diets make people gain weight back



  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    When you change your calorie in/calorie out system thru changes in your diet and exercise, you change your metabolism. If you then stop doing what ever you were doing (diet and exercise) and don't reset your metabolism, then you will shift your body weight.

    So, knowing this, how do you lose weight and then get back to a reasonable lifestyle and maintain it? From what I have heard, it is in moderation. Slowly. That is why they say that the weight you lose slowly stays off best - because you haven't shifted your metabolism as much.

    Just my thoughts - I obviously haven't been able to put the theory into practice yet - but I am still trying.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    If a person joins MFP and eats whatever they want as long as its within their calorie goal and are set to lose, they probably will lose. They may even lose that extra 80lbs. If the same person decides to stop using MFP and stops staying within their maintenance goal, they will gain and continue to gain if they choose to ignore it.

    Is that MFP's fault? So should everyone say that MFP is "bad" because someone gained back all their lost weight plus because they stopped using it as a lifestyle?

    I see no difference. Either way, if you can't maintain whatever program as a lifestyle change and follow it, its not the diet/programs fault. Many many people yo-yo on and off MFP, gaining and losing. Just like all those "bad diets".