Cam_ Member


  • All touch but no contact - rough trade
  • protein powder should be fine. You won't need much. Weight training is a great idea and absolutely work on form with light weights first. You can injure yourself so badly with excess weight and bad form. Been there. :pensive:
  • The beauty of doing the extra activity as you are doing, is that it will allow you to eat more calories. This will allow you to eat a bit more if you are hungry. If you're *not* hungry, then don't worry about eating the extra calories. Just go with how you feel. Eat the extra if hungry, don't if you are not.
  • Yeah that's what I do. Weigh the whole meal. Subtract pot whatever. Then you know the weight of say 4 portions. Divided by 4. Then you know weight of 1 portion. Then you can weigh 1 cup. From there you can calculate whatever you want. So say a cup is 100 grams and you know a portion is 200 grams and 200 calories, then you…
    in serving size Comment by Cam_ May 2015
  • Try You can get custom workouts based on goals etc. Great site. Start here:
  • Can juggle supermodels - if not that - can jiggle supermodels!
  • Super!
  • Honestly? I wouldn't worry about anybody else and just be satisfied that you are making progress. "If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself." ---Desiderata :smile:
  • Yes. Treating yourself once in a while is fine and I recommend it. It actually keeps you from getting crazy cravings for things you have decided you will never eat again. If you keep the portions reasonable, it's no big impact at all in a week. I figure one out of 21 meals is a bit over - not a big deal in the grand scheme…
  • I would definitely start the weight training before losing all the weight that you want. I tried it the other way so I know what happened to me. It seemed like when I lost the weight, I actually lost a bit of muscle mass as well. I definitely got weaker. (Couldn't use the same amount of weight as I had previously used in…
  • You will get a lot of different opinions on this one! This gets asked a lot. I say, if you are hungry, eat the extra calories that you *earn*. If not, don't worry about it. After a while, you will figure what's right for you. I guarantee it. All the best.
  • You could also try putting an * in the search field when you are adding an exercise. It seems to return a lot of exercises.
  • From the beginning, Click the excercise tab at the top, database then you will have 2 window thingys - on the left a search on the right you can select (under "or choose an exercise below: " )
  • I'll have an orange, apple or sometimes a pack of Quaker Crispy Minis - 90 calories - nothing too crazy or high in carbs.
  • Nice recipe. Thanks. I tried a pancake recipe from a body building site a while back that was pretty much just 2 ingredients - 6 egg whites and oats. It sat like a brick in my stomach. It kept me full for quite a while yet it tasted horrible! Never made them again!:tongue:
  • I had been trying to quit smoking many years ago and my doctor (whom I refer to as a drug dealer) prescribed me Zyban. Turns out that it was originally developed as an antidepressant and they discovered one of the side effects was that it appeared to reduce the urge for nicotine. I tried it for a while but after sitting at…
    in Suicide Warning Comment by Cam_ May 2013
  • I originally tried to be super-strict with what I ate but then listened to my wife and had something I enjoyed every once in a while. You just keep everything reasonable and in moderation. My biggest weakness was potato chips. I learned to just simply have a "portion" once in a while and then I didn't get the mad cravings.…
  • I'm not logging right now too. I'm still mentally trying to keep within a calorie deficit and actually still losing. I'm trying to eat properly. The big one (for me) is limiting the bad stuff - sweets and potato chips (my heroin!). So far so good.
    in I quit... Comment by Cam_ May 2013
  • After "surviving" on frozen dinners for a few months, many years ago, I became *inspired* to make my own food. I guarantee that food you make at home will be cheaper, healthier and taste better. First off, I have to jump on that recommendation for a crock pot/slow cooker. You just throw in your ingredients, turn a dial and…
    in Hate to cook Comment by Cam_ May 2013
  • True. TNP owns a cat.
    in True or False Comment by Cam_ May 2013
  • False. TNP is wondering what "TNP" stands for ;)
    in True or False Comment by Cam_ May 2013
  • If you have a toaster oven, you can make your own pita chips. Just toss a pita pocket in there and once it starts getting toasted, take it out. When it cools down a bit, you should be able to brake it into crunchy bite-size pieces. Then you can dip them in some hummus. If you have a food processor, you can make your own.…
  • I used to eat the Michalena's dinners for a while. They seemed ok at first and I tried the various versions/flavours. I soon found that they all started to taste the same. I have to credit them for *inspiring* me to learn how to cook. Long story short, when you make it yourself, it will be cheaper, healthier and taste…
  • I would set your MFP to "lightly active" at least. I Initially had mine set at sedentary too and it was too low for my allowed calories in my opinion. Plus I was starving all the time and I was losing several pounds per week. When I bumped it up to "lightly active", it gave me some extra calories which made me less…
  • Try squash. Butternut is good. Cut in half, peel it, remove seeds, cut it up into 1-inch chunks, boil in water for about 20 minutes (until you can stick a fork in it easily). Then just mash it up a bit. You can have it plain with margarine or add a bit of brown sugar and cinnamon. You can freeze an extra. Also acorn squash…
  • Cambridge, Ontario. and yeah, lots of Canadians on here.
  • Just take it one day at a time. If you stay within the ranges for calories, you will see results. The best part is feeling your health improve. I find it's good to know that you will be feeling a bit of hunger for the first couple weeks but after that, your stomach gets used to it. Once you get past that point, things fall…
    in I'm a newbie! Comment by Cam_ April 2013
  • Scales can be kind of quirky - especially the electronic ones. You can weigh yourself, go to bathroom and then weigh again and you supposedly gain weight! To help minimize scale issues I learned: *try and weigh yourself first thing in the morning just after first bathroom break and wearing roughly the same weight clothes…
  • Black Swan (I think my wife and I both fell asleep) Chariots of Fire. (Saw it with my brother after hearing my sister rave about it. We walked out and I never listened to my sister's movie advice since!) and pretty much anything with Will Ferrell, Mike Myers and/or Adam Sandler*. (*Sandler was bearable in Wedding SInger…