I want to feel full.



  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I looked at your food diary and I didn't see anything horrible in there. I noticed your snacks consist of mostly fruit which is great but it may help to add a snack or two that is a little more filling and also to eat a little more at breakfast. If you spread your calories out it may help to tame the hunger.Try adding different foods and see what makes you full. For some people it's more fiber, others more protein etc.

    As far as eating everything on your plate maybe you could try serving yourself less and saving leftovers for lunch the next day. Try not to think of it as wasting food but as saving money.
  • TheLostMermaid
    Try eating six small meals a day. That way you can eat all day.
    Within these meals make sure you are having a protein and the meals are balanced.
    Next, try chewing slowly. Sounds silly but the slower you chew the more time you give your stomach to get full.
    Drinks lots of water. And try Green Tea :)
    Green Tea is good for numerous reasons.

    Good Luck!
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    It gets better. Once your body is used to eating less each meal, you won't feel quite as hungry as you used to.

    For example, a weakness of mine is pizza. I could eat 4-5 slices with a beer or two no problem in the past and then I would feel "full." But after going on MFP for a couple months, I find that 1-2 slices with some salad greens and a big glass of water makes me as full and nearly as satisfied.

    And even if you leave the table not quite full, after about thirty minutes or so you may find that you feel totally fine. It gives your body time to realize that it ain't gettin no more!
  • Fentyman
    Fentyman Posts: 58 Member
    Will power comes into play too! You have to decide that you are fed up with the way you look or feel and even though you don't feel full, you're still hungry... YOU ARE NOT GOING TO EAT ANYMORE!!!!!

    I'm hungry right now as I type this, but I'm doing intermittent fasting, I have a goal and I'm sticking to it! Find a way to stay motivated! For me it's watching Youtube videos with guys like the Hodge twins! They crack me up and keep me motivated to stay in the gym and watch what I eat.
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    With a meal, I often eat 5-6 servings of very low cal veggies (cauliflower, or green beans, etc) just steamed and then with mrs. dash. I like those steam bags from the freezer section. I also drink 2 glasses of water. Then after I eat that, I eat my "meal". This gets rid of the hunger.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Thank you everyone with your replies. More than I expected. My diary is now open too. I thought it had been all along! ooopppss!!!

    Different responses and people being in the same boat as me. I am going to look into more about emotional eating because I think that is just me!! my calorie goal is 1870 which is higher than what MFP put me on in the past at only 1270 which killed me!!
    I work in retail so I am on my feet all day and have one 30min lunch a day which doesnt bother me too much because I am far too busy to be thinking about food (I usually have to force myself to have one, again just not feeling hungry!) its usually when I am at home and want to eat EVERYTHING, again not because I feel hungry the wont feel full afterwards.

    Time will tell, like I said its only been 20 days. Im in this for the long run. Just trying to get my head round it all now!

    I think you're on to something there. Two things I would suggest. First, when you are at home and thinking about food all the time go for a walk or do something else to keep yourself busy so you're not thinking about food. Second, it wouldn't hurt to get your hormones checked for any imbalances because that could have a lot to do with your appetite and not feeling full. When I have PMS I eat everything in sight unless I keep myself busy, really busy.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    I think you need to first determine if your balance of foods isn't allowing you to get that full feeling or if you are dealing with BED. From the sounds of your first post, it sounds like the latter. I have been fighting BED with my doctor's help for the past year. The only caveat is that my BED is often triggered by my PMDD. My doctor and I spoke about all the contributing factors and we determined medication was a good route for me. Its not for everyone but it really helped me get my emotions in check and control my need to binge. We have a lot in place for a natural approach so that my mind and body are not contingent on the medication. I meet with a therapist, stay on top of my workouts ( super important), Meet with my doctor monthly to monitor my blood sugar, . cholesterol, etc. and work with a nutritionist. Its a lot of work but I knew I couldn't conquer it on my own. You have been given a lot of great advice such as upping your veggies, fruit and etc. and how to determine the difference between hunger and just wanting more food. Its important to balance your meals to control your appetite. Have you tried adding in some higher intensity workouts? These can often curb appetite but will greatly help with mental state. Remove the trigger foods. If your issue is that you are binging in private, become more social! Or make a phone call, anything to keep you busy. I know its tough but one step at a time and writing your feelings down is a really good step!

    Good luck!
  • vellablu
    vellablu Posts: 10 Member
    I have a problem with binge eating as well. I eat until I can't breathe and am slowly trying to teach myself when I am full. It is all mental. You are used to eating a certain amount of food, so when you eat less of it, you think you aren't hungry and need to keep eating.
    What I've been doing with my meals is learning to NOT finish them. I know damn well I am full more than halfway through, so I make it a point to ALWAYS leave some food on my plate. Even if it is just a simple floret of lettuce (like last night) on my dish, I am teaching myself that I don't need to eat EVERYTHING on my plate. I am hoping this will slowly make me realize I don't have to eat as much as I used to, to be full.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I've found that when I add more veggies and fruits that are very low cal I tend to stay full longer because I get to EAT MORE! lol.

    My snacks for today for example - an apricot, a mini cucumber, and baby carrots for under 70 calories total and it is 2+ cups of food.

    Protein and fiber are important for feeling full as well.

    I'm trying to keep away from 100 calorie snack packs because they never seem to fill me and therefore I eat MORE calories trying to get full. I'm not anti-processed food at all, but my body seems to be satisfied more with foods that have needed nutrients.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    Some of it's emotional, which needs to be dealt with.

    I found that chewing a lot helps... haha. Also, budgeting calories for a treat. Another thing that helps is trying to hit protein goals, it's very filling. One thing I do is mix a treat food, like dumplings, with vegetables I like. So for example boiled cauliflower and broccoli along with those dumplings. Find stuff that goes well with other stuff, basically, and try to make some of the stuff lower calories and have lots of it!
  • blastbeat78
    blastbeat78 Posts: 31 Member
    I also binge eat and can easily get through 5,000 calories on those days. Despite losing nearly 50 pounds I also never really feel full and I love having big meals. I have a HUGE appetite! Eating small meals throughout the day has never worked for me. It always leaves me wanting more which makes me obsess over when I can next eat and what I can have. I’ve combated this by following the 16:8 protocol of fasting. By eating all my calories in an 8 hour window I feel more satisfied which curbs my cravings. Good luck!
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Try eating more satiating foods and perhaps fewer meals. (...) Experiment with what and how you eat to find what works for you, but you don't need to go hungry or eat daintly little portions to lose weight.
    What he said. The good thing about flexible dieting is that you can tailor your diet to fit you.

    Some people can learn to be happy with small portions, but I tried for about five years and it just never worked. My weight was stable but I was miserable, eventually said "eff it" and started getting fat.

    I've found a more sustainable approach is to learn to satisfy my hunger (for real, not pretend) without going crazy on cals. Fewer meals, more filling foods, etc... It's pretty personal though, I've seen at least 12 different theories (including my own) as to what "filling" means and can think of counter-examples to all of them.

    Feeling a bit hungry is okay too, but only if there is an end in sight. I make sure my last meal of the day leaves me feeling stuffed and it makes it way easier to tolerate being hungry the rest of the time.
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    I don't mean this to sound snarky at all but try different stuff too. I could down 2000 calories in a sitting with no problem but am FULL when I eat 300 calories from a turkey burger and a big bowl of broccoli. I often think I will want another as I am eating it but by the time I get to the last bite I am just done.

    It's not a cure but is helps to shift to really dense food like the above. There's simply no way for me to gain weight if I only eat the above. I can not physically put that much food in my body right now.

    Bingo, this guy said it first! If you stuff yourself with a crapton of veggies AND get some lean protein, you will not dive into the higher 2000 calorie meals. Quality broccoli (2 cups) and chicken breast (1 cup 8 ounces) will be under 500 even with spices. Good luck!