dietcokeplease Member


  • Maybe some of us are just hungry and crabby. Thank you for the reminder :)
  • I just guess! For Bodyflow I put down 10 min of yoga, 10 of pilates, lots of stretching, etc.
  • Ick! That would probably make me gag and then I might lose my appetite. So, yeah, it could work. I've also heard about people eating coconut oil before meals and it helps; it's super yummy and makes your skin look great.
  • Oye! You're so young! Enjoy yourself. If I were in your shoes I would end it and treat it as a lesson. He's not the one for you, but you learned a lot about relationships and yourself in the process. You're holding each other back from meeting people that could be great for you and make you feel good. I'm in a sticky…
  • Love their frozen burritos! They fill you up and are usually under 300 C.
  • Welcome aboard :)
  • Is it just me? or does it seem like a decent chunk of people ask for advice on these message boards and then get mad at people for making suggestions? The nerve!
  • HAHAHA!!! That was awesome!
  • “Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” ---Winston Churchill. “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.”---Abraham Lincoln. Criticism is part of life. Good luck to you as well.
  • I love Girard's light raspberry vinaigrette too! It's great with spinach, dried cherries, gorganzola, and walnuts.
  • I think it's actually a good idea to eat before bed. It keeps your metabolism elevated while you're sleeping and actually helps your body burn calories. But like others have said, try to keep it light. Maybe eat an earlier snack/dinner and allow yourself some wiggle room to nosh a little bit before you hit the sack. Good…
  • I'm a big fan of The Bar Method's DVDs for strength training; I've never felt a burn like this from regular gym equipment and it's a female friendly workout. The New York City Ballet Workout is a favorite too. I'm having a go with Brazil Butt Lift too and I think I like it; the music is a little obnoxious. I close the…
  • My former boss was on the Abs Diet before I left and it seemed like it was working really well for him. I've heard good things about The Paleo Diet too.
  • First of all, I am tickled that mkennedym is drunk right now. B of all, maybe you could try some Mexican options when you're out? Rice, guacamole, and beans, depending on how they're prepared, are usually okay. I usually order fajitas with lots of veggies and go easy on the tortillas. You skip the flour tortillas and/or…
  • The Bar Method: Change Your Body Workout. Best investment ever!
  • My aunt tried that for a while. I don't know if she really lost weight or not, but she started acting really nutty and manic. Please be careful!
  • I get really itchy when I sweat sometimes. Is your skin really sensitive? I also get red and blotchy when I cry or swim in salt water because there's histamine in my skin thanks to dear genetics. I've noticed that since I started wearing higher quality workout clothes that it doesn't happen very often. Any moisture wicking…
  • It seems like there's a fairly large margin of calories in relation to points. My friends do WW and I could never really get the hang of calculating points myself! I wouldn't worry too much about it though. I think that if your body needs more, it will tell you. Eat when you're hungry :)
  • I agree with godsgift! Diet soda with cake mix is actually really awesome :) I first read about it from my grandpa's diabetic magazine. I've mixed a 12 oz can of Diet Sunkist orange with a box of white cake mix and topped it with light whipped cream. Tastes like a dreamcicle cake! I heard that Diet Cherry Coke/Pepsi is…
  • I'm a little perplexed by the 1200 calorie standard too. I've been getting alerts and I don't want to screw up my metabolism, but at the same time I'm a small person (5'1"), so I probably don't need as much as the average person. Right? I think that technically 1200 is the absolute bare minimum someone should attempt when…
  • Like others have said, those Jell-o shots have tons of sugar; the alcohol and the gelatinous treat itself. If you want to have a cocktail with friends when you're out, try a weaker mixed drink that's diluted with a little sparkling water or club soda. Little sips, just nurse it all night. It'll save you money and sugar.
  • That's almost exactly what I eat for either lunch or dinner each day. I've never been a jelly fan! I think I'm going to start eating it open faced and eat more fruit or veg instead of the extra piece of bread. Or just dip celery/apples in it; I feel like a lot of my calorie intake is carbs so I'd like to cut it down a bit.…
  • I love peanut butter too. It's a great source of protein, so I'm not cutting it out totally. I used to eat it by the spoonful but now my goal is to have 1 serving a day with something to dip in it so it takes longer to eat and I feel more satisfied.
  • If you try a Co-op or Whole Foods/Trader Joe's sort of store they may have reduced sodium turkey. Maybe grab some Jennie O or equivalent lean ground turkey and make burgers for a few days. They save in the fridge for about 3 days and you can make wraps or tacos later on. You can have more control over what you're eating…
  • I despise running! That's why I love The Bar Method so much: they don't like it either! I took their classes religiously when I lived in Chicago and now I have their DVDs since I moved away. Definitely check out a class if you have a studio in your area but the DVDs are fantastic too.
  • Victoria's Secret makes a yoga panty that doesn't show lines and doesn't move around. Try Lululemon too.
  • Snacking after dinner is actually a GREAT idea! It keeps your metabolism elevated while you sleep. If you have the wiggle room or have a lighter dinner, try drinking a small glass of milk. Wait five or ten minutes. If you're still hungry, go ahead nosh on something healthy. I usually like half of an apple cut into really…