Milk contains pus?!



  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    What other animal kills endangered species to the brink of extinction by hunting them just for money? That's not survival. That's just greed. At least other animals kill for survival, as we did long ago. We no longer need meat to survive. If humans were not on this planet, it would be a much better place.

    Normally, I would mock this without mercy, but as I am currently working a job where I daily see, and have to clean up after people who refuse to throw trash in trash cans, or poop in toilets, I'm inclined to agree with you.


  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Your first post has generated 6 pages so far. Good job on the trolling. :drinker:
  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    OP: if you're from Europe, the Masai people in Africa or any other population that's been doing dairy farming or herding for millenia, then chances are you'll be fine drinking milk. If you're from a population that was a hunter-gatherer population until recently, e.g. Native Australian, then chances are milk will make you ill. There are some exceptions to this, because of interbreeding, natural variation and because biology just likes to just mess with people's minds by nearly always having exceptions, but generally speaking, whether you can digest lactose or not depends on your ethnic origin. There may be other medical conditions that make drinking milk inadvisable. So if you can digest milk, it won't harm you. And the immune complexes in it are there to protect the baby cow from any illness that it's mother's immune to, at least until it's bigger (passive immunity doesn't last long but it does protect baby mammals from infection in their younger, most vulnerable years)
    Well this is interesting. I'm from Europe and I'd say about everyone drinks milk here. (Except veggie people.) Well in my country, belgium and espicially the netherlands people drink LOADS of milk. Almond milk and rice milk stuff are actually something more 'special' here i'd say. I mean, it's available in stores but it costs a ****load of money. I've dranke loads of milk as a kid, i loved it. And I'm fine :D You're not gonna die
    By the way, i've tried coconut milk with rice and i enjoyed it, the taste is pretty good. :)
  • Komodo26
    Komodo26 Posts: 55
    Your first post has generated 6 pages so far. Good job on the trolling. :drinker:

  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I tell my kids that cow's milk is for baby cows. They drink almond or coconut milk.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I love eggs, I love milk, love them, love them love them.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    OP: if you're from Europe, the Masai people in Africa or any other population that's been doing dairy farming or herding for millenia, then chances are you'll be fine drinking milk. If you're from a population that was a hunter-gatherer population until recently, e.g. Native Australian, then chances are milk will make you ill. There are some exceptions to this, because of interbreeding, natural variation and because biology just likes to just mess with people's minds by nearly always having exceptions, but generally speaking, whether you can digest lactose or not depends on your ethnic origin. There may be other medical conditions that make drinking milk inadvisable. So if you can digest milk, it won't harm you. And the immune complexes in it are there to protect the baby cow from any illness that it's mother's immune to, at least until it's bigger (passive immunity doesn't last long but it does protect baby mammals from infection in their younger, most vulnerable years)
    Well this is interesting. I'm from Europe and I'd say about everyone drinks milk here. (Except veggie people.) Well in my country, belgium and espicially the netherlands people drink LOADS of milk. Almond milk and rice milk stuff are actually something more 'special' here i'd say. I mean, it's available in stores but it costs a ****load of money. I've dranke loads of milk as a kid, i loved it. And I'm fine :D You're not gonna die
    By the way, i've tried coconut milk with rice and i enjoyed it, the taste is pretty good. :)
    I grew up drinking lots of milk as a know what they say about strong bones? I have never broken a bone, and although most of my friends have had bone scans, I have not because my Doctor says I don't need one. I have never broken a bone in my life and there are no signs of weakness...I have to give some credit to the white stuff.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    We are unique in our capacity to knowingly care about something beyond ourselves.

    As far as we know. Possibly not, though. Dolphins have been known to save human beings from shark attacks. For all we know, they do it consciously and for species preservation reasons. How do they know there are billions of us buggers on land?
    Or maybe human proportions and (from their view) clumsiness in the water trigger their "aww wookit the widdew baby" nurturing instincts.
    LOL, quite possibly but that very tendency for apparent altruistic behavior seems to strongly associate with species who also show highly structured social systems, potential self awareness and some scientists have even gone so far as to say language and culture.
    And for obvious reasons. And it nice to see the word "apparent" in there. An important distinction. But self awareness, language or culture are not necessary as dogs, for example, also produce apparent altruistic behavior without them.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I tell my kids that cow's milk is for baby cows. They drink almond or coconut milk.

    And almond and coconut milk are for baby almonds and coconuts.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    I tell my kids that cow's milk is for baby cows. They drink almond or coconut milk.

    You can't milk an almond or coconut though, how do you get the milk??
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    Everything that comes from a unhygienic factory farm will contain pus, feces, and other desirable items.... best way to stop eating the pus and feces is go Plant-Based... You don't need Milk and Animal products to get your nutrition
  • MissFlab2Fab2014
    I try to stay away from animal products as a personal choice but I mean a good burger is good, milk in my coffee *there is no greater pleasure* but... when I see videos of how they treat animals that produce all the things we love it makes me sick... we have become so inhumane.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I tell my kids that cow's milk is for baby cows. They drink almond or coconut milk.

    You can't milk an almond or coconut though, how do you get the milk??

    One has to be processed like a mofo until it is in an unrecognizable and unnatural form.

    The other you have to hack apart and stab to death.
  • Komodo26
    Komodo26 Posts: 55
    Everything that comes from a unhygienic factory farm will contain pus, feces, and other desirable items.... best way to stop eating the pus and feces is go Plant-Based... You don't need Milk and Animal products to get your nutrition

    Maybe one day I will get there...its never too late right? :/
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Everything that comes from a unhygienic factory farm will contain pus, feces, and other desirable items.... best way to stop eating the pus and feces is go Plant-Based... You don't need Milk and Animal products to get your nutrition

    TIL that plants don't have feces (lolfertilizer) or undesirable items (lolpesticidesandbugs).
  • Komodo26
    Komodo26 Posts: 55
    Everything that comes from a unhygienic factory farm will contain pus, feces, and other desirable items.... best way to stop eating the pus and feces is go Plant-Based... You don't need Milk and Animal products to get your nutrition

    TIL that plants don't have feces (lolfertilizer) or undesirable items (lolpesticidesandbugs).

    Hmm...good point
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I think you might want to consider living in a bubble...,8599,1966870,00.html
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    Everything that comes from a unhygienic factory farm will contain pus, feces, and other desirable items.... best way to stop eating the pus and feces is go Plant-Based... You don't need Milk and Animal products to get your nutrition

    Maybe one day I will get there...its never too late right? :/

    Its never to late to make a change in your lifestyle... but it isn't for everyone. My point was that if you don't like the reality of what you eat or how it is made, go Plant-Based.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    We are unique in our capacity to knowingly care about something beyond ourselves.

    As far as we know. Possibly not, though. Dolphins have been known to save human beings from shark attacks. For all we know, they do it consciously and for species preservation reasons. How do they know there are billions of us buggers on land?
    Or maybe human proportions and (from their view) clumsiness in the water trigger their "aww wookit the widdew baby" nurturing instincts.
    LOL, quite possibly but that very tendency for apparent altruistic behavior seems to strongly associate with species who also show highly structured social systems, potential self awareness and some scientists have even gone so far as to say language and culture.

    Oh nice one. Shhh, I get seasick at the mere sight of an ocean wave, don't tempt me to go join Greenpeace, not if you value their work.
    If the dolphin population became abundant enough that they had to compete in close proximity for resources, they'd form in-groups and display different levels of cooperation toward each other based on group association, displaying tribalism, nationalism, racism, just like humans do. Even if only one pod started out doing so, they would pass on more of their genes to future generations and those genes which didn't involve this extra layer of sophistication would die out.

    And if dolphins were fit enough to reproduce so much that they could fill the oceans, would they not do so? Again, the ones who chose not to would simply die out to make more room for those who did. (Unless they formed a large dolphin government that created and enforced laws to prevent it from happening.)

    And then the world would suck and be overcrowded by selfish dolphins who complained about how dolphinkind is ruining the planet.
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    Everything that comes from a unhygienic factory farm will contain pus, feces, and other desirable items.... best way to stop eating the pus and feces is go Plant-Based... You don't need Milk and Animal products to get your nutrition

    TIL that plants don't have feces (lolfertilizer) or undesirable items (lolpesticidesandbugs).

    Hmm...good point

    Haha good point! I go organic but i can't deny the fact that there is **** on all the food