new and frustrated

I really need to lose alot of weight but have a hard time because i love food and not thrilled about exercise. I could use support and any advice you can give to help me get started


  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    I struggle to lose weight and even more so cos i have PCOS but since ive cut down my carbs as of this week the weight is dropping off for once. I cant do much excercise cos of health problems but feel free to add me.
  • boofire622
    boofire622 Posts: 20
    thank you.
  • confusedtracey
    confusedtracey Posts: 19 Member
    i have just joined the app on the phone really helps, cos i forget i have eaten things !! but now as i eat i put it on the phone. i have been to zumba but didn't lose any weight but started swimming and it's working. and i don't have to weight to carry, maybe you could try that. good luck xxx
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's really about changing habits and not being too hard on yourself.
    I love food too, I think the reason MFP has worked for me is that I started with a small deficit (set to lose 1/2 pound a week) and didn't set out to deprive myself too much. I rarely eat "diet" food - just moderate portions of real homecooked food. Portion sizes have been the key for me.
    You say you don't like exercise - but it looks like you have a dog? Walking him everyday is great exercise. If you combine thatcwith eating the right amount, there's no need to do more unless you want to.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    I think this is how many of us get here, we love to eat. I do not plan to follow any specific diet, I plan on eating healthier and being concious of what I eat. I also do not buy junk food for the house, I do not need it and neither do my children. Also you do not need to cut food out of yor diet, you need to eat regularly just smarter. I snack all the time but it is on healthier foods. MFP has also been a big help. I do like to work out and even if you are not workig out make sure that you are doing something to move, even just going for a walk.

    We are here for support!
  • boofire622
    boofire622 Posts: 20
    thank you everybody
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    I really need to lose alot of weight but have a hard time because i love food and not thrilled about exercise. I could use support and any advice you can give to help me get started

    That's good. Loving food will make it easier. Loving healthy food that is. With proper nutrition, you will end up losing weight, eating more and stay full longer. You don't even need to exercise.
  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi there!

    I feel your pain. . . I've been on here a little more than a month. Lost 10lbs after 1 month - I weigh in twice a month on the 1st and 15th so I don't get discouraged by little or no weight loss. Looking forward to Sunday's weigh in!

    My number one (and two!) pieces of advise are log everything (if you bite it you WRITE it!) - yes the phone app helps SO much and Two, unfortunately you HAVE TO exercise! I know I know I didn't want to hear it either. BUT YOU HAVE TO FORCE YOURSELF AT FIRST - YOU HAVE TO!!!! In a months time, I have gone from someone who did not work out for 10+ years because I hated to sweat (since I got married) and am now looking forward to my evening workouts on my at home stationary recumbent bike.

    I only started out with 15 minutes very slowly, and am up to 45-55 minutes per day on that darn thing at 16 - 18 miles per hour and loving it! A very sweet friend got me an IPod shuffle as a gift and incentive to work out. That IPod has made A WORLD of difference. I am of the age of cassette tapes (yikes!) so this was a fantastic gift and truly has helped me get into working out. If you don't have one they are only like $45.00 - well worth it.

    Please friend me if you want - I'd love to be able to encourage you!

    You can do this - believe me if I can at 50 years old (WHEN did that happen???) and 275 lbs starting weight and disgusted, you can too!

    Ann Marie
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    its easiest if your exercise is something you enjoy doing so you can get lost in it for hours regularly! Maybe its hiking, walking the dog, sports, swimming, etc. Try to stay as busy as possible and give everything active a try. I stress these as when you are busy burning calories, your less like to be consuming or thinking about consuming calories!
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    The easiest exercise is simple walking. Just keep going a little farther each day. As your stamina increases, walk a little bit faster. A higher heart rate burns calories quicker.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Nothing wrong with loving food! I'm motivated to exercise so that I can eat that much more. Measure everything, get a food scale if you don't have one. Walking, as another member said is great. Go with a friend or bring your i-pod. I load audiobooks onto my ipod for running, but I started out walking. Find exercise you like....maybe tennis, baseball, volleyball...something and do it!
  • boofire622
    boofire622 Posts: 20
    thank you. I will definitely add you
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    It's really about changing habits and not being too hard on yourself.
    I love food too, I think the reason MFP has worked for me is that I started with a small deficit (set to lose 1/2 pound a week) and didn't set out to deprive myself too much. I rarely eat "diet" food - just moderate portions of real homecooked food. Portion sizes have been the key for me.
    You say you don't like exercise - but it looks like you have a dog? Walking him everyday is great exercise. If you combine thatcwith eating the right amount, there's no need to do more unless you want to.

  • boofire622
    boofire622 Posts: 20
    Thank you everybody.
    I had a doctors appt today and was told that I am borderline diabetic, having some other problems and really need to lose some weight. My doc recommended this page to help me.

    My biggest problem is that I have no motivation, although I have tons of support from my partner.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    Small steps, small changes - give it time and don't give up - we have all been there in one form or another - hang in there!
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    get a lot of friends (encouraging friends) on MFP and NEVER give up all the foods you love! Some things you do have to say good bye to but you will not miss them if you replace them with other foods you love. I LOVE chocolate and refuse to give it up...fortunately semi sweet chocolate morsels or dark chocolate have become tastier to me than the ole milk chocolate bars I used to chow down on. I haven't had a french fry or real potato chip in years....but when I go to Subway I will have the baked chips. I think everyone is different so I don't believe that you have to give up carbs or go low depends on you!! And unfortunately...exercise should be a part of your daily routine....even if it's 5 minutes of jumping jacks at a time or dancing while cleaning the house! There are ways to move that don't require going to the gym. I am 6 pounds from my goal weight and just now started exercising seriously...I really don't love it either!! :( I refuse to pay for a gym membership so I bought a kettle weight and some free weights and I practice yoga a few times a week...find something you like to do! Here's a quick 100 calorie burning workout that only takes a few minutes....40 jumping jacks, 30 crunches, 20 squats, and 10 push ups. It's not easy at first but it gets easier! Good luck to can do this!! :)
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    Ooooh some great thoughts here. I agree that finding something you enjoy doing that is physical is HUGE. The other part to that? Schedule it into your day - an appointment you must keep! Once you make an excuse not to exercise, it is becomes easier and easier to make more excuses.

    As to your diet - ie eating habits - take it a day at a time. Personally I found that if I deprive myself of all the treats, I fail. But.... by tracking what you eat, knowing what that "treat" has in it and how much extra effort/exercise you will need to do to negate that treat might be the very thing that keeps you from eating it. Case in point? I went to Subway, got a healthy sandwich and one cookie... one cookie? 200 calories... sooo not worth it but a Frozen Fruit Bar? 70 calories? Yep that was a better choice.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Hey! Not a big fan of exercise myself :) Start with a diet change and introduce more intimidating things at a later date :) I lost my first 15lbs by food alone, and i ate more than i did when i was bigger :)
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Weight loss can seem very overwhelming at first. Take it slow.
    Start by logging everything and seeing what you are eating and where the calories are going
    Then make small changes. Instead of pop try water, and gradually introduce your body to healthy eating. None of us gained weight overnight and we can't take it off right away.
    Exercise does get better if you give it time. Im sure alot of people didnt like it to begin with (which is why so many people are overweight!).

    One day at a time, focus on making good choices for today.
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    I love to eat, too and I absolutely love to cook. I've modified my recipes to be healthier, or if they can't be modified I look for alternatives. I don't deprive myself at all. I'm never hungry and I eat more than I did before I started this life-changing journey. I exercise daily and I have begun to look forward to my morning aqua aerobics class and my evening workouts, too. I'm even planning to go to the gym and take some fitness classes for the first time in my life. Start slow and keep chugging along! You can do this, you just have to find the strength within you to fight for your health. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Best of luck to you :)