How long does everyone work out per day?



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    45-60 minutes cardio, 6 days a week. If cycling, it is closer to 90-120 minutes.
    35-45 minutes weights, 2-3 times a week.
    One active rest day. (usually a good walk).
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    Lift 4x a week.... takes about 30-45 minutes (I only rest 30 seconds between sets and a minute or two between types of workouts)

    Cardio 3x a week..... takes about 30 minutes
  • I just started working out. I aim for 30 minutes. not everyday because I don't want to tire myself out.
  • sunship
    sunship Posts: 59 Member
    cardio, ergometer, 120 minutes, 1,060 cals, 6 days
  • xero2099
    xero2099 Posts: 49 Member
    I do 30 -40 minutes a day Mon-Friday and take weekends off
  • Strivetobebetter76
    Strivetobebetter76 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Between 30-60 minutes 5-6 times a week
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    For me - moderation is the key. Since I can't exercise for too long and can't do high intensity activities. I aim for cardio 30-45 min 4x/week. At the same time, I monitor my calorie intake. On the rare occasion that I eat more, I add more time to my cardio exercises.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    15 minutes sometimes, 45 minutes other times. I don't usually work out for a full 60 minutes, I get bored.
  • hunniebunn
    hunniebunn Posts: 91 Member
    120 minutes training muay thai, 3-4 days/week
    And I go to the gym 3-4 days/week, and can go anywhere from 45-90 minutes there depending on if I'm doing chest & back, abs and legs, or cardio.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    5 days a week, about 60+ minutes a day.
  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
    30-60 mins 4 -5 days a week.
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    Around 5 times a week at the gym. On days I go to the gym I'd say I'd get about 1.5-2 hours exercise in.

    Days I'm not at the gym I'd get about 1 to 1.5 hours of exercise in.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I never have a time goal, I have a set plan for every day I'm in the gym.
    Typically my plan takes about an hour and a half to finish.

    between 2 days a week at roller derby (3 hour practices)
    and at least 3 days at the gym (1.5 hours)
    I spend 10-12 hours a week on fitness.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Usually around 45 mins around 3 - 4 days a week.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    One to two hours a session, five days a week. Sometimes more. But, that is because I play tennis, which is more time consuming than,say, running or lifting.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member

    IMO...Exercise doesn't play a huge role in actual weight loss. It is only an aid to losing...but not a necessary aid.

    I've seen this opinion from a few people, and I don't understand it. I agree that exercise isn't necessary, but it is as important of an aid/tool as reduced calorie intake. To lose wieght, its


    I personally lost 25lbs last year, and I didn't change my diet at all. I just chose to burn a lot more calories than I was consuming (10-15 hrs/wk of 15-20 mph biking). I realized that over the winter, since I'm not going to be able to be as active, I have to work on the Calories in part as well. As a result, I've started to use MFP to track my intake. It has worked, but I expect to go back to eating what I want pretty soon, as I've already started to ramp up my longer weekend rides.

    I exercise but there are many that don't...they have been successful in losing. When it comes to keeping it off without some form of exercise...I think that is a different story. Most people won't or can't do the intense workouts that you did. I would love to but my body won't and probably won't ever allow me.

    I am not saying that it doesn't help. I lose through my diet and if by chance I burn enough extra calories to lose some additional...I am grateful. I hope that by the time that I reach goal that exercise will be a habit and that I am fit enough to keep progressing. Trying to maintain my goal least when exercise will be vital to doing that.

    I understand. I guess if you had written "In my weight loss program, exercise doesn't play a huge role ...", then I wouldn't have responded like I did. As I stated, each individual has to put together their plan for creating Calories in < Calories out, and you have your plan and I have mine. That's how it should work.

    Its just that I have seen others also state that exercise is primarily for fitness and secondary to calorie intake in creating an overall calorie deficit, and its just something that I feel is not correct. Both can be equally as effective, so its more of a personal choice than anything else.

    I read this article a few days might give some insight as to why some feel the way that they do. This is the link to the first part and it will give you this link to the second half of the article.

    BTW...If you will go back and read my original post you will see that I use..."IMO"..."I think" throughout my post. I wasn't trying to be a expert at this. I also referred to "my diet". I am not sure how else that I could have worded it to let someone else know that it is just my opinion and that it is what I have experienced.
  • Bun_Ya
    Bun_Ya Posts: 174
    Never longer than 45 minutes because of the cortisol. If i'm half way through a rep when my 45-minute alarm goes off, I drop the weight and exit the gym immediately.
  • webbkr913
    webbkr913 Posts: 5 Member

    IMO...Exercise doesn't play a huge role in actual weight loss. It is only an aid to losing...but not a necessary aid.

    I've seen this opinion from a few people, and I don't understand it. I agree that exercise isn't necessary, but it is as important of an aid/tool as reduced calorie intake. To lose wieght, its


    I personally lost 25lbs last year, and I didn't change my diet at all. I just chose to burn a lot more calories than I was consuming (10-15 hrs/wk of 15-20 mph biking). I realized that over the winter, since I'm not going to be able to be as active, I have to work on the Calories in part as well. As a result, I've started to use MFP to track my intake. It has worked, but I expect to go back to eating what I want pretty soon, as I've already started to ramp up my longer weekend rides.

    I exercise but there are many that don't...they have been successful in losing. When it comes to keeping it off without some form of exercise...I think that is a different story. Most people won't or can't do the intense workouts that you did. I would love to but my body won't and probably won't ever allow me.

    I am not saying that it doesn't help. I lose through my diet and if by chance I burn enough extra calories to lose some additional...I am grateful. I hope that by the time that I reach goal that exercise will be a habit and that I am fit enough to keep progressing. Trying to maintain my goal least when exercise will be vital to doing that.

    I understand. I guess if you had written "In my weight loss program, exercise doesn't play a huge role ...", then I wouldn't have responded like I did. As I stated, each individual has to put together their plan for creating Calories in < Calories out, and you have your plan and I have mine. That's how it should work.

    Its just that I have seen others also state that exercise is primarily for fitness and secondary to calorie intake in creating an overall calorie deficit, and its just something that I feel is not correct. Both can be equally as effective, so its more of a personal choice than anything else.

    I read this article a few days might give some insight as to why some feel the way that they do. This is the link to the first part and it will give you this link to the second half of the article.

    BTW...If you will go back and read my original post you will see that I use..."IMO"..."I think" throughout my post. I wasn't trying to be a expert at this. I also referred to "my diet". I am not sure how else that I could have worded it to let someone else know that it is just my opinion and that it is what I have experienced.

    Good article. I think it makes the case that exercise can play a major role in weight loss, as long as you can exercise at a level that creates a sufficient calorie deficit. It doesn’t make the case that exercise can’t play a huge role in weight loss. It does point out that there are a lot of people that aren’t able to attain the required level of exertion in order to make it the only way, or best way, for them to start a weight loss program. I couldn’t agree more. That is why I said that there are personal factors that come into play when someone choses how they structure their personal program. It may make sense for someone to go with only changing their calories in, as they work to try to slowly increase their activity level.

    This does not mean that a calorie not eaten is any more effective than a calorie burned when it comes to weight loss. They are just different sides to the same inequality (CI<CO). Choose one or the other, or a combination of both based on your personal goals, health, fitness level, time, money, etc.

    “IMO” – I have no problem with you having an opinion, but you did not qualify that opinion. You stated “IMO...Exercise doesn't play a huge role in actual weight loss”. To me, this is a general, broad statement that I infer you to mean holds true in a majority of cases. It doesn’t limit it to your experience. Even if it did, an experience of one is not the basis for making such a statement. If you were a practicing physician, dietitian, or trainer and had a wealth of experience from others as well, then you would have a basis for making a broader statement. As I wrote before, "In my weight loss program, exercise doesn't play a huge role ..." qualifies that statement and limits it to your experience. Putting “IMO” in front of something doesn’t give you carte blanche to make a statement and not expect someone to possibly voice a different one.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    I workout 3-4 times about 45-60mins
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    Never longer than 45 minutes because of the cortisol. If i'm half way through a rep when my 45-minute alarm goes off, I drop the weight and exit the gym immediately.

    I'm not sure if your joking, but if not....sorry but that's ridiculous. Please do yourself a favour and stop looking to BS scientific studies for guidance. Real world results and decades of training from countless athletes prove that the idea of the benefits of training stopping at the 45 minute mark due to excess cortisol production is ludicrous.