kirili3 Member


  • Hot tea with milk can fit into that. I find that fills me up. Alternatively, five minutes of jumping jacks! Quite a few calories for food.
  • That sounds like a nice recipe, will try it. I wouldn't live off juice myself. Something about fructose and how it affects the liver (if I get more specific, I'd likely get it wrong).
  • Get into the habit of logging everything. Everything. Even the bingees. Even the individual ingredients (though it's tempting to just search for dishes) if you can. It's a really useful thing to learn.
  • garlic, onion and chili with a little vinegar.
  • Best of luck to you on your journey. I think it's important to have a growth mindset. Every attempt, even if there is failure, is a learning experience. Every attempt is progress. So don't think about recovery in all or nothing terms and intimidate yourself.
  • I think it's important to have a growth mindset. Think of weight loss as something to learn. I am trying that out now, after over a decade of beating myself up about it, and it feels good! The actions are basic enough, count calories carefully and exercise, so the majority of the battle is in the mind. I also have OCD…
  • Indeed, I found it quite difficult at first. However, MFP puts the food types we've had already in a list though so it does get easier to log those in.
    in Beginning Comment by kirili3 June 2014
  • This! Also, he sounds like maybe he had an ED but didn't realize it and thought his view of the world was worth spreading to others.
  • It's cultural. I'm from one Asian country and live in another. In both, 8 drinks a week would be heavy drinking. However, in the UK it's perfectly normal. People can have at least half that many drinks on a weeknight and not catch any flack. That said, the UK has a lot of problems with alcoholism... anyway, the point is…
  • I have anxiety problems too, and I comfort eat. I've lost weight slowly and I've got quite a ways to go. However, slow progress is better than none. Sometimes I let the anxious feelings fool me into thinking I have to go at warp speed to achieve anything, and then I realize I can't do that and get more anxious. Slow and…
  • Even if you choose to stop logging your calories, keep some kind of accountability check like weighing in and measurements. Because the "and then I gained it all back... and then some" has happened to so many people and I'd hesitate to assume that anybody is really immune to the possibility.
  • Add some grains alongside your dinner. It can be something superhealthy like quinoa.
  • I dunno, maybe it's something they start to get the sproglet saying their names and it just sticks. Stranger things have happened. Okay, I was defending it and then I saw the post of the guy one post below me. Fine, it's creepy.
  • Fair play about gay men, I just wanted to point out that the MILF/DILF thing would still be a conversation between men rather than involve (many) women. 'Bear' is a nicer term than DILF, for example :). The guy requesting to be called daddy by a stranger they met at a bar could be a total creep, but I reckon sometimes it's…
  • As MILF is often used by straight men, DILF would probably also be used by gay men. And Manther, like Cougar, isn't a compliment. Lesbians don't tend to refer to older women they're into in a mothering way, and straight women only tend to call guys 'daddy' when the man wants it.
  • For the cheese people, get some good quality cheddar and grate on the finest bit of the grater. It goes much further! If you cut cheese in chunks, then yes, that's a sad state of affairs.
  • Not to worry. People started to notice at around 30 lbs or so for me. Also, maybe you lost internal fat, which doesn't show as much but makes you much healthier.
  • I'm 24, trying to lose about 50 pounds. Good luck to you!
  • If you're eating over 1200, then it should be fine. No need to force yourself to eat.
  • I love how much cheese there is when you grate it... 6 g of powdered cheese (fancy, I know) or even 8 g of good quality cheese can go such a long way.
  • Chocolate hazelnut milk (made with hazelnut milk) is pretty fabulous.
  • I would eat more and partly it's because of plateaus. When people plateau they usually up their exercise and lower their intake for a bit to get going again. I tried eating very low cal for a while, lost some weight, and then plateaued for a year and a half because my body freaked out (I'd have normal hunger levels and…
  • You can definitely do it! Check out Divaslimsdown on youtube for some moral support. You've done a lot and you can make it the rest of the way. Keep up with your good habits and don't be impatient. Time will pass either way - whether you are doing the right thing or not. The only difference is that if you keep up with your…
  • I think you're getting a bit obsessive about calories and you're connecting it to your 'womanliness'. Honestly, I could eat 4000 calories a day. I'm trying to stick to 1200 so I can lose weight. However, some days, I can feel honestly full. Drinking lots of water throughout the day, eating bulky food, chewing food…
  • You don't need the scale. Hit your calorie goals, do your exercise, and the weight will come off. You don't need to play mindgames involving the scale every day, especially when it just affects your whole day.
  • My condolences for your loss. It is good that her family have a friend like you to help look out for them.
  • Some of it's emotional, which needs to be dealt with. I found that chewing a lot helps... haha. Also, budgeting calories for a treat. Another thing that helps is trying to hit protein goals, it's very filling. One thing I do is mix a treat food, like dumplings, with vegetables I like. So for example boiled cauliflower and…
  • Mashed squash (cut into cubes, boil, very soft) and add some tuna that has been sauteed (with vinegar, even, if you don't want to add fats) in onion and garlic, and add some chili if you like. Delicious. Do you guys get sustainably caught tuna? I need to do that.
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