

  • Started 197 now 160 - Out of Morbidly obese next goal 150 - out of obese 130 would make me very happy as an end point though I would probably be ok with 140.
  • I was worried too. I have lost about 40 lbs and my cup size hasn't changed but my ribcage measurement has. Was a 38DD now a 34DD. So everything stayed proportional.
  • My guy and I still both have ours open and we have been together for 4 years, We can look at out friend's posts on there (my sister often sends me profiles to preview for her), we send each other winks and pickups from time to time to be cute. Neither of us is trolling and neither is worried because we have a great,…
  • I don't know but I am 5'1" and 5-6 mph is way faster than I can walk and much faster than that I am flying in the air. My partner is 5'11" and his stride is soo much longer than mine he is hardly winded when I feel like I am hauling *kitten*. No fair!
  • Socialize socialize socialize! They are very sweet talkative dogs. Don't be fooled into thinking the shedding is only 2x a year - the massive blizzard is 2x a year but the shedding is consistent. Seasonal professional grooming to blow out the coat helps a lot.
    in DOGS Comment by lunula76 November 2011
  • Yucca is a starchy root vegetable. I think it is high in potassium. Tastes a little like a plantain and a potato got together.
  • You sound like me. I haven't figured out a complete fix yet but I can tell you some things that have helped a lot. One - I have worked hard to get more into my breakfast and lunches. Daytime is when you need more energy so give it to yourself! Don't waste your calories on stuff that won't fuel you. Protein is for breakfast…
  • Shirataki noodles and seafood! Eggs and low fat yogurt. Goat cheese - way fewer calories than other kinds of cheese.
  • Lately I have been enjoying poached or sunny side up eggs over greens or rice with veggies. A little spicy like siracha drizzled on top makes it extra nice!
  • 5'1 1/4" started at 197. Current 158. Goal 120-130. I thought I was large framed - I certainly do have broad shoulders etc but I am finding the more weight I lose that I am perhaps not as fundamentally large as I thought. I've already gone down 4 pant sizes.
  • They sound fantastic! Can't wait to try them! Thanks :)
  • This is a really good point. Physician guidelines recommend no more than 1-2 lbs weight loss per week. The folks on the biggest loser and shows like that have way more weight to lose than you do and when you are starting at a 150+ weight loss it will come off more easily at the beginning. 5 lbs a month is awesome!
  • Hi, I'm about 35 lbs in to a 70 lb weight loss. Nothing has ever worked before for me either. I think what is making this work now is that I am working really hard not to compare anything I am doing with anyone else. And not getting too down on myself when I don't have a good day. In the past I have really beat myself up…
  • Or dice and toss with diced tomatoes and a little grainy mustard mmmmm
  • Try avocado breakfast pudding - sooo yummy!!!
  • I actually just asked a registered nurse midwife about this last week. She said that there is no conflict with losing weight while trying to conceive but she said you should not go beneath 1200 calories a day and once you are pregnant make sure to consume no less than 1600 calories a day (not including exercise calories -…
  • I would say try to walk for a half hour 3 or more days a week. If a half hour is up and you don't feel like you are dying keep going. Don't try to jog if it is beyond your comfort zone. When I started I could barely walk 10 minutes up my road. I tried to push too far too fast and I injured myself - more than once. Which…
  • Its super easy! You shouldn't have any trouble. Oh but don't try back paddling until you are feeling really steady. :)
  • I completely understand being frustrated by your bodies limitations and wanting to work harder and do more. I really want to be able to run or jog but I am just not strong enough yet. I have a bad back and I may never be strong enough to handle running. It is easier with the weight loss but I couldn't even run for a half…
  • I've just started SUPing. Not on the ocean yet though but it is so much fun, I love it!
  • I hated it when I first tried it. Tried it again years later and now I love it. I even brew my own at home now! Its full of probiotics and good stuff but there can be a small amount of alcohol in it so it helps to be aware of that.
  • My Boyfriend is on it too but he doesn't rely on it as much as I do. I don't think it bothers him but I do sometimes feel like a jerk when I am out with friends and using it. My friends son now asks if he can put my food in every time I eat in front of him :)
  • Hi, feel free to add me. I am in MA just below Brattleboro. I just turned 35 too and have a similar background to you as well. Have a great day!
  • I think I know what you are talking about. The second I know I cannot eat anything I am a complete madwoman - I think about stealing food, rationalize a million different ways to have food without ruining things, I get mad. Really mad. Advertisements for food are jerks and if my poor boyfriend wants to eat something he is…
  • We have this lovely little tool that turns veggies into noodles. Zuchinni, carrots and cucumbers are my favorite. There are two machines the spirooli and the saladacco. Prices range from $19-40. You end up with a gigantic bowl of "pasta" for less than 100 calories!
  • I agree. Punishment is what you do to yourself that prevents you from being as healthy as you deserve to be. You don't deserve punishment for struggling. find a reward that really excites you. Maybe a new outfit at the hot size you will be right before you travel.
  • I would LOVE to do this but I couldn't really do it completely. I have to fill up my gas tank about every 4 days and sometimes things come up where I unexpectedly have to buy things for a client or pay parking. I could probably get around the parking but the gas no way. I don't know if it would really count then. What do…
  • I have a horrible period - even on continuous birth control. I was recently turned on to the anti inflammatory diet and that seems to be helping. Other things that seem to make a difference - drink insane amounts of water. I mean it, irrational…
  • I think that part is just for tracking what weight and reps you are doing. For calories search strength training under the cardio section. It doesn't give you the option of how much weight you are working with but it gives you a ballpark calorie count.
  • I think about it all the time! I have 3 sisters but none of us look anything alike or like anyone else in our families. I have been overweight since I was 7. I can't imagine what it will look like or what it will FEEL like!?! When there isn't a pad of fat between me and everything I touch. When there aren't several tires…