge. We all see food in different ways. If I want to call it a binge then I will.
    Yeah I didn't even attempt to log it either!
    Funny thing is, i woke up and was like wow my stomach is so flat that I was like hm.. let's just see the damage and i was shocked to see 15 pounds of water weight! I'm just going to drink a lot of water and do some extra cardio today after work!

    But hey great minds think alike when it comes to binging on peanut butter :p

    good luck to you as well!

    Maybe 3-5 of that was water weight, but that leaves about 10 more "gained" pounds to be accounted for. Do you realize that it takes about 3500 calories ingested to gain ONE pound of weight. That means you would have had to ingested roughly 35,000 calories to be able to "gain" that extra 10 pounds, once you've accounted for possible water weight? Either it's BS or your scale is broken. Also, scales are not 100% fool proof anyway... Scales DO lie.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    I'm aware that it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound, I didn't gain any weight from last night and I knew that if i did it would be water weight.

    Yeah I didn't even attempt to log it either!
    Funny thing is, i woke up and was like wow my stomach is so flat that I was like hm.. let's just see the damage and i was shocked to see 15 pounds of water weight! I'm just going to drink a lot of water and do some extra cardio today after work!

    But hey great minds think alike when it comes to binging on peanut butter :p

    good luck to you as well!

    Maybe 3-5 of that was water weight, but that leaves about 10 more "gained" pounds to be accounted for. Do you realize that it takes about 3500 calories ingested to gain ONE pound of weight. That means you would have had to ingested roughly 35,000 calories to be able to "gain" that extra 10 pounds, once you've accounted for possible water weight? Either it's BS or your scale is broken. Also, scales are not 100% fool proof anyway... Scales DO lie.

    I'm not trying to be rude, I promise. I'm just saying it's near impossible to gain 15 pounds in one night... much less possible to gain 15 pounds of water weight in one night. My guess is that your scale is all jacked up.