eating after dinner--help!

snacking after dinner is getting me into trouble...i'm thinking about going on a "no after dinner snacks" kick for at least a week to get back on track. i've been eating great during the day and seem to rack up the calories AFTER dinner..what do you all think about this?
any advice from former snackers?


  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    HAven't tried it yet, but I heard it helps to brush your teeth right after dinner. THen you don't want to eat anything else!
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    Theres a chewing gum range from Extra- called something like dessert delights: I have tried the Mint Choc Chip Ice-cream flavour and also Key Lime Pie... It does help to curb my cravings.

    And theres always fruit of course! :D
  • susancelli928
    Everytime I want to snack, I brush and floss my teeth and drink a bottle of water..It helps ALOT
  • Nomoregut
    Nomoregut Posts: 39
    Don't starve yourselfiIf you have to eat something snack on fruit or vegetables or make a smoothie.
  • shouts12
    shouts12 Posts: 87
    It's true, go to bed early! You'll feel better, be able to have a big healthy breakfast to get the day started right (because you'll get up earlier!) Limit that mindless televisions watching.

    I've heard that one of the keys to a happy life is in bed by 8:30 and up by 5:00. I'm finding myself getting a lot more done.

    Also, I like water as a natural suppressant - drink lots in the evening.
  • Marcia_11
    Marcia_11 Posts: 143 Member
    A few tips come to mind..

    1. chew gum - have you tried Extra Dessert Delights? Strawberry shortcake, keylime pie, mint chocolate chip

    2. exercise - helps deter the appetite

    3. save 100 or so calories to have a snack so you don't feel deprived - air popped pop corn/no butter, low calorie cereal (dry), small piece of fruit
  • aprilreed67
    What has been working for me is putting in my dinner food log and closing it out for the day. Once it is finished, I know my eating is done for the day... thus, no evening snacks.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I always plan ahead to make sure that I have enough calories to have a snack in the evening after dinner. I personally don't think that there is anything wrong with eating in the evening if you plan ahead and have the calories to do it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I used to be such an evening snacker. The things that have stopped me were drinking more in the evenings, I make endless cups of peppermint and raspberry leaf tea, also watching less TV. I used to eat while I watched a film, or TV in the evening. Now we only watch it 2 or 3 times a week, so I have less time to sit around eating. I also don't buy snack food any more. If there isn't any in the house, I don't eat it! I can't be bothered in the evenings to bake myself something to snack on.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I have the same problem and I really do believe the brushing teeth thing helps - for me its the sonic care for 2 entire minutes followed by 2 full minutes using the waterpick... after 4 minutes of teeth cleaning not only are my teeth whiter, healthier and brighter but I rarely feel like putting something in my mouth.

    If I'm totally needing to munch after dinner (ie when my dinner was super early or not satisfying) I usually have airpopped popcorn for a salty treat, OR bbq flavored sunflower seeds roasted and still in shell so you have to suck on them and then hull them.

    And for sweet I do cereal is my first favorite and if I really want someting decadent -Fage Greek Yogurt nonfat with peach fruit. Its richer tasting than peach ice cream!

    Good luck!
  • aaronjarvis
    aaronjarvis Posts: 47 Member
    Here's my 2 cents......

    I've heard a lot of people saying if you eat after 6 pm, its harder on your body. I can believe this. But sometimes I also get hungry in the evening. To lose weight it takes dedication. Being hungry in my book when you go to sleep doesn't help the cause.

    If you know your going to snack in the evening, compensate for it. Minimize your calorie intake during the day. And if you have to snack in the evening eat healthy. Minimize the effects.

    Hopefully that helps you...
  • dietcokeplease
    dietcokeplease Posts: 29 Member
    Snacking after dinner is actually a GREAT idea! It keeps your metabolism elevated while you sleep. If you have the wiggle room or have a lighter dinner, try drinking a small glass of milk. Wait five or ten minutes. If you're still hungry, go ahead nosh on something healthy. I usually like half of an apple cut into really small pieces or light popcorn; it takes longer to eat and you can trick your head into thinking that you're actually eating more.

    Don't feel guilty about your late night munchies; be smart about it and make it work to your advantage.

    And if your late night snacking usually occurs when you're watching TV (as mine often does)...turn it off and pick up a book instead! Good luck!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I always crave something late at night. Not like after dinner, but like midnight-get-up-from-sleeping-and-shove-something-in-my-mouth cravings. I save myself about 200 calories a day so that I know I still have room to wake up and eat a big spoon of peanut butter or a handful of nuts.