mccrockl Member


  • You might be looking for something a bit truer to the original, but I like to brown a chicken breast a bit in a pan with Pam (often with salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powder for seasoning) and then throw it in a dish with tomato sauce and diced tomatoes (with basil, oregano, and garlic), layer a bit of mozzarella on top…
  • I have a horrible time with shin splints. I have heard that the problem is common with people who land more on their heels than the balls of their feet and that working on your jogging form can help. My doctor gave me walking exercises (like walking on my toes for 20 ft then on my heels for 20ft). He also told me to start…
  • I make my own ranch type dressing. Unfortunately I don't really measure the spices. 1 cup of plain greek yogurt 1/2 cup light mayo chopped fresh parsley and chives generous amounts of onion powder, garlic powder, pepper optional: sprinkle of salt and italian seasoning
  • Swimming! I try to swim a minimum of an hour in a workout- usually more like 90 minutes- and it burns a ton of calories!
  • I am having to stay off of an injured foot right now, so I just did an hour workout with light weights and floor exercises. I could give you some of the exercises I do if you want. As far as equipment, I really enjoy having some light weights and resistance bands around.
  • Because I couldn't get myself to buy a HRM, I just started logging half of my workout so a 60 minute swim I put in as 30 minutes. It seems to do a good enough job of fixing the problem. Good luck! I definitely like logging the exercise. More calories to eat!
  • I haven't used ground turkey a ton, but when I use it in recipes that I normally make with beef I have noticed that I need a lot more spices for it to not feel bland to me.
  • I would write a formal letter and just see how it goes, accepting whatever decision is made. The landlord won't appreciate being bugged about it over and over again. You could offer to pay a deposit to cover possible extra damages. We had to pay two separate deposits for our apartment to have a pet (doubling the cost for a…
  • Awesome! Glad to hear you are already feeling the effects!
  • you look seriously awesome. good job!
  • sauerkraut- keep it away from me- yuck
  • So I didn't see anyone else suggest this, but I have found that it really helps me to not waste food if I only make three different dinners per week (each gets done twice and we eat out one night a week). I am only cooking for two and often have ingredients left over if I don't make it twice. Plus, it makes planning a…
  • I like it so far. I am still in Level 1. I find it fairly manageable (only 20 minutes so I don't feel crazy burned out by the end). That said, I am only going to do it once or twice a week. I have a lot of other workouts that I enjoy doing and I don't want to give those up.
  • Just what I needed! Dear Dr. Aist and Iowa State University, Thank you Greg for quitting without enough time for Iowa State to find a replacement for you. It is lovely to know that you can still be so irresponsible and inconsiderate at that professional level. Thank you Iowa State for then cancelling my computational…
  • Like Smokey19 pointed out pools can be great. Some pools even offer special arthritis water classes. I used to teach one at a YMCA. You might look around for some options. Good luck!
  • Definitely wow! Thanks for sharing. I have been looking for motivation to gear up again after the holidays.
  • I know this might not be what you are looking for, but don't forget to give yourself credit for those awesome days. And maybe there are even things on the binge-y days that you can even congratulate yourself about- like still drinking plenty of water or eating more veggies than you would have before. I know that for me I…
  • So... I actually love trying on reading glasses in stores. I think they often look good on me. Almost unfortunately, though, I have ridiculously good eyesight. Maybe in another ten years or so I can revisit the eye wear considerations. Ladies- I totally love all of your glasses- you all look awesome!
  • phonetic transcriptions of glossary terms for work, /bʌt ay down wɔnə/.
  • I was one of those that tried to get into it and pushed hard and ended up hurting myself. I ended up having to have physical therapy on my hip (and walked around like I was 90 years old instead of just 26.) Anyway, other people have told you to start slow and I would just reiterate that. My doctor told me that when I…
  • I try to save a reasonable amount of calories for the evening because I like to snack at night.
  • Haha, I used to hate it when the butt of my ladybug still hung over the left end. It seemed like it took so long to see him even visibly move.
  • and are my main go-tos
  • I am gonna do a green bean dish where I saute mushrooms and an onion in a tablespoon of butter. Then after those have cooked remove them to a bowl. Melt one more tablespoon and toss the fresh green beans in it. Add a cup of chicken broth and let the green beans cook until the broth has cooked off/down.Then combine the…
  • When I visit my parents, who live in the country (where there are no leash laws), I have had dogs follow me for miles. Usually, they aren't vicious, but there is always the stressful moment when you are about to find out.
  • I used to get super sick feeling with one-a-days. I started taking chewables and it definitely helped, but then I decided to try another brand of adult multis and the new ones work just fine. Maybe try out some different options?
  • I think both of the following might require special printing programs, but I thought I would share just in case and you can have a look.
  • Iowa isn't awesome, but I'm not going to school here for scenery. Have you already looked at the quality of the programs you are considering?
  • Swimming helps. With the taste of chlorine in your mouth it is hard to think about eating anything.
  • potassium helps prevent cramps doesn't it? eat more bananas?