

  • Anyone?!
  • My daughter is 18 months, but I'm determined to lose it and I am as well 200..well 201 to be exact so feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • I have the Zumba Rush for the Kinect and I am trying to also lose my baby weight from little over a year ago..I waited so long hoping it would fall off. ;) Day 1! :)
  • Came across this post and even though it's a bit old, I have attended 2-3 Zumba classes at the gym and loved it so I bought Zumba Rush for the Kinect. Hoping to start tomorrow and take pictures since I haven't been too good at staying on track! I have a wedding to attend to NEXT SATURDAY! lol so add me if you want to help…
  • Ok so now I just need to subtract the calories for sugar because I'm using a zero calorie sweetener then I need to look how many calories light miracle whip has, thanks. Light Miracle whip = 1184 Now, I just got to divide it into servings lol
  • What do you do as far as exercises and how often? I'm about the same size, but losing motovation.
  • Did it tone you up and burn fat or just burn fat?
    in Slim-in-6 Comment by davis22b July 2011
  • Thanks! I do have a work out dvd called slim-in-6.
  • I have an ab gym thing, so you can do crunches then turn your hips sideways and target your sides, but i feel like i'm wasting my time lol
  • I would like to share my experience at the doctor today! I got a B12 injection which is not the same as B12 vitamins like I had thought. B12 injection has about 5 different vitmins plus 2 fat busters. It does not speed up my motabolism. I go once a week for a shot so I will let you guys know Monday if I lost any. She says…
  • Have you noticed any weight loss with the injections or do you seem more energized?
  • A lot of people cut out fast food's, but it's so convenient when I'm a single mom on the go all the time. Plus I think grilled chicken is delicious and for some reason salads from places always taste better then the salads I make :)
    in NSV..kinda Comment by davis22b July 2011
  • I rather take B12 vitamins, I heard those help with weight loss. Well I'm going to try a B12 shot vs the vitamins. Has anyone tried the B12 vitamins?
  • Oh I didn't waste money on them! They were given to me lol and yeah I know what you mean about the shakyness, certain ones made me feel that way too!
  • thanks! and i ended up not even eating the side salad so that's my dinner @ work tonight plus some watermelon! i go to the doctor tomorrow about my weight so i'll keep everyone posted!
    in NSV..kinda Comment by davis22b July 2011
  • It sounds similar to slim fast, which I love having in the morning. :smile:
  • I enjoy smart ones strawberry shortcake. :blushing:
  • I have quite a few exercise videos, but I enjoy doing the wii fit more. It keeps track of my weight lose (even though their scale is a little different then mine) it still says I'm losing and I believe the wii and kinect are similar!
    in Your Shape Comment by davis22b July 2011
  • I weigh myself every day sometimes twice a day, just to see if how I eat is keeping my on track. Obviously I drink A LOT of water so if I do gain - I hope it's water weight, but it helps me stay on track with what to eat and what not to eat and I also keep my own personal journal to help me.
    in The Scale Comment by davis22b July 2011
  • good job!! keep it up, i wanted to look into zumba for the wii, but haven't gotten that far yet. I have tons of work out videos I should be doing lol
  • Such a difference! good work and keep it up.
  • Hi everyone, Jess I am in the same exact boat as you! I have a 7 month old daughter, I was about 175-ish before I got pregnant and I was up to about 220-225lbs or so. Right now, according to the wii (which is different then my gym scale) I'm 215. I could definitely use help to shed these lbs! My issue is when I was on…
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