I used to fall into this category, in this case if you only eat leafy greens and chicken, that is a large amount of plain chicken lol
I have faced both, still facing the second, I think both are a test of willpower, after weight loss the debt situation seems easy. I learned a lot about willpower :)
I definitely am glad I had one!
Congrats, I had one too this year in march :)
I was in your boat... just takes motivation and consistency. You can do it if you want it :)
flavored waters use the same fake sugars and artificial sweeteners...
I have been drinking them for years, back at 327 and still now in the low 180s, my abs are coming in and I drink more than 3 a day... I don't think it affects weight loss in my experience. I may get cancer but I will deal with that when the time comes... :)
I need a gym myself, I lift weights. I run outside because luckily I live in CA. I do however still want a treadmill but its low on the list since I can always go to the gym when its really hot or rainy, i don't think it ever gets too cold here where a long sleeve thermal wont cut it... Why not month to month for the gym…
Motivation :)
Bad advice if your losing weight since they are high caloric dense foods... Try cucumber and pickles? anything less calories to fill yourself up when you cant get past not eating... Focus on your goal, I had to tell myself that if I gave in it was wasting all my effort, and it usually got me to persevere...
I am willing to bet there is a miscalculation of calories if your weight hasn't moved in 3 weeks. Hardly anyone wouldn't lose at 1200 calories a day.... I weigh my food still and used to also use a measuring cup to limit myself to 1 cup etc.
Focus on your goals, if your motivated then knowing that MFP helps you should guide you back daily :)
stick with mfp and tracking until you can make the choices naturally and you will be fine :)
It is an often debated topic but... Lifting heavier weights, and lower reps is typically used for strength. Lifting lower weights and higher reps helps build endurance. Lifting higher reps and promoting endurance often leads to "larger" muscles as the cells adapt and store more glycogen and water. In my opinion its…
Willpower and finding less calorie dense foods!
I agree, just do it! Start in local neighborhoods, work your way up to major streets, or just jump in and run right by the mall! Smile knowing your improving yourself, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks! I realized it wasn't a big deal when I saw other runners, overweight etc, and I just thought "good for them!"
I do, I had surgery to help this year but I don't regret any of it! I would rather have loose skin than be big! At times it was frustrating but your life will continue to improve, and surgery is always an option if you cant stand it.
Focusing on your goals... I tried to reflect on my decisions as often as possible, and every time I tried to weight it against my goal... Is that cookie worth it? Is it better than what I am after? Keep counting calories and you can afford to feed your cravings, and it keeps it limited. I also found staying aggressive lead…
Protein and Fats are suggested minimums to hit each day, extra are just calories, stay under calories and your golden :)
In my opinion, people are stressing too many opinions and minor details... everyone is different. Recommended weight loss by medical professionals is 1-2 pounds per week, it is possible to lose faster and slower, but everyone makes it too complicated for people new to losing weight. Truth is keep your calories under what…
Just worry about your total calories, you will be fine :)
I averaged 3.15 pounds per week from 307 to 200, I've been under 200 for the last 2 years. I averaged a little over 2.65 last month. This month is starting slow, closer to 1.5 but I expect it to speed up (last weekend was BAD :) ) I am not necessarily recommending this but I was willing to make the sacrifices and I always…
I stretch before every workout whatever muscles I am using. I didn't in the past but it left me with a lot of injuries. I try to stretch each muscle for at least 30 seconds before the workout.
do some resistance training and eat more protein :)
Its funny but shaving leg/other hair keeps it less moist and helps alot. Additionally compressive running underwear solved it for me. Ive been there and I remember the pain...
Awesomeness! That is cool :)
I often do that when trying to chose what to eat to see how it works with the rest of my day :)
Mixed Grip, and dry your hands, depending on the gym maybe someone has chalk you could use? heh
its easiest if your exercise is something you enjoy doing so you can get lost in it for hours regularly! Maybe its hiking, walking the dog, sports, swimming, etc. Try to stay as busy as possible and give everything active a try. I stress these as when you are busy burning calories, your less like to be consuming or…
Congrats! I think... :) That's funny because I never was heckled but had the same fear... I now run shirtless, my chest and waist scarred from surgery to remove skin and at first feared comments. None yet, 1 person noticeably stared but I just ran a little faster and smiled after I passed him :)