How to start a juice cleanse?



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Why is OK to use the discovery of others and the study of science to;

    Power our homes
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    Allow us to communicate and share ideas globally via this very forum

    But not to decide if a juice cleanse works or not?

    Because if you have never spent $300 on a juicer, watched a stupid documentary/sales pitch, spent $50 on vegetables to extract a cup of brownish juice, drank it, and then felt like killing yourself afterwards, you have no idea what you're talking about. YOU ONLY KNOW PROPAGANDA!

    I spent less than half that, and i have gotten more than my money's worth out of my juicer.

    I've never, ever made a brownish juice, maybe someone pooped in your glass the one time you tried it? It must be if you felt like you were killing yourself afterwards. I always feel GREAT after juicing.

    And who are these people who have never heard of gardening? Why does everyone claim veggies are so expensive? They are FREE, half the year, if you do it right.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I've made the mistakes of just stuffing raw spinach, etc., in there an ending up with undrinkable slug.

    with the right juicer, all greens, spinach included, is fantastic.

    i presently juice kale / spinach / collard greens / radishes / dandelion greens / cilantro and carrot, tops included.

    don't forget to go all organic, lest you ingest more pesticides.

    juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.

    news vegetables are treated with pesticides...
  • Sad_Grandpa
    Sad_Grandpa Posts: 129
    The best way to get rid of that smell after a skunk sprays you is to bathe in tomato juice. I've done it many times - there's a colony of them in the woods, and they like to hide under my porch.

    To get started, you need to think "bulk." Go to costco or some other store that sells juice in five gallon jars. It will save a lot of money, cause you need to do this several times.

    Whatever you do, do NOT buy the spicy V-8. It burns.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    ice cream cleanse sounds better!!!
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    I'm thinkin' pizza cleanse...

    Anybody? I'm totally into this idea. I'll drink juice too, double the toxin removal. Right?
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I'm thinkin' pizza cleanse...

    Anybody? I'm totally into this idea. I'll drink juice too, double the toxin removal. Right?

    You should write a book! You could make millions.
  • sunship
    sunship Posts: 59 Member
    I've made the mistakes of just stuffing raw spinach, etc., in there an ending up with undrinkable slug.

    with the right juicer, all greens, spinach included, is fantastic.

    i presently juice kale / spinach / collard greens / radishes / dandelion greens / cilantro and carrot, tops included.

    don't forget to go all organic, lest you ingest more pesticides.

    juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.

    news vegetables are treated with pesticides...

    if you read what i wrote, i said going non-organic would ingest more pesticides (than organic).

    never implied or stated organic wasn't treated with petsicides.

    that is all.
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 122 Member
    Woowwww….. OK people are jerks.

    While I agree, a hard-core cleanse where all you drink is juice is not necessary…. I juice frequently, and often sub my breakfast for some green juice. It makes your body more alkaline, and hence makes you feel better / has SOME detoxifying affects.

    How exactly does it make your body more alkaline? Also, what toxins does it get rid of? Be specific and use science. Please and thank you.

    Here's some resources (in APA) for peer reviewed scholarly journals…. if you have access to a higher learning database, I'd check them out! Thanks for asking!

    Gill, C. I. R., & Rowland, I. R. (2002). Diet and cancer: Assessing the risk. The British Journal of Nutrition, 88, S73-87.

    Minich, D. M., & Bland, J. S. (2007). ACID-ALKALINE BALANCE: ROLE IN CHRONIC DISEASE AND DETOXIFICATION. Alternative Therapies In Health & Medicine, 13(4), 62-65.

    Robey, I. F. (2012). Examining the relationship between diet-induced acidosis and cancer. Nutrition & Metabolism, 9

    Welch, A. A., Macgregor, A. J., Skinner, J., Spector, T. D., Moayyeri, A., & Cassidy, A. (2013). A higher alkaline dietary load is associated with greater indexes of skeletal muscle mass in women. Osteoporosis International, 24(6), 1899-908.

    Welch, A. A., Mulligan, A., Bingham, S. A., & Khaw, K. (2008). Urine pH is an indicator of dietary acid-base load, fruit and vegetables and meat intakes: Results from the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC)-norfolk population study. The British Journal of Nutrition, 99(6), 1335-43.

    And for fun… one that even speculates… but says "researchers don't know yet" I try to always look at both sides of the issue.

    Vangness, S. (2006). Alkaline diets and cancer: Fact or fiction. (). Norwalk: Belvoir Media Group, LLC.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I've made the mistakes of just stuffing raw spinach, etc., in there an ending up with undrinkable slug.

    with the right juicer, all greens, spinach included, is fantastic.

    i presently juice kale / spinach / collard greens / radishes / dandelion greens / cilantro and carrot, tops included.

    don't forget to go all organic, lest you ingest more pesticides.

    juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.

    news vegetables are treated with pesticides...

    I love this fact that most people overlook!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I've made the mistakes of just stuffing raw spinach, etc., in there an ending up with undrinkable slug.

    with the right juicer, all greens, spinach included, is fantastic.

    i presently juice kale / spinach / collard greens / radishes / dandelion greens / cilantro and carrot, tops included.

    don't forget to go all organic, lest you ingest more pesticides.

    juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.

    That actually sounds like a great salad. Throw some grilled chicken, dried cranberries, and a nice vinaigrette on there and you have a nice, satisfying meal. Also just as healthy. And the oil in the vinaigrette will better help your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins in the greens.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    Okay if I knew everyone was going to be a ****ing *kitten* about this, I wouldn't have asked.

    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. Everybody Dance!!!!!

  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Why is OK to use the discovery of others and the study of science to;

    Power our homes
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    But not to decide if a juice cleanse works or not?

    Because if you have never spent $300 on a juicer, watched a stupid documentary/sales pitch, spent $50 on vegetables to extract a cup of brownish juice, drank it, and then felt like killing yourself afterwards, you have no idea what you're talking about. YOU ONLY KNOW PROPAGANDA!

    I spent less than half that, and i have gotten more than my money's worth out of my juicer.

    I've never, ever made a brownish juice, maybe someone pooped in your glass the one time you tried it? It must be if you felt like you were killing yourself afterwards. I always feel GREAT after juicing.

    And who are these people who have never heard of gardening? Why does everyone claim veggies are so expensive? They are FREE, half the year, if you do it right.

    Well, maybe for you. But MANY people across the US (and world, for that matter) live in areas where it is not conducive to gardening. At least not on a scale where ALL of their fruit and veg would come from a privately owned and grown garden. An example is I have a friend who lives in PA -- her bylaws in her community forbid it because it can lure in wild animals. Another friend lives in Vegas where the land is sandy and would cost a small fortune to keep it watered. Yet another lives in CO (and another in ALaska) and the growing season is short. Where I live, the ground is not always the best condition even though I try. I still don't yield enough to eat even for a short period. Not to mention, many folks don't have the flexible schedules to be able to do it. It's not like the old days where a work day was closer to 8hrs and women stayed at home. Or livings were made on farms -- many of which didn't even grow readily edible food, but rather things like cotton, tobacco, or whatever. People these days live in apartments, or are in the military, or they just flat out don't like gardening. These things have to be taken into consideration.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I highly recommend the Bullet Blender... pulverizes but keeps the fiber and can be used for protein shakes, salad dressings, batters, etc.

    If you plan to not have caffeine, but currently do, it's best to cut down gradually to avoid headaches. Also if you have sugar now you can go through "withdrawls" during a juice cleanse.

    The Boards can get a bit nasty, some days more so. If you want to do it, go ahead...there are mixed reviews/data on the pros/cons of juicing and clearly most have an opinion. Drinking a green juice once a day can be very beneficial.
  • sunship
    sunship Posts: 59 Member
    I've made the mistakes of just stuffing raw spinach, etc., in there an ending up with undrinkable slug.

    with the right juicer, all greens, spinach included, is fantastic.

    i presently juice kale / spinach / collard greens / radishes / dandelion greens / cilantro and carrot, tops included.

    don't forget to go all organic, lest you ingest more pesticides.

    juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.

    That actually sounds like a great salad. Throw some grilled chicken, dried cranberries, and a nice vinaigrette on there and you have a nice, satisfying meal. Also just as healthy. And the oil in the vinaigrette will better help your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins in the greens.

    i wish i could eat it, but i can't -- just can't stomach it.

    but the juice is agreeable to me.

    that's all -- i enjoy it, and it's not overly caloric.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    I'm thinkin' pizza cleanse...

    Anybody? I'm totally into this idea. I'll drink juice too, double the toxin removal. Right?

    I'm half way through mine right now


  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I've made the mistakes of just stuffing raw spinach, etc., in there an ending up with undrinkable slug.

    with the right juicer, all greens, spinach included, is fantastic.

    i presently juice kale / spinach / collard greens / radishes / dandelion greens / cilantro and carrot, tops included.

    don't forget to go all organic, lest you ingest more pesticides.

    juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.

    That actually sounds like a great salad. Throw some grilled chicken, dried cranberries, and a nice vinaigrette on there and you have a nice, satisfying meal. Also just as healthy. And the oil in the vinaigrette will better help your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins in the greens.

    i wish i could eat it, but i can't -- just can't stomach it.

    but the juice is agreeable to me.

    that's all -- i enjoy it, and it's not overly caloric.

    ^^ Perfect reason to do it as part of a BALANCED diet. You ENJOY it. I won't lie... I enjoy a glass of juice once in a while. :wink:
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    I'm thinkin' pizza cleanse...

    Anybody? I'm totally into this idea. I'll drink juice too, double the toxin removal. Right?

    You should write a book! You could make millions.

    I'm totally on that... Screw the Twinkie diet... I got this!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    juice is good food, in moderation, and in complement to a healthy diet.

    but but but but.....

    ........juice isn't food.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    I'm thinkin' pizza cleanse...

    Anybody? I'm totally into this idea. I'll drink juice too, double the toxin removal. Right?

    I'm half way through mine right now


  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Why is OK to use the discovery of others and the study of science to;

    Power our homes
    Propel our cars
    Defy gravity and fly internationally
    Save our lives with paramedics
    Allow us to communicate and share ideas globally via this very forum

    But not to decide if a juice cleanse works or not?

    Because if you have never spent $300 on a juicer, watched a stupid documentary/sales pitch, spent $50 on vegetables to extract a cup of brownish juice, drank it, and then felt like killing yourself afterwards, you have no idea what you're talking about. YOU ONLY KNOW PROPAGANDA!

    I spent less than half that, and i have gotten more than my money's worth out of my juicer.

    I've never, ever made a brownish juice, maybe someone pooped in your glass the one time you tried it? It must be if you felt like you were killing yourself afterwards. I always feel GREAT after juicing.

    And who are these people who have never heard of gardening? Why does everyone claim veggies are so expensive? They are FREE, half the year, if you do it right.

    Well, maybe for you. But MANY people across the US (and world, for that matter) live in areas where it is not conducive to gardening. At least not on a scale where ALL of their fruit and veg would come from a privately owned and grown garden. An example is I have a friend who lives in PA -- her bylaws in her community forbid it because it can lure in wild animals. Another friend lives in Vegas where the land is sandy and would cost a small fortune to keep it watered. Yet another lives in CO (and another in ALaska) and the growing season is short. Where I live, the ground is not always the best condition even though I try. I still don't yield enough to eat even for a short period. Not to mention, many folks don't have the flexible schedules to be able to do it. It's not like the old days where a work day was closer to 8hrs and women stayed at home. Or livings were made on farms -- many of which didn't even grow readily edible food, but rather things like cotton, tobacco, or whatever. People these days live in apartments, or are in the military, or they just flat out don't like gardening. These things have to be taken into consideration.

    I second this. I live in a small townhouse with a tiny patio directly under a huge oak tree. I tried to plant a small garden one year, and there was not enough sunshine, and my plants died :( I don't think my HOA would appreciate it very much if I chopped down that tree in order to give my garden more direct sunlight.

    That being said, had my vegetables plants survived and produced multitudes of delicious, homegrown vegetables, I would NOT have wasted them in a juicer. I would have enjoyed them as part of a balanced diet. I may have even fried the okra.