Opinions on diet pills?

Yah or nah?

What's everyone think about them? Does anyone use them?

I will take 2 if I feel like I'm really hungry because call me crazy, but I think it helps me not feel AS hungry then I don't stuff myself.


  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    NAH. i've tried different ones and always give up by the end of a week because they make me feel shaky and/or ill.
    i don't want to have to depend on a pill to keep me in moderation for the rest of my life.
    if i can lose the weight on my own without a pill, i'll be able to keep it off without a pill, too!
  • nurse_carolyn
    not a fan.......I think there are too many have health risks......liver/kidney damage. Honestly, I wouldn't take anyones advice here on MFP, maybe you should talk to your doctor
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Save your money. Diet pills are crap, only healthy eating and exercise works in the long run.
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    NAH. i've tried different ones and always give up by the end of a week because they make me feel shaky and/or ill.
    i don't want to have to depend on a pill to keep me in moderation for the rest of my life.
    if i can lose the weight on my own without a pill, i'll be able to keep it off without a pill, too!

    ^ Same here.
  • dshiemke
    dshiemke Posts: 24 Member
    Nah. I was always afraid they'd mess up my metabolism or I'd get dependent on them or something. If I'm starving I have a cup of coffee or an apple.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member

    I didn't gain weight taking a pill, and so the weight certainly isn't going to come off with a pill...

    Diet and exercise is the only way... when I am feeling munchy and snacky I practice self control or i Chew a piece of gum.

    Diet pills are BAD! Bad bad BAD!
  • thebamboophoenix
    thebamboophoenix Posts: 58 Member
    Hmmmm, i've been really tempted by these recently....just to give me a kick start....did a pile of research into them and whilst I'm still sorely tempted at times, the evidence for me is lacking and I think on the whole it's a nah from me.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    The only one I'm willing to take is Alli. I took it on and off for most of my "journey". I'm not really sure if it worked though, because I was hardly regular with it. I just got to the point a few months ago where I completely forgot about it, and I haven't taken it since. I'll admit that my weight loss had slowed, but it's probably just because I'm smaller and have less to lose now. Other than that, diet pills are a no-no for me.
  • davis22b
    davis22b Posts: 31
    Oh I didn't waste money on them! They were given to me lol and yeah I know what you mean about the shakyness, certain ones made me feel that way too!
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    No diet pills.........not worth it. You can do this without that!: )
  • davis22b
    davis22b Posts: 31
    I rather take B12 vitamins, I heard those help with weight loss. Well I'm going to try a B12 shot vs the vitamins.

    Has anyone tried the B12 vitamins?
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    Ok no no no no! Please don't waste your money. Granted these pills do have some ingredients that will help your weight loss but there are tons of ways to do without. The garbage that's its in them will do more harm then good. Here are supp that will help you lose without taking in terrible chemicals.

    Cla- fatty acid
    Fish oil - fatty acid
    Green tea extract- metabolic support
    Caffeine- metabolic support (moderate dosage)
    L carnitine- opens pathway for fat to be burned. (more scientific just don't want to confuse)

    Take these to help. Fat loss can be done strictly with diet and exercise alone. I've reached 5% bf in 6 months time again and again. First time it was from 18% bf. And never took one so called chemically filled fat burner. There are some that are legitimately but you need to know your stuff to determine which ones. Most legitimately ones include. The supp I name above. Don't waste our money time or your body on any of that stuff please. :) stay motivated!
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    not a fan.......I think there are too many have health risks......liver/kidney damage. Honestly, I wouldn't take anyones advice here on MFP, maybe you should talk to your doctor

    Excellent advice...your doctor knows you...and knows what would work best for you!

    If your just still hungry some times have you thought about buying fibre cookies?? or even making some and putting them in the freezer and you can nuke them when you want a kick?

    Another alternative is eating a teaspoon of oat bran fibre...its like licking dry wall dust, but filling HAHHAHAHAH
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I wouldn't ever try OTC ones. But last summer, my doctor prescribed some appetite suppressants. She wouldn't give me more than a few months worth. But they did help kick start my weight loss. She stressed I really needed to make real changes or the weight would come back on once I went off. So it helped me transition into the changes I needed to make.
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    hpygirl64ColleenLinder Posts: 146 Member
    Step away from fads, diet pills, hcg, etc. and stick to unprocessed, lean, raw, foods. There is no safe and healthy quick fix out there.

    Feel free to friend me anyone here for some positive food for thought & tips left on my page daily. If your a FB'er then would love for

    you to "Love" my page at www.facebook.com/colleenlinderfitness, thanks guys and dolls! Colleen
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    The only thing I take is the one that really works: Allí. It prevents your body from absorbing some of the fats that you eat. Works great, and I have trouble losing weight without it. The downside of it is that you HAVE to maintain a low-fat diet (less than 15 or 20 grams per meal) or the side effect is very unpleasant!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Cla- fatty acid
    Fish oil - fatty acid
    Green tea extract- metabolic support
    Caffeine- metabolic support (moderate dosage)
    L carnitine- opens pathway for fat to be burned. (more scientific just don't want to confuse)

    Actually, I've noticed a lot of diet pills have all these supplements. My mom bought a bottle of "LeanSpa" that I seriously considered taking just because it was only green tea extract, acai berry extract, and a little caffeine (about the amount in a cup of coffee). But, it still screams "diet pill" to me, so I've stayed away.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    The only thing I take is the one that really works: Allí. It prevents your body from absorbing some of the fats that you eat. Works great, and I have trouble losing weight without it. The downside of it is that you HAVE to maintain a low-fat diet (less than 15 or 20 grams per meal) or the side effect is very unpleasant!

    Not the only downside. While not common, they're finding that Alli/Xenical may be related to severe instances of liver damage. It wouldn't surprise me, it seems they all get recalled for being dangerous eventually. I considered Alli, but because I don't have a gallbladder, I was told it would be dangerous for me to take it. Glad I didn't.

  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I rather take B12 vitamins, I heard those help with weight loss. Well I'm going to try a B12 shot vs the vitamins.

    Has anyone tried the B12 vitamins?

    I get monthly B12 injections--not to aid in weight loss, but because I'm deficient and my doctor advised I should get them (never been overweight in my life, btw)

    I recently found out that the Dr. Bernstein "diet" is just B12 injections...

    When I'm having a piggy day and fear I'm going to eat every thing in site, I'll *sometimes* resort to popping an ephedrine, but that's about it. I used to be horrible and eat certain weight loss pills like they were candy, but that ended up doing quite a bit of damage in the end...
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142

    Cla- fatty acid
    Fish oil - fatty acid
    Green tea extract- metabolic support
    Caffeine- metabolic support (moderate dosage)
    L carnitine- opens pathway for fat to be burned. (more scientific just don't want to confuse)

    Actually, I've noticed a lot of diet pills have all these supplements. My mom bought a bottle of "LeanSpa" that I seriously considered taking just because it was only green tea extract, acai berry extract, and a little caffeine (about the amount in a cup of coffee). But, it still screams "diet pill" to me, so I've stayed away.

    Congrats to you on your weight loss! Problem with most people is they want a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change not a one time deal. For people who are experienced and have the self control for dieting. These are just aids in which to help be more efficient. All of the supps. I named can be obtained from whole foods. Sometimes the dosages that you would need would be harder to obtain this way. I believe that two supps are absolutely perfect and healthy when dieting. Fish oil and a multi. You will benefit so much from just these to. Not just in losingweigjt but your overall health. The others are aids for those who need to give there plan an extra boost. All are natural supplements just concentrated from real foods. Of course taking anything you should always check with your doctor first. But if you are a healthy individual he will probably tell you that you will benefit greatly by doing so.