T.O.M question

I really hope this is not TMI for anyone, If it is im sorry but i need to see what i can do to help my water weight and bloating, Ive never been regular with my TOM since i had my son 5 years ago, I guess its bc i gained a lot of weight and threw off my cycle. However ever since ive started losing weight ive had my TOM.. Its Pretty ANNOYING!!! and i am always bloated, Even though im still losing i still have my really bad days, Is there anything i can do to help this?? and the gain that i have with it, I bounce from 1-4lbs every few days with this and im starting to get down!! Ive been to my doctor so save all that lol.. he just says i need to do birth control but i want another child so he said it will stop once its ready... I need copeing methods and a way to help ease my bloating and water weight gain from it.

Thanks MFP's :)


  • roaritstay
    The same thing happens to me during my period, I usually gain about 1-4lbs. To help the bloating, avoid salty foods and dairy, eat bananas, take some midol, and a lot of whole grains :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Drink a lot of water, do some cardio, and for me, the lower the weight I got, the less symptoms I had. But as far as bloating or cramping, doing cardio helps me.
  • lunula76
    lunula76 Posts: 38
    I have a horrible period - even on continuous birth control. I was recently turned on to the anti inflammatory diet and that seems to be helping. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/PAG00361/anti-inflammatory-food-pyramid.html

    Other things that seem to make a difference - drink insane amounts of water. I mean it, irrational quantities. Dairy shouldn't effect bloating unless you have a dairy intolerance of some sort but avoid processed high carb foods like breads etc. brown rice and potatoes will serve you better on those days. I find avoiding heavy and fatty foods helps a lot. Try adding fish oil to your diet and fish will be a better protein source than red meat or even white at that time.

    On the other hand don't you love when its over and you get the magic unveiling of your actual weight!?!

    Good luck
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Drink a TON of water, and cut back on your sodium. I used to look pregnant every month from the bloating, but it's not as bad now. Cramps, now that's a different story.... I have not been able to get rid of them. Hubby hates it because monthly I beg him to kill me.
  • moPOETRYtion
    Double your daily water intake. It sounds like it would make the bloating worse, but it actually does the opposite. I also try to avoid high salt, fatty foods like fast food (even though it's usually all I crave during TOM). Both of those things have really helped me. Some months if the bloating is really bad (like so bad my pants are too tight) I'll take an over the counter diuretic. But that's a last resort if more water isn't helping.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    To help with bloating you want to increase your potassium. Eat a banana, add spinach to your salad, green grapes are also a good source. And yes cut back your sodium you want to be between 1500-2300 on normal days. So during TOM stay closer to 1500.