12pillows Member


  • I'm 5'4, lost 24 pounds in this pic :)
  • hahaha your dog in the last picture! S/he's like "wtf are you doing? pay attention to me!" Great job btw!
  • Probably water weight. If you changed up your exercise and drank loads of water your body is probably clinging to some. Keep doing what you're doing and weigh yourself once a week, in the morning, before you eat and after you've gone to the loo. Take some pictures too, it's not all in the numbers :)
  • Omg brushing your teeth prevents calories!? Totes gonna brush my teeth while ordering a takeaway tonight!!!! ;)
  • Thaaaaanks! :D I am pretty proud. Just bought some new trousers two sizes down :D yessssssssss!
  • Thank you! That's exactly what I did! Monday to thursday no excuses, then if I feel particularly energetic, or I want to eat a bit extra, I'll throw in Friday too. Had to miss out on the odd drink with pals to fit it in around work, but it's worth it in the long run :)
  • Thank you so much! Defs feeling chuffed!
  • M&S has a healthy range, I grabbed a fuller for longer chicken flatbread thing the other day that was only about 300 cals. Chain restaurants, I dunno, something like ramen at wagamamas would be about 500. Yo sushi has the calories in the menu. I don't know the area you live in, but you can look at the restaurants you like…
  • Monday to Thursday are set workout days. I find it easier to go to the gym regularly if I have days assigned so I can't say 'I'll go tomorrow' When I go to the gym I do about 45-60 mins of cardio, burning between 350-500 cals. I've also started running outside and cycling. I've started using the resistance machines too.…
  • ahhhh thanks for the support everyone! :D <3
  • I also keep litre bottles of water in the fridge so when I'm thirsty it's easier to pick water than something unhealthy cause I love really cold water :D I try to drink two a day, so I have another bottle at work too :)
  • Yeah I eat chocolate a lot too! I have dark chocolate cause I don't eat dairy, but I probably eat it 5/6 days a week! I buy a bar of it and keep in the kitchen and I break off a couple of squares and take that to my room to eat. If I want more I generally can't be bothered to get up, and if I do by the time I get there I…
  • Dunno if this is just for the UK pals, but the pizza express pizzas from tesco are great! Sloppy giuseppe one is about 600 cals for the whole thing!
  • I love oatmeal! I'm probably gonna be unpopular cause I make mine with water and just add a few (15g) of raisins to mine. I'm lactose intolerant though so maybe that's why I like it like this. One of my pals tried to make it with just water and hated it, hah!
  • Yeah I'm not really sure how to contact him. The whole thing was pretty dumb. I slipped through the system a few times and had to do the whole calling every desk in the hospital just to remind them to do the surgery. When I got discharged after the surgery they didn't really tell me anything other than, don't lift anything…
  • That's ridiculous! I really hope you report him. Sometimes I feel a bit self conscious at the gym, but I try and have the attitude of at least I'm sweating and being gross here instead of shoving my face full of burgers somewhere, so I don't expect to be judged. Reminds me of when I first started running a few years ago.…
  • This might sound cheesy but my friends! There's about 7 of my pals that I hang out with on a regular basis, and we've all decided to get healthy at the same time. Makes it SO much easier when we hang out and go to restaurants and stuff, cause there's no awkwardness when trying to choose lower calorie foods and logging it…
  • I wish there were screens on the machines at my gym! I would be able to go for ages! Sadly I'm at a budget gym and I can't afford a tablet. I am quite good at getting lost in my thoughts, imaging myself in a bikini surrounded by hot guys handing me ciders usually works a treat, but after a while I remember where I am and…
  • "Setting off now. If you haven't seen or heard from me in an hour, assume ive got lost or died and go ahead and eat everything"
  • I weigh myself everyday, sometimes more, cause they are in my bathroom and I can't help it :D I know that it bounces all over the place though, so I only really pay attention to the monday morning, before food and drink, after toilet time, weigh in. I find it nice to do it through the week as it does slowly drop and I can…
  • It will change day to day. Your body weight will change a lot through the day, I can put on a few pounds after I eat breakfast! Your body will hold water and that affects your weigh ins. I weigh myself everyday and get ridiculously different results, but I take them with a pinch of salt. I have a proper weigh in on monday…
  • wow I hate that bloody machine! I always avoid it like the plague! So far I have mostly been sticking to the stepper, that burns the most for me, 10+ a min. Also helps the legs and bum! This thread is making me want to give the elliptical another chance. I can never burn more than 7 calories a minute though, and it always…
  • I can definitely relate. I can happily watch some motivating video and read fitness articles while eating a bag of doritos. I'm feeling pretty motivated lately and I'm doing alright, but I'm only 5-6 weeks in so we'll see! The main things that are helping me this time is my friends that I regularly spend time with are all…
  • Try getting a pack of grapes and freezing them in a few sandwich bags! I find it helps when I crave something sweet and it helps when I get that 'I want to be eating' feeling. when they're frozen they take longer to eat , especially if you just suck them :)
  • wow I can't imagine working out for 12 weeks everyday! I admire your dedication! I don't want to discourage you from sticking to your plan, but 5 weeks seems a long time for no results. Did you take a before picture? If so maybe take another one and compare it now to see if it's having an effect, and like I say,…
  • Also are you taking measurements as you go? Might be encouraging if you're losing inches despite not much going on with the scales :)
  • might be worth trying to get in a proper rest day. I know it can feel lazy or like you're giving up when you take a day off from everything, but it isn't! I have my weekly weigh in day after 2-3 rest days and so far I've lost weight every week. I still weigh myself everyday cause I can't help it (I only count monday…
  • Are they not good for helping with fitness goals though? Like I said my main goal is improving stamina, weight loss is secondary and something that will come as I get better with cardio. I feel like the HRM will be more accurate than going off the machines for now, but I also want to make sure I'm putting the right amount…
  • That's awesome! It'll pick up faster than you realise. When I first started running a few years ago I couldn't run for a full minute without having to stop. A few months later I was regularly doing 5k runs without stopping :) If you stick at it the results will follow!