karenmi Member


  • M-W-F I'm up about 4:15 am to be at bootcamp by 6. Gotta have breakfast (protein shake) before I go so that's why I have to get up so early, plus I don't have time to shower afterwards so I have to do all my preening before I work out. Besides the gym that the boot camp is at is really grungy and I wouldn't want to shower…
  • Please send me a Friend Request If you have changed your daily calorie intake according to the TDEE calculator....I did as of today and have added 500 calories a day and admit I'm a bit freaked out! Maybe we can compare our results together.
  • Thanks so much, "jzammetti" and "petstorekitty"! It sounds like your journey is similar to mine, so I will immediately change my daily intake to 1800 calories (holy scary!!!) and give it a few weeks. I just started a bootcamp two weeks ago and while I'm working out the same number of times a week I'm working out way harder…
  • I have a similar question....my TDEE is 2173 - I'm a 49 yr old female, 5' 3", 158 lbs, moderate activity (do a 60-min bootcamp 3 x a week and a brisk walk on the treadmill for 30 or so mins 2 x a week). If I want to lose 15 lbs then I should keep my daily NET calories at 1847, correct? On my boot camp days when I burn…
  • I just joined a bootcamp 2 weeks ago and am going 3 days a week at 6 a.m. until the end of June. I'm not working out at my regular gym on bootcamp days, that would be way too much and I'd be exhausted. As it turns out I LOVE the bootcamp, best $400 I've spent on fitness in years! Sure I have to get up by 4:30 a.m. to be…
  • Sometimes, but I get over it really quick!
  • What about a bootcamp-type workout? My heart rate gets way up there for almost an hour in my bootcamp class, where I'm getting a full body, functional type workout and I burn about 150 calories/hour more than when I was walking on the treadmill at a level 9-ish incline for 30 minutes and lifting for 30 minutes. And it's a…
  • Oh, and I forgot to add that if you really want to exercise you'll find the time....I do a bootcamp class 3 mornings a week at 6 a.m. and usually get out for a good walk/hike once a week. Yes I hate getting up at 4 a.m. but it's worth it. Good luck on your journey!
  • Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle and, as "SteelySunshin" said there at lots of benefits from it besides aiding in weight loss. You don't have to kill yourself at the gym but at least get out and walk, hike, ride a bike, garden, play....you will feel great!
  • Take some raspberry ketones/ green tea/ hoodia/ extract of virginal white monkey and the weight will fall off because you're doing everything right. [/quote] ^^^Hilarious!!!!!!!
  • I'm a big believer in cognitive behaviour therapy vs taking anti depressants and can speak from first-hand experience that it works. I have mild OCD (obsessive thoughts and anxiety) that I was able to overcome with the help of a great therapist. Drugs do help some people but can also be like a bandage, just masking the…
  • This! So glad I live in Canada where I don't have to worry about encountering people carrying guns while just out and about.....
  • Something to keep in mind that what you do the other 23 hours of the day is more important than the one hour you spend at the gym. If you can't make it to the gym then be active at home - play with your kids, go for walks with them, etc. Just move as much as you can. Even doing housework and gardening will help keep you…
  • I have been where you are so completely understand! When I first started MFP and exercising 3 years ago I would have a lot of anxiety while walking on the treadmill. Not quite a panic attack but almost. It's a terrible feeling! I agree with the person above who recommended cognitive behavioural therapy - it totally worked…
  • This was a great show, really thought provoking! Since it aired I've been getting up from my desk every hour and doing two laps around the office floor, instead of sitting for 2 hours or more at a time. It's really made me think about what I'm doing the 23 hours a day I'm not at the gym!
  • So envious....my parents lived there most of the 1990's, moved from Calgary, Alberta there when my Mom was transferred by her employer. My Dad graduated from the University of Arizona 50 years ago and I still have family living in Tucson. I love Arizona, it's so beautiful there!!!!!
  • Try a full-body functional core circuit workout, that will get your heart rate up and give you a great cardio workout! See here: http://www.paulplakas.com/bodcast-episode-7/
  • I'd suggest investing in a heart rate monitor (around $100), as you'll get a much more accurate reading of the calories you're actually burning, and how hard you're working (e.g. your hear rate). I have a Polar FT4 and never work out without it!
  • I thought that the whole "fat burning zone" and "cardio zone" thing was a myth? I've read lots of articles on this over the past few years.....
  • Invest in a heart rate monitor and then it doesn't matter.......I love my Polar F4, never exercise without it!
  • How about Quinoa? It's a seed, not a grain, and is a good protein source. Google "Breakfast Quinoa" for recipes.
  • You rock!!!!
    in dogs Comment by karenmi January 2013
  • Three rescued doggies - a husky mix, a lab mix (in my profile picture) and a funny little Mexican street mutt! These are our "second generation" doggies; the last of our three "first generation" pups, a doberman mix, passed away last November. All those were also rescues. We love our doggies!
    in dogs Comment by karenmi January 2013
  • I don't know if I have a secret, but here's what my smoothie has in it: 1 cup water, 1/4 to 1/3 cup unsweetened light coconut milk, 2 scoops brown-rice protein powder (contains some Stevia), 1 TBSP ground flax seed, 1 TBSP hemp hearts, 1 cup frozen peaches. Very yummy...the peach is sweet enough that I don't need to add…
  • Quinoa is a seed, not a grain, and seeds are really good for you. I love it for breakfast, in salads for lunch and for dinner instead of rice or potatoes. Yummy!
  • Yes of course, mango! I will buy some next time. I saw some frozen pineapple too, might try a bit of that (I'm borderline diabetic so an watching my GI foods). Avocado is great in smoothies....I also put kale in mine - you can't taste it but it's really, really good for you. Thanks!!!
  • Welcome to MFP! I've been here for almost 3 years and love it, can't imagine my daily routine without it. Add me as a Friend if you like.
  • Do not hang on to the front or sides of the treadmill while you are walking on it. You're cheating yourself that way! If you have to hold on because you are walking too fast or have too high of an incline then dial it down a notch. Also if you are only doing a "0" incline then the machine is doing most of the work for you.…
  • So let's see if I get what you're asking....you can't work out for the next few days so you're worried that you won't lose weight just during those few days. Correct? If so then a few days is nothing, if you're in this for the long haul (e.g. a lifestyle change). I would not obsess over missing exercise for a few days,…
  • Or get a heart rate monitor and wear it while strength training, then you'll know for sure. I never work out without my Polar! Also I have customized my exercise entries, I don't use any of the ones MFP offers.