Small Non Scale Victory...

So I was hanging around shirtless in some pajama pants I hadn't worn in months last night when a friend called and asked if she could swing by. She'd gotten into an argument with her roomate, and wanted to vent. I told her of course...and when she got here, she immediately began looking at me kind of oddly. Eventually I asked her why the funny looks, and at first she kind of blushed and looked away, then told me it was because I looked really good, nothing like last time she saw me (about a month prior...backhanded compliment anyone?). Pretty cool deal there lol.

Anyhow, it wasn't until this morning when I put the same pajama pants back on, that I realized the drawstring was STILL tied from the last time I'd worn them (and that was tied tight...they barely slipped over my hips)...sometime in early April. VERY cool deal there lol =D.


Anyway, just thougth I'd share! If I can get results like that in just a few months...there's no reason most of you guys can't either!


  • RDTaylor13
    RDTaylor13 Posts: 160
    Congrats. from that pic. it's not a small NSV.
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    backhanded compliments are still compliments. I think you look fabulous in hour pj's!
  • DorGam
    DorGam Posts: 15 Member
    I agree with RD! That's no small NSV! You are doing great and look great too!
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    good job!

    so did she jump your bones?:laugh:
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    Wow thats pretty awesome bud.
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    good job!

    so did she jump your bones?:laugh:

    This girl just made me crack up. hahaha

    But congrats, dude... "Do work, son!" lol (Yea... being deployed sucks. lol)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Thanks guys!! It was really just kind of funny last night...I mean I know I've done a lot of work so it just made me kinda smile. It was this morning when faced with the visual proof of the results that it really made me smile lol.
    good job!

    so did she jump your bones?:laugh:

    Haha Casi...that would be a no =D. That would so have not been a smart move on my part lol.

    But I think she might have if I'd tried =D.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    good job!

    so did she jump your bones?:laugh:

    This girl just made me crack up. hahaha

    But congrats, dude... "Do work, son!" lol (Yea... being deployed sucks. lol)

    Casi is pure awesomeness, trust me lol.

    And yeah...I bet being deployed sucks! Thanks for it though...because of you guys, single Dads like myself are free to be at home taking care of their kids.

    It means a lot.
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88

    Casi is pure awesomeness, trust me lol.

    And yeah...I bet being deployed sucks! Thanks for it though...because of you guys, single Dads like myself are free to be at home taking care of their kids.

    It means a lot.

    Hooah, man... proud to serve.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Uhhh cause you look hot! Lol congrats
  • sweetsapphire85
    That is pretty amazing, congrats. I'm sure your girl will need to stop by again soon by her reaction. :blushing:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    That is pretty amazing, congrats. I'm sure your girl will need to stop by again soon by her reaction. :blushing:

    Thanks hun lol.

    And as for my friend...noo no no no. That would be just about the second biggest mistake in my life lol. Sweet girl, very pretty...but I SO could not handle the drama fest that is her life on a daily basis lol.
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member

    But I think she might have if I'd tried =D.

    :drinker: pretty sure that counts lol
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    But I think she might have if I'd tried =D.

    :drinker: pretty sure that counts lol


    Wait, counts for what lol? =D
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Wow, Wow and Wow again.......:happy: Jaw is now on the Floor! Eyes Popping Out!

    Well Done You. wey to go.....You'd come along way over the months and you look Scrumptious!

    I got goose bumps now....:tongue:

    Seriously...Well Done. You're a Role Model for Everyone Out There Trying to Loose Weight. Proud of You!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Wow, Wow and Wow again.......:happy: Jaw is now on the Floor! Eyes Popping Out!

    Well Done You. wey to go.....You'd come along way over the months and you look Scrumptious!

    I got goose bumps now....:tongue:

    Seriously...Well Done. You're a Role Model for Everyone Out There Trying to Loose Weight. Proud of You!

    Aww! Thank you hun!