katyk00 Member


  • CW: 148 GW: 140 Height: 5'7" Age 28
  • Running my first race (an 8K) this weekend and am going to do a half marathon in March. I would love some supportive running pals
  • @liveinthemix it isn't hard to start at all!! I hated..I mean HATED running, what helped with C25K is that they build in walk breaks to build up your endurance. So it doesn't seem like you're making much progress until you get to the later weeks and you're able to run for 15, 20 minutes without stopping. You'll be hooked
  • Hi everyone! After hearing the horrible commute stories I feel bad admitting that I live 5 minutes away from my Fed Job in DC. But, I'm 27 and recently gotten excited about running after avoiding it forever. Thank you C25K, I'm down to my last 4 lbs and excited about my first race next month.
  • I would suggest Morningstar Farm's Italian Sausage....soooo tasty, great flavor and all around awesome
  • WOW I almost ate this very thing last night! lol I talked myself out of it, because I thought.....you can't eat oatmeal at night....LOL well I won't be making that mistake again
  • I had a Body Pod test done 2 weeks ago and I'm at 21.4% with a goal of 20%. I'm a pear shape too so the pants sizes stoppped decreasing so BF goals seemed like the way to go
  • I'm so glad I found this post! I'm running my first race ever, an 8K, in December and I know these tips will save me!! Thank you so much!
  • I'm currently doing Bridge to 10K and have signed up for an 8K in December. I would def sign up and go for it, you might surprise yourself at how well you do!
  • I recently finished C25K and I am working on Bridge to 10K. I start week 2 this week and have an 8K scheduled in December. This thread is a great idea, there doesn't seem to be a ton of support groups for the inbetweeners (ie 5Kers and Marathon runners). My 5K pace is 10:30-11:00 m/min
  • You can use a BIA (Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis) machine, it's what trainers at gyms will use too. You can by them online
  • I just started Week 1 Day 1 yesterday so I'm so happy to see a thread for this! I'm currently between 10:30-11:00 min/mile and would love to maintain or get faster for the 6 miles. Never being an endurance runner, the thought does scare me a bit lol
  • Thank you for the calculation, so helpful!!! I just got my BF% tested this morning at 21.4% so this thread was perfect
  • I'm kicking myself for not taking measurements when I started but....my size 12 work pants were getting snug and I believe I was wearing an 8 in shirts... Currently: Bust-34 Waist-28 Hips-39.5 I'm about 5 lbs from my goal weight so it doesn't look like my hips are gonna come down any further, currently size 10 in pants…
  • I use Cardio trainer and the gps is pretty accurate. I like that it measures your pace so I can keep track
  • BUMP so much awesome information. I was wondering if you ladies have an advice on swim suits for pears??
  • I'm starting Week 7 this week and I'm half excited and half scared. W6D3 was not easy, that 25 minutes of running was rough going in the middle, but I'm proud of myself I only stopped for 15 seconds to tie my shoelaces
  • I've tried the vanilla and the strawberry flavors. The strawberry one was MUCH better than the vanilla
  • I love this topic! string cheese and spelt pretzels fruit 1/2 serving PB and slice of bread chobani or fage 5 oz greek yogurt Kashi TLC bars Fiber One 90 cal brownie or Oats and Chocolate bar (soooo good!) one cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal
  • Hello everyone! I'm 5'7" and I started off at 165 lb. My profile pic shows me back in January before I started MFP, I haven't taken any recent pics, but I'm now down to 148 and trying to bust past this 3-4 week plateau I've been in. My goal is 140 lbs and I have a medium frame. I think the most frustrating part is that I'm…
  • Kashi Go Lean (original), Fiber One Honey Nut Clusters, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Life (Cinnamon), and Kashi Go Lean Crunch Berry
  • My go-to bread is Pepperidge Farms 15 Grain Bread. 100 cals/slice, 5 g protein, 20 carbs, 4 fiber
  • So after reading what the OP said I'm thinking that the problem is the whey powder. I get HORRIBLE gas too, it all seems to come out when I'm working out, especially when I'm on the treadmill. I feel so bad for the people around me. But, the point I wanted to make was that I'm lactose-intolerant so I only mix my whey with…
  • I am definitely part of the club. Down to my last 5-10 lbs and its been 3 weeks. And no downward movement at all, very frustrating. My diary is open, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  • I agree it depends on your frame/where you carry your weight. I started at 165 and I think people started commenting once I hit the low 150s. SO like 15 lbs, but most of that was from my face/torso which I guess is obvious for people to see.
  • I recently discovered in a article/thread on MFP that a diet high in potassium actually does a better job of counter-acting the effects of a high sodium diet. If you search the threads you'll find them. After reading it, I started tracking potassium and noticed certain foods with high sodium also had the same amount of…
  • Started Week 3 and I walk at 4.0 5% incline and Run at 5.2 1% incline. Some of my weeks I'll be outside so I wanted to build up my stamina so I could handle it.
  • Ah yes the dreaded pear shape!! I've lost 18 lbs now, started off size 12 and am now a whopping........10!!!! lol This past friday I took my measurements and my waist and hips have stayed the same for a month now (28 in and 40 in respectively) and my bust has decreased ANOTHER inch.....I was annoyed lol. The LAST place I…