How long does everyone work out per day?



  • aprilflower18232
    aprilflower18232 Posts: 205 Member
    I think what mean is, is it possible to still achieve my goal if I only do 45 minutes a day....I am just afraid...
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    To the people who don't exercise: I guess I have no idea why people would want to lose weight but only be marginally healthier. Being active at least 30 minutes per day is one of the single greatest interventions you can have on your health. Are you just losing weight for looks? If so, I don't understand the mindset.

    Check it out:
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    an hour...its only 4% of my day
  • KMC1012
    KMC1012 Posts: 20
    When I do weights I end up doing about 45minutes, one minute break between reps.
    When I do cardio, do 30 minutes HIIT bike and 20 minute HIIT treadmill

    This length of time has worked best for me
  • boymom75
    boymom75 Posts: 74
    Boot camp - M/T/Th/Fri - 60 minutes @5am. :smile:

    Some Wednesdays I rest, some depends on how I feel. I also rest on Saturdays just because we are busy as a family that day.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I aim for 45-60 minutes per day but I'm not sure if I'm doing it long enough

    Midweek runs are up to about an hour, long run at the weekends is 90-120 minutes, sometimes more. Rides are generally in the order of 180 minutes upwards, rowing is generally 45 minutes to an hour. Resistance sessions are about 45 minutes bodyweight.

    fwiw the mideweek runs are generally 8-10km, weekend generally 13-18 at the moment, with an aim to increase to half marathon distance in about another 8 weeks.
  • shellbatronic
    2 hours normally, including stretch, warmup and cooldown.
  • SmokinScoobyDoo
    It all depends on what type of workout your doing.

    Theoretically you should train for around an hour-ish. Any longer and your doing it wrong or resting too long.
  • baileyan06
    baileyan06 Posts: 12 Member
    I usually do Bar Method 3-4 times per week (the classes last 1 hour). I also walk our dog for 30-45 minutes ever day.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    however long it takes me to get through my routine. slightly longer on heavy days.
    usually works out to a bit over an hour, but as stated, intensity > time
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Until the horses are fed and watered, the hay is loaded or unloaded, and the firewood hauled and/or stacked. Whatever it takes. No set time.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    90 minutes, six days a week.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    40-90 minutes 4-7 days per week...

    ...but I've had 40 minute workout that have nearly killed me and 90 minute workouts that were very easy. Time in the gym is only a small part of the story.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    1 hour 2-3 times per week.
  • Accountess
    Accountess Posts: 29 Member
    30 minutes 3 times a week (Boxing)
    30 minutes 7 times a week (walking)
    60 minutes 3 times a week (Strength Training)
    10 minutes 3 times a week (stationary bike)
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member

    IMO...Exercise doesn't play a huge role in actual weight loss. It is only an aid to losing...but not a necessary aid.

    I've seen this opinion from a few people, and I don't understand it. I agree that exercise isn't necessary, but it is as important of an aid/tool as reduced calorie intake. To lose wieght, its

    Calories in < Calories out

    If you chose to operate on the left hand side of this inequality or the right hand side, anything you do to make this relationship happen plays the same role, i.e. a calorie burned is just as important as a calorie not eaten.

    There are a number of personal factors that come into play that may lead someone to chose to eat less, exercise more, or some combination of the two (goals, time, health, fitness to name a few). I just can't buy that one is necessarily better for you when it comes to losing unwanted weight. I do beleive that exercising has addtional benefits, and that is why I chose that path.

    I personally lost 25lbs last year, and I didn't change my diet at all. I just chose to burn a lot more calories than I was consuming (10-15 hrs/wk of 15-20 mph biking). I realized that over the winter, since I'm not going to be able to be as active, I have to work on the Calories in part as well. As a result, I've started to use MFP to track my intake. It has worked, but I expect to go back to eating what I want pretty soon, as I've already started to ramp up my longer weekend rides.

    I exercise but there are many that don't...they have been successful in losing. When it comes to keeping it off without some form of exercise...I think that is a different story. Most people won't or can't do the intense workouts that you did. I would love to but my body won't and probably won't ever allow me.

    I am not saying that it doesn't help. I lose through my diet and if by chance I burn enough extra calories to lose some additional...I am grateful. I hope that by the time that I reach goal that exercise will be a habit and that I am fit enough to keep progressing. Trying to maintain my goal least when exercise will be vital to doing that.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    45 minutes-1hr 5days or 7 days per week is just fine not too much not too less :happy:
  • webbkr913
    webbkr913 Posts: 5 Member

    IMO...Exercise doesn't play a huge role in actual weight loss. It is only an aid to losing...but not a necessary aid.

    I've seen this opinion from a few people, and I don't understand it. I agree that exercise isn't necessary, but it is as important of an aid/tool as reduced calorie intake. To lose wieght, its


    I personally lost 25lbs last year, and I didn't change my diet at all. I just chose to burn a lot more calories than I was consuming (10-15 hrs/wk of 15-20 mph biking). I realized that over the winter, since I'm not going to be able to be as active, I have to work on the Calories in part as well. As a result, I've started to use MFP to track my intake. It has worked, but I expect to go back to eating what I want pretty soon, as I've already started to ramp up my longer weekend rides.

    I exercise but there are many that don't...they have been successful in losing. When it comes to keeping it off without some form of exercise...I think that is a different story. Most people won't or can't do the intense workouts that you did. I would love to but my body won't and probably won't ever allow me.

    I am not saying that it doesn't help. I lose through my diet and if by chance I burn enough extra calories to lose some additional...I am grateful. I hope that by the time that I reach goal that exercise will be a habit and that I am fit enough to keep progressing. Trying to maintain my goal least when exercise will be vital to doing that.

    I understand. I guess if you had written "In my weight loss program, exercise doesn't play a huge role ...", then I wouldn't have responded like I did. As I stated, each individual has to put together their plan for creating Calories in < Calories out, and you have your plan and I have mine. That's how it should work.

    Its just that I have seen others also state that exercise is primarily for fitness and secondary to calorie intake in creating an overall calorie deficit, and its just something that I feel is not correct. Both can be equally as effective, so its more of a personal choice than anything else.
  • f1redshoes
    Aside from the odd rest day, it's usually at least 30 minutes. At least 3 days a week, it hits 2+ hours, but it can be up to as much as 4-6 hours a day closer to shows with a lot of dancing, though.
  • ShreddingIt_84
    An hour at least!