debdptg Member


  • That is a great idea, thanks. Posting the amount walked each week is a good way to keep track for myself, too! Is anyone going to use a device? Pedometer? HRM? And are you taking anyone with you? My dog is a given, but I might get the kids motivated a bit - maybe the man if I promise to talk dirty while we walk...
  • Lunch is my big meal of the day. I usually get food from the Chinese deli in my building, then eat at my desk. Teriyaki chicken, steamed veggies, fruit, maybe a little seafood salad. Tasty. I try to keep the calories below 500 (it is my big meal of the day!).
  • I eat a crappy breakfast. Most mornings, I eat dry cereal (strawberry shredded wheat) while I am driving to work, then have a bit of cheese after I get to my desk. I do not know how anyone gets up early enough to cook a breakfast! I would love ideas of better foods that I can eat in the car. They must be finger foods, not…
  • Hi - Deb from Seattle. I just got back on the wagon after a few months of self-pity. Thank goodness it only cost me 5 pounds this time, usually my self-pity is much more pound-intense! Anyway - I am just starting out and making an exercise plan. My body hits plateaus quite easily, so I thought I would do cardio for a week,…
  • If I get conflicting information, I go here: This is the govt website on nutrition - I figure it is as neutral as it can get.
  • When you change your calorie in/calorie out system thru changes in your diet and exercise, you change your metabolism. If you then stop doing what ever you were doing (diet and exercise) and don't reset your metabolism, then you will shift your body weight. So, knowing this, how do you lose weight and then get back to a…
  • Hey! I'll join you in that challenge - maybe it will help keep me on track during the holidays. I just barely made it through Halloween with all that damn cute candy (if it is in a small enough package, it doesn't have any calories, right?)
  • I am 52 and have a lot of weight to lose. I am on MFP to learn a new lifestyle, not to diet and then go back to what I was doing before. I have trouble with the motivation at times, but find the camaraderie and information to be a great benefit for me. So, back on the wagon I go...
  • OK - I'm in. Starting weight this morning 275.6 Goal by Sunday, January 1, 2011 - 250.6! Ack! The pressure!!!!
  • Sounds like what you are talking about is Zig-Zag dieting. Generally, you count your net calories for the week and not for each day. Some say this helps kick start your metabolism - I don't think its a bad idea. Remember, you are learning to eat, not diet. This are the things we will face in the real world. Good luck!
  • Fabulous baubles
  • Back attcha, 15956655. Welcome. What is your name?
  • I peeked at your diary - it looks like you are doing ok on the calories, but maybe you are not eating enough protien. Make sure you are getting the right amount of protien when you are exercising so much because it will help you build muscle (which burns more fat). Also, don't get discouraged. I lose weight in chunks. I…
  • The food totals are almost always entered by a person - and their reliability varies greatly. I usually check the values and if they are reasonable, then I use them. Also, using the scanner on my smart phone is FABULOUS to get the correct nutritional values into MFP. With the exercise, you know that the calories burned are…
  • I can understand the scale being wrong - I'm never sure the doctor's scale is right. But, how do you think that you are 6'1'' when you are 5'9"? That seems a really basic thing to notice about yourself...have you shrunk?
  • I think I snack for many reasons - habit, custom, comfort. But, I have found that if I don't plan and control my snacks - make them official - then I will eventually cave in and do something stupid. So, I guess I snack so I can control what I put in my mouth.
  • That is funny! You meant it to be funny, didn't you?
  • Personally, I really find whinning to be cathartic. Seriously, one thing that I know is that I will never loose weight on a diet, but only when I learn to eat smart in the real world. And, the real world had McDonald's and Pizza Hut in them. What I am learning is how to navigate those minefields without loosing the battle.…
  • If you are hungry - then you body wants fuel. First, eat something with lots of fiber, like an apple, before you go to the other food. It will make you feel full. Then, make sure you are drinking your water - if you are dehydrated, it may make you feel like you are hungry. Last, pack some 'good' snacks and hide them away…
  • Oh, that is me! Especially the dirty part! Oh, and the laughing, and the silly. That too.
  • I love bread but I am always worried about eating it cuz the calories and carbs don't seem to outweigh (pun intended:laugh:) the benefit. I like the look of that Oroweat light, though. I will check it out. Thanks much!
  • I'll take the love - it comes at a good time for me. Thanks for the motivation...
  • I love the bar scanner - that is fun! Plus, I find that being able to look up a food BEFORE I eat it often changes my mind when I am out and about. Hard to eat a burger after you find out it has 1200 calories - the steamed shrimp is much more appealing then.
  • It is a tool, like any other. It is invasive, and life changing (good and bad), but it is NOT a cure all. Do your research, but even after you have this done it is possbile to gain and hold a lot of weight. You still have the same issues with eating right, exercising right, etc. I had it done, and lost a lot of weight, but…
  • Can't see your diary, so I can't offer any specific advice. We all get stuck - the scale has been moving in the wrong direction for me for over a week! But I encourage you to not get discouraged, just get determined. Educate yourself on what your body is telling you. I find that zig-zag calories helps break my plateaus.…
  • There are a lot of good folks here to help you along - I'll send you a friend requests.
  • Sorry - gravity has been very cruel to me and I don't know of anything that helps. If you find something, post it and help us all out!
    in Saggy boobs Comment by debdptg July 2011
  • backhanded compliments are still compliments. I think you look fabulous in hour pj's!
  • Dude! I don't even have a belt yet. That is an awsome happening...