Milk contains pus?!



  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    I don't drink milk anymore. I switched to an almond/coconut milk blend by Breeze. I get the sweetened and may eventually switch to the unsweetened. If you ever want to know why it has pus in it, go to youtube and watch a video on a dairy farm that got busted for animal abuse, it is why I went vegetarian 4 years ago, man is the most heartless animal on earth and I choose not to be a part of that. I will never look down on anyone who decides to eat meat, I just can't do it anymore personally.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    Chocolate hazelnut milk (made with hazelnut milk) is pretty fabulous.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
    -Henry Kissinger

    Whoever puts Henry Kissinger in jail where he belongs controls my heart. I will be smitten!

    In any case, OP, the more you learn, the more disgusted you'll be. Bugs in our food, put there on purpose, no less, and bug secretions (look up Carmine and Shellac) not to mention what gets there during processing. It's foul.

    A lot of cultures eat bugs... wait for it... on purpose!


    ETA: The point is, a personal gross out factor does not mean something isn't a viable and nutritious source of food.

    You're right, and our ancestors were probably happy to eat any rotting meat they come across during hard times, and you know what? I don't look down on anyone for it.

    But I was raised in a culture that finds this disgusting. And therefore, I want labels to tell me precisely and in clear English how many bugs are in my food, whether put there accidentally or on purpose, so I can decide for myself whether or not to override my cultural-centric disgust.

    Also, I spoke with an Indian woman once who said she didn't find it incompatible with her religion to eat eggs, she simply found the thought of eating a chicken embryo disgusting. I respected that and would definitely have respected her right to be notified of any eggs in her food.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I don't drink milk anymore. I switched to an almond/coconut milk blend by Breeze. I get the sweetened and may eventually switch to the unsweetened. If you ever want to know why it has pus in it, go to youtube and watch a video on a dairy farm that got busted for animal abuse, it is why I went vegetarian 4 years ago, man is the most heartless animal on earth and I choose not to be a part of that. I will never look down on anyone who decides to eat meat, I just can't do it anymore personally.

    Interesting statement. I would say that man is the LEAST heartless animal in the world. Do you think the cheetah cares about the suffering of the zebra as it eats the intestines first while the zebra is still alive? Do you think the beaver cares about replacing the trees it cuts down? Do you think an alligator tries to give another injured gator a helping hand? Nah, he'll probably just eat him in fact. Survival of the fittest, you do what you have to.

    All life on the planet cares about survival and reproduction, period. They will do whatever it takes to survive, including abandoning deformed offspring (or for no apparent reason at all) or killing the children of its new mates so that it can further its own bloodline instead. Nature is endlessly cruel, humans are cruel too but we are at the furthest possible end of the spectrum. What animal cares more about sustainable farming, hunting, resources, the environment in general or the suffering of our fellow humans (and other animals)? None.
  • brittanysmith513
    brittanysmith513 Posts: 44 Member
    Have you tried vanilla almondmilk? The regular almond milk is okay, but I love the vanilla! It's so creamy and delicious
  • brittanysmith513
    brittanysmith513 Posts: 44 Member
    I don't drink milk anymore. I switched to an almond/coconut milk blend by Breeze. I get the sweetened and may eventually switch to the unsweetened. If you ever want to know why it has pus in it, go to youtube and watch a video on a dairy farm that got busted for animal abuse, it is why I went vegetarian 4 years ago, man is the most heartless animal on earth and I choose not to be a part of that. I will never look down on anyone who decides to eat meat, I just can't do it anymore personally.

    Interesting statement. I would say that man is the LEAST heartless animal in the world. Do you think the cheetah cares about the suffering of the zebra as it eats the intestines first while the zebra is still alive? Do you think the beaver cares about replacing the trees it cuts down? Do you think an alligator tries to give another injured gator a helping hand? Nah, he'll probably just eat him in fact. Survival of the fittest, you do what you have to.

    All life on the planet cares about survival and reproduction, period. They will do whatever it takes to survive, including abandoning deformed offspring (or for no apparent reason at all) or killing the children of its new mates so that it can further its own bloodline instead. Nature is endlessly cruel, humans are cruel too but we are at the furthest possible end of the spectrum. What animal cares more about sustainable farming, hunting, resources, the environment in general or the suffering of our fellow humans (and other animals)? None.

    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.
  • KatherineMichelle72
    I think what the OP was trying to say was.. just the fact that she KNOWS whats in milk now makes it a turn off... I myself have stopped drinking dairy milk except in my cereal... and thats maybe once a month.. I do eat cheese and yogurt and other dairy products but I only drink soy milk now..why?? just because I enjoy the taste, it has less fat and more calcium... to each their own..
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I'll keep drinking the milk but ever since that Dirty Jobs episode I have an irrational fear of tilapia.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I don't drink milk anymore. I switched to an almond/coconut milk blend by Breeze. I get the sweetened and may eventually switch to the unsweetened. If you ever want to know why it has pus in it, go to youtube and watch a video on a dairy farm that got busted for animal abuse, it is why I went vegetarian 4 years ago, man is the most heartless animal on earth and I choose not to be a part of that. I will never look down on anyone who decides to eat meat, I just can't do it anymore personally.

    Interesting statement. I would say that man is the LEAST heartless animal in the world. Do you think the cheetah cares about the suffering of the zebra as it eats the intestines first while the zebra is still alive? Do you think the beaver cares about replacing the trees it cuts down? Do you think an alligator tries to give another injured gator a helping hand? Nah, he'll probably just eat him in fact. Survival of the fittest, you do what you have to.

    All life on the planet cares about survival and reproduction, period. They will do whatever it takes to survive, including abandoning deformed offspring (or for no apparent reason at all) or killing the children of its new mates so that it can further its own bloodline instead. Nature is endlessly cruel, humans are cruel too but we are at the furthest possible end of the spectrum. What animal cares more about sustainable farming, hunting, resources, the environment in general or the suffering of our fellow humans (and other animals)? None.

    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member

    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.

    Gee, and I was joking about people turning this into a "human shaming" thread. I didn't expect that to actually happen. In fact, I didn't think that was a "thing". I learned something new today. Thank you.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I don't drink milk anymore. I switched to an almond/coconut milk blend by Breeze. I get the sweetened and may eventually switch to the unsweetened. If you ever want to know why it has pus in it, go to youtube and watch a video on a dairy farm that got busted for animal abuse, it is why I went vegetarian 4 years ago, man is the most heartless animal on earth and I choose not to be a part of that. I will never look down on anyone who decides to eat meat, I just can't do it anymore personally.

    Interesting statement. I would say that man is the LEAST heartless animal in the world. Do you think the cheetah cares about the suffering of the zebra as it eats the intestines first while the zebra is still alive? Do you think the beaver cares about replacing the trees it cuts down? Do you think an alligator tries to give another injured gator a helping hand? Nah, he'll probably just eat him in fact. Survival of the fittest, you do what you have to.

    All life on the planet cares about survival and reproduction, period. They will do whatever it takes to survive, including abandoning deformed offspring (or for no apparent reason at all) or killing the children of its new mates so that it can further its own bloodline instead. Nature is endlessly cruel, humans are cruel too but we are at the furthest possible end of the spectrum. What animal cares more about sustainable farming, hunting, resources, the environment in general or the suffering of our fellow humans (and other animals)? None.

    You do make a good point. Not only that, but modern humans are the least heartless people on Earth. Do you think the Romans cared how many people their legions killed? The rulers used to erect statues bragging about the slaughtered non-combatants.

    But that doesn't make caring ignoble or foolish. Merely very, very rare.
  • BrookeEspinosa
    My sister told me about a documentary she watched and I never buy regular milk anymore! I buy only organic, it costs more, but its worth it.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.

    Everything we do is for survival, survival of the fittest. In this world, money provides increased mating opportunities and a potential for a man to pass forward his genetic profile. Today we have people that sit in cubicles pressing buttons and others that throw balls around a field as they dress in all manner of ridiculous costumes in hopes of making money and getting a chance and being the one whose genes survive.

    The standards you set for humanity are as reasonable as encouraging dolphins to move to land or turtles to get rid of their shells.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    So after reading about cowsmilk containing pus molecules, particles or whatever you want to call it I truly find my self disgusted by milk now. I know that milk is pasteurized and everything but no thank you on my part. I tried drinking a glass last night and found myself pouring the rest of most of it down the drain. I have tried soy and rice yet. The taste of almond milk kinda turns me off but it's drinkable and soy is soy lol....I do find it a ill bit more enjoyable than almond though. Guess I would like to know y'all thoughts on cows milk and what you all prefer.
    You realize that plants all eat animal poop, right?
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.

    Everything we do is for survival, survival of the fittest. In this world, money provides increased mating opportunities and a potential for a man to pass forward his genetic profile. Today we have people that sit in cubicles pressing buttons and others that throw balls around a field as they dress in all manner of ridiculous costumes in hopes of making money and getting a chance and being the one whose genes survive.

    The standards you set for humanity are as reasonable as encouraging dolphins to move to land or turtles to get rid of their shells.

    You're wrong. If you were right, no jobs would ever rely on tips. We are partially self-centered, but we are also partially cooperative.

    No offense meant by my bluntness, btw. I just think we are a really, really messed up species. Sort of split personality by nature.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't drink milk anymore. I switched to an almond/coconut milk blend by Breeze. I get the sweetened and may eventually switch to the unsweetened. If you ever want to know why it has pus in it, go to youtube and watch a video on a dairy farm that got busted for animal abuse, it is why I went vegetarian 4 years ago, man is the most heartless animal on earth and I choose not to be a part of that. I will never look down on anyone who decides to eat meat, I just can't do it anymore personally.

    Interesting statement. I would say that man is the LEAST heartless animal in the world. Do you think the cheetah cares about the suffering of the zebra as it eats the intestines first while the zebra is still alive? Do you think the beaver cares about replacing the trees it cuts down? Do you think an alligator tries to give another injured gator a helping hand? Nah, he'll probably just eat him in fact. Survival of the fittest, you do what you have to.

    All life on the planet cares about survival and reproduction, period. They will do whatever it takes to survive, including abandoning deformed offspring (or for no apparent reason at all) or killing the children of its new mates so that it can further its own bloodline instead. Nature is endlessly cruel, humans are cruel too but we are at the furthest possible end of the spectrum. What animal cares more about sustainable farming, hunting, resources, the environment in general or the suffering of our fellow humans (and other animals)? None.

    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.
    A better place by what criteria? And for how long?

    And if humans are the most heartless, then why are we the only species that actually debates how we should or should not treat other species?
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I don't drink milk anymore. I switched to an almond/coconut milk blend by Breeze. I get the sweetened and may eventually switch to the unsweetened. If you ever want to know why it has pus in it, go to youtube and watch a video on a dairy farm that got busted for animal abuse, it is why I went vegetarian 4 years ago, man is the most heartless animal on earth and I choose not to be a part of that. I will never look down on anyone who decides to eat meat, I just can't do it anymore personally.

    Interesting statement. I would say that man is the LEAST heartless animal in the world. Do you think the cheetah cares about the suffering of the zebra as it eats the intestines first while the zebra is still alive? Do you think the beaver cares about replacing the trees it cuts down? Do you think an alligator tries to give another injured gator a helping hand? Nah, he'll probably just eat him in fact. Survival of the fittest, you do what you have to.

    All life on the planet cares about survival and reproduction, period. They will do whatever it takes to survive, including abandoning deformed offspring (or for no apparent reason at all) or killing the children of its new mates so that it can further its own bloodline instead. Nature is endlessly cruel, humans are cruel too but we are at the furthest possible end of the spectrum. What animal cares more about sustainable farming, hunting, resources, the environment in general or the suffering of our fellow humans (and other animals)? None.

    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.
    A better place by what criteria? And for how long?

    And if humans are the most heartless, then why are we the only species that actually debates how we should or should not treat other species?

    Has seen a cat play with a mouse. Therefore, agrees. For heartless, felines win. I have no doubt they are amoral creatures who will kill anything that moves. But they also win for cuteness.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member

    "The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence."

    I'm pretty sure there was an edited version where they also sold "milk pus". *shakes head no*
  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    U guys crack me up!!!
  • ThinkInOregon
    “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
    -Henry Kissinger

    Whoever puts Henry Kissinger in jail where he belongs controls my heart. I will be smitten!

    In any case, OP, the more you learn, the more disgusted you'll be. Bugs in our food, put there on purpose, no less, and bug secretions (look up Carmine and Shellac) not to mention what gets there during processing. It's foul.

    A lot of cultures eat bugs... wait for it... on purpose!


    ETA: The point is, a personal gross out factor does not mean something isn't a viable and nutritious source of food.

    You're right, and our ancestors were probably happy to eat any rotting meat they come across during hard times, and you know what? I don't look down on anyone for it.

    But I was raised in a culture that finds this disgusting. And therefore, I want labels to tell me precisely and in clear English how many bugs are in my food, whether put there accidentally or on purpose, so I can decide for myself whether or not to override my cultural-centric disgust.

    Also, I spoke with an Indian woman once who said she didn't find it incompatible with her religion to eat eggs, she simply found the thought of eating a chicken embryo disgusting. I respected that and would definitely have respected her right to be notified of any eggs in her food.

    Since it appears my FDA link to you was missed, and you happen to want to know about bugs in your food.