The secret to finding the gym.



  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    Why do you do cardio for 1.5 hours a day?????

    I wonder if your putting your full attention into your workouts.. I can barely change songs when working out let alone watch a movie.

    As Baretta said.....different strokes. By the way, this isn't a novel idea. The 24 hour ultra sport and I"m sure other gyms have screens now on the treadmills and cardio machines.

    Anyways, 6.5 mile run today, good run.....10/minute per mile average. Then 40 minutes with weights and finished with 1.5 mile on the machine. I think I sweat more than anyone in the entire gym. My buddy at the gym told me he noticed how much I sweat. I drink lots of water.

    My resting heart rate is between 42 and 46 bpm. Not bad for my age. The chart says I'm in the top category.....they call it "Athlete." Today I finished on the Elliptical watching an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. That along with 2 favorite TV shows of all time. Got a lot of episodes on my Tab. and Ipod. The gym has an Ipod hook up so what's on your Ipod can be watched on their screen. I used that a lot before I got my new Tab. Thanks.........
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    I do cardio for 1.5 hours per day and I gotta say, I prefer not thinking about anything during that time. I just let my brain turn to mush and I like it :)

    LOL....yeah, I just can't do that. Next week I'm gonna watch a whole bunch of Columbo's from the early 70s. Just finished downloading about 20 episodes to my micro card. Can't wait to watch em......which means can't wait to get to the gym.
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    I don't work for my gym, but I'll put in a plug for the one I go to. Anytime Fitness. First, it's open 24/7. Even when the staff isn't there, you can get in with your electronic key.

    But as relates to this thread, they have these really cool bikes called Expresso bikes. Check them out on or They also sell them on Amazon, but they have a high ticket price, so out of most people's budgets ($6,000-$7,000). Anyway, as you are riding them, they have a huge computer screen in front of you where you choose the course you want to ride. Anything between 1 mile and no hills to 20 miles and huge hills. As you ride, it is like a 3-D video game, and you see other bikers (computer controlled) going along with you at different speeds. When there is a twist or turn in the course, you actually have to steer your bike with the handlebars to follow the road or trail. If you start going up a hill, you see other bikers slow down, and depending on the percentage grade, the bike automatically adds more resistance. For the uphills, you either have to pedal harder, or you can adjust the gear to a lower gear (which makes you go slower, but easier to pedal to keep up your RPMs). There are about 25 different courses programmed in for you to find the one you like, and they all have a theme. There is one that is in a Jurrasic Park setting with pterodactyls and T-Rex and mammoths going around. There is one over a mountain pass with intimidating yetis along the road. There is one where you are riding on a road in the middle of deep space, a Chinese theme with dragons flying around, one that goes through a labyrinth with minotaurs, and a number of them that simply meander along the ocean or through the redwood forest.

    I can hop on and ride for 45 minutes or an hour, and time flies because it keeps your mind off of the boring stationary pedaling that traditional stationary bikes offer. And it's all connected to the internet, so I can hop on the computer and see number of miles, feet climbed, average heartrate, average watts divided by heartrate, etc. My gym even has a monthly competition on them that tracks either miles or elevation or calories or whatever and awards the top 3 people with Trader Joe's gift certificates.

    I love it, love it, love it. Before I joined this gym though, I had my bicycle up on rollers (mag trainer) in my basement. I would set up my computer in front of the bike and play youtube videos that I found when searching "indoor cycling videos". Various videos people took on scenic bike rides in Spain, Germany, Brazil, etc. and if you use a bit of imagination, it took your mind off the pedaling and almost made you feel that you were on a bike tour of some country overseas.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    1.5 hours each day???

  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    1.5 hours each day???


    Because I really like to eat.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1.5 hours each day???


    Because I really like to eat.

    most valid reason ever.

    Late Friday I was starving last year- cutting on a stupidly low calorie diet for a photoshoot prep...

    And I was so hungry I got off my *kitten* to go do cardio and lift just because I wanted more food. Shameful. LOL
  • 12pillows
    12pillows Posts: 81 Member
    I wish there were screens on the machines at my gym! I would be able to go for ages! Sadly I'm at a budget gym and I can't afford a tablet.
    I am quite good at getting lost in my thoughts, imaging myself in a bikini surrounded by hot guys handing me ciders usually works a treat, but after a while I remember where I am and want to get off the machine.

    And 1.5 hours is more than I currently do, but doesn't sound too extreme. I'm just doing cardio now, and only spend about 40-60 minutes at the gym each time, but in a few months I'm going to add strength training, so will be having longer workouts with that added on :)
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    Why do you do cardio for 1.5 hours a day?????

    I wonder if your putting your full attention into your workouts.. I can barely change songs when working out let alone watch a movie.

    HA! Ditto - I'm so full out on cardio days that I also can barely ff to the next song without falling off the inclined treadmill and on other days it's Nike Training Club app. I don't every hold on, though, to get the most out of it. He's either got the strongest core ever or maybe he holds onto the handlebars.

    Movie dude, I CAN highly recommend the Jaybird Bluebud bluetooth headphones if you need an idea for someone to get you a gift for your next bday ;) They would make your movie watching experience wireless, too ;)
  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm not a big gym user (I normally go for walks outside etc), but when I was traveling in the US, I was hitting up a lot of the hotel gyms... Most treadmills I used now have racks for tablets/magazines etc, some have screens in them, and one memorable one allowed you to plug your tablet into it, and it would play the movie on the treadmill screen. Certainly very different from when I used to regularly go to the gym a few years ago!

    I generally download podcasts to listen to while I'm working out (and for when I'm driving long distances), keep me interested instead of looking at the clock. Favs are This American Life, Stuff You Should Know and Stuff You Missed in History Class :)
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Yes, my cardio is pretty long. I run or do the elliptical between 7 and 8 miles a day. I have a routine. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday is mostly run. Monday and Thursday is all elliptical.

    Today I ran 6.5 miles, did weights, then did 1.5 miles on the elliptical. Long time in the gym today.......but I don't work out on Saturday.....I"m a Seventh day Adventist and that's the Sabbath and my only day I dont' work out. Sunday will be another big day.......7 mile run, weights, then 1 mile on elliptical. I like to sweat .....:)

    Ive been doing this for over 10 fact......close to 15. Ive gone from Sony walkmans to portable DVDs, , to Ipods, to tablets....I wonder what's next?

    Google glasses with a movie?
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    1.5 hours each day???

    Heisenberg.. is that you?
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    Yes, my cardio is pretty long. I run or do the elliptical between 7 and 8 miles a day. I have a routine. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday is mostly run. Monday and Thursday is all elliptical.

    Today I ran 6.5 miles, did weights, then did 1.5 miles on the elliptical. Long time in the gym today.......but I don't work out on Saturday.....I"m a Seventh day Adventist and that's the Sabbath and my only day I dont' work out. Sunday will be another big day.......7 mile run, weights, then 1 mile on elliptical. I like to sweat .....:)

    Ive been doing this for over 10 fact......close to 15. Ive gone from Sony walkmans to portable DVDs, , to Ipods, to tablets....I wonder what's next?

    Google glasses with a movie? golly, you could be right.
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    Why do you do cardio for 1.5 hours a day?????

    I wonder if your putting your full attention into your workouts.. I can barely change songs when working out let alone watch a movie.

    HA! Ditto - I'm so full out on cardio days that I also can barely ff to the next song without falling off the inclined treadmill and on other days it's Nike Training Club app. I don't every hold on, though, to get the most out of it. He's either got the strongest core ever or maybe he holds onto the handlebars.

    Movie dude, I CAN highly recommend the Jaybird Bluebud bluetooth headphones if you need an idea for someone to get you a gift for your next bday ;) They would make your movie watching experience wireless, too ;)

    You know, the bluetooth might be a good idea. Sometimes if the headphone wire is swinging in front of me, My arm will catch it and all hell breaks loose. The tablet gets almost knocked off the little ledge/rack and I have to catch before it ends up on the treadmill and somewhere 10 feet behind me. Thanks!

    And I don't hold on to no bars. LOL.....gimmie a break will ya.....I mean it's not that hard after you been doing it for like 15 years......The sony walkman days.........
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    1.5 hours each day???

    Heisenberg.. is that you?

    You're gotdamned right.
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    I'm not a big gym user (I normally go for walks outside etc), but when I was traveling in the US, I was hitting up a lot of the hotel gyms... Most treadmills I used now have racks for tablets/magazines etc, some have screens in them, and one memorable one allowed you to plug your tablet into it, and it would play the movie on the treadmill screen. Certainly very different from when I used to regularly go to the gym a few years ago!

    I generally download podcasts to listen to while I'm working out (and for when I'm driving long distances), keep me interested instead of looking at the clock. Favs are This American Life, Stuff You Should Know and Stuff You Missed in History Class :)

    That's the principle...something, anything to keep from looking at the clock and realize just how much I love to hate what I am doing. I usually have periods where I am on certain subjects, like World War 2 documentaries, Hitler, The Russians, all those old black and white documentaries on Youtube. And North Korea, what a living hell of a place to live. We are coming up on Summer, I usually get interested in the Charles Manson Sharon Tate murders again this time of the year as it heats up. I guess because I remember them......1969, the heat, the times, .......lots of good stuff to watch on the Manson Murders. And it's all at the own theater.
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    1.5 hours each day???


    Because I really like to eat.

    most valid reason ever.

    Late Friday I was starving last year- cutting on a stupidly low calorie diet for a photoshoot prep...

    And I was so hungry I got off my *kitten* to go do cardio and lift just because I wanted more food. Shameful. LOL

    LOL....yeah, it's pretty simple isn't it? thanks......:)
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    I watch Netflix on my iPhone unless Full House is on, then I watch that on the tvs my gym provides for each cardio machine. Perhaps I should start bringing my iPad though, bigger screen, woohoo! I find that watching something helps keep me occupied and focused on what I'm doing ( ADD much??) I do at least 60 min of cardio a week plus every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I do weight training on my arms (my legs don't need any more muscle on them if I can help it ;) thanks for the tips!
  • dorisjean77
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    I watch Netflix on my iPhone unless Full House is on, then I watch that on the tvs my gym provides for each cardio machine. Perhaps I should start bringing my iPad though, bigger screen, woohoo! I find that watching something helps keep me occupied and focused on what I'm doing ( ADD much??) I do at least 60 min of cardio a week plus every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I do weight training on my arms (my legs don't need any more muscle on them if I can help it ;) thanks for the tips!

    Netflix is a data hog for me since I have limited data of only 3 GB per month and our gym doesn't have wifi. That's another reason I got the tablet. I wish the gym had wifi, I'd probably watch Netflix more. Anyways......good luck. Thanks!