How to start a juice cleanse?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Cleansing is very good for the body. It has been done for centuries. There are benefits to rid the body of toxic build up. It is not meant to be long term. It is a good way to start each season as well.
    It wasn't meant for losing permanent weight. It is about detoxifying the system so it works best. Depends on what type of cleanse you do, depends on how long you need to do it to have the maximum advantages.
    Please, those whom are saying it's not good, get educated.

    What toxins are they?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Cleansing is very good for the body. It has been done for centuries. There are benefits to rid the body of toxic build up. It is not meant to be long term. It is a good way to start each season as well.
    It wasn't meant for losing permanent weight. It is about detoxifying the system so it works best. Depends on what type of cleanse you do, depends on how long you need to do it to have the maximum advantages.
    Please, those whom are saying it's not good, get educated.

    Name *one* toxin that is "cleansed" that wouldn't otherwise be eliminated by the body while eating normally. Just one. A list of all of them would be great, but I'll settle for even one.

    If you can't do this, then you should take your own parting advice.
  • First, you should not go into a cleanse with losing weight in mind, but as a way to start a more healthy lifestyle. Juice cleansing is a great way to rid the toxins build up in the body and a good start to a healthy, veggie rich diet. I'm not sure how much you already drink fresh pressed juices, but I would recommend searching out a local juice bar, and trying their juices to get good recipes. They will also likely have info on juice cleanses, many juice bars offer juice cleanses, so you could go and get all the juice at their shop. While cleansing, the nutrients get absorbed as soon as you drink the juice, without the use of the digestive system. This gives your system a break while also giving it the opportunity to flush out the build up of toxins. I'd recommend getting a colonic at the beginning of the cleanse to help the flushing out of toxins, and to drink digestive teas throughout the cleanse. Getting a juicer is pretty expensive and is not really worth it unless you will be using it all of the time, even after your cleanse. Starting with a 3-5 day cleanse is probably a good idea, though most people find that it gets much easier after the fourth day. You may find that you want to continue the cleanse to a 7-10 day. Make sure that the juices you make are diverse in ingredients, and that you are getting enough greens and root vegetables. The great thing about coming off the juice cleanse is that your taste buds will have been affected, things will seem much more flavourful than they used to, its good to slowly reintroduce food, perhaps with a day or two of eating only fruits and vegetables, or a spend some time on a raw vegan diet. If the juicing is right for you, the cleanse will make you want to have a veggie-based diet. You should probably do more research yourself, or find a nutritionist that can give you more information.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    First, you should not go into a cleanse with losing weight in mind, but as a way to start a more healthy lifestyle. Juice cleansing is a great way to rid the toxins build up in the body and a good start to a healthy, veggie rich diet. I'm not sure how much you already drink fresh pressed juices, but I would recommend searching out a local juice bar, and trying their juices to get good recipes. They will also likely have info on juice cleanses, many juice bars offer juice cleanses, so you could go and get all the juice at their shop. While cleansing, the nutrients get absorbed as soon as you drink the juice, without the use of the digestive system. This gives your system a break while also giving it the opportunity to flush out the build up of toxins. I'd recommend getting a colonic at the beginning of the cleanse to help the flushing out of toxins, and to drink digestive teas throughout the cleanse. Getting a juicer is pretty expensive and is not really worth it unless you will be using it all of the time, even after your cleanse. Starting with a 3-5 day cleanse is probably a good idea, though most people find that it gets much easier after the fourth day. You may find that you want to continue the cleanse to a 7-10 day. Make sure that the juices you make are diverse in ingredients, and that you are getting enough greens and root vegetables. The great thing about coming off the juice cleanse is that your taste buds will have been affected, things will seem much more flavourful than they used to, its good to slowly reintroduce food, perhaps with a day or two of eating only fruits and vegetables, or a spend some time on a raw vegan diet. If the juicing is right for you, the cleanse will make you want to have a veggie-based diet. You should probably do more research yourself, or find a nutritionist that can give you more information.

    What toxins? Please name one.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    How to start a juice cleanse? Do not.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    How to start a juice cleanse?

    Pour a glass of juice. Drink the glass of juice and then eat as you normally would, safe in the knowledge that your liver and kidneys are detoxing your body the way they are meant to.

    Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    First, you should not go into a cleanse with losing weight in mind, but as a way to start a more healthy lifestyle. Juice cleansing is a great way to rid the toxins build up in the body and a good start to a healthy, veggie rich diet. I'm not sure how much you already drink fresh pressed juices, but I would recommend searching out a local juice bar, and trying their juices to get good recipes. They will also likely have info on juice cleanses, many juice bars offer juice cleanses, so you could go and get all the juice at their shop. While cleansing, the nutrients get absorbed as soon as you drink the juice, without the use of the digestive system. This gives your system a break while also giving it the opportunity to flush out the build up of toxins. I'd recommend getting a colonic at the beginning of the cleanse to help the flushing out of toxins, and to drink digestive teas throughout the cleanse. Getting a juicer is pretty expensive and is not really worth it unless you will be using it all of the time, even after your cleanse. Starting with a 3-5 day cleanse is probably a good idea, though most people find that it gets much easier after the fourth day. You may find that you want to continue the cleanse to a 7-10 day. Make sure that the juices you make are diverse in ingredients, and that you are getting enough greens and root vegetables. The great thing about coming off the juice cleanse is that your taste buds will have been affected, things will seem much more flavourful than they used to, its good to slowly reintroduce food, perhaps with a day or two of eating only fruits and vegetables, or a spend some time on a raw vegan diet. If the juicing is right for you, the cleanse will make you want to have a veggie-based diet. You should probably do more research yourself, or find a nutritionist that can give you more information.

    What toxins? Please name one.

    something tells me he/she will not be returning to answer your question Joff….