

  • I'd sign up a few training sessions with a personal trainer. It's done wonders for my wife and I! Of course, we got hooked, and now have standing appointments once a week for both of us! T
  • Jan 1 is a great time to start fresh! The last few months, we've been letting the diet and exercise slip, so we started this morning with a killer workout, and some healthy food. Problem, though... what to do with the leftovers? :) I wish you luck! Getting back on the wagon is hard. Let me know if there's anything I can do…
  • I use FitBit Flex (soon to be Force), and Polar H7. They both sync with my iPhone. I use the FitBit app, and the Digifit app. It's a great combo. Toine
  • The intensity of this workout set is higher than before, but no, I never had this before. I'm not on any medication. Toine
    in Jittery Comment by toinel August 2013
  • One banana, and a glass of Pineapple Juice. t
  • My personal opinion: just suck it up and go to the gym. I work out first thing in the morning (around 5am)... and while the bed is nice and comfy, I just push myself to go. Once I'm working out, I'm *loving* it! The hardest part is going to the gym, at least for me. And hey, don't feel bad about taking a rest day here or…
  • This is my Ab workout: * 30 situps on stability ball * 1-2 minute hover/plank * left side: 10 side plank lifts, ending with holding the side plank for 30s * right side: 10 side plank lifts, ending with holding the side plank for 30s * 10 x stability ball reverse curls, keeping the extended pose for 5 seconds between each…
    in Lower abs Comment by toinel August 2013
  • Miss Annie - Welcome to MFP! As you use the app, it becomes easier, and easier; since your frequently used foods will be available with a quick click! Good luck on your journey! I have lost almost 20lbs so far with logging food, and just recently (3 months) adding cardio and weight training. This is a great place, with a…
    in Not easy Comment by toinel August 2013
  • My routine is a banana, and a glass of pineapple juice. If I have a heavy workout planned, I eat a peanut protein bar also. After my workout, I eat a small piece of grilled chicken. Toine
  • You had a ton of sodium yesterday, which, for me, always makes me keep on the weight (water weight, though, it will eventually come off). When I know I'm eating a high sodium meal, I increase my water intake before, and after the meal significantly. That seems to remedy the issue a bit. Also there are days where you go…
  • I don't really work out a lot, so by just counting calories, this is my progress - Week 1 - 9.4lbs Week 2 - 3.6lbs Week 3 - 2.4lbs Week 4 - 2.0lbs Week 5 - 1.4lbs Week 6 - 1.2lbs Week 7 - 2.4lbs
  • Thanks! My wife and I found out that the other NSV is that I no longer snoring. T
  • I weight myself every morning, it's a motivator. If I'm up, I work harder, eat better, if I'm down, I tell myself "Good boy!" and keep up what I'm doing. I used to track my weight in a spreadsheet every day. Now I just log it here. I know I'm not "supposed to," but it is what works for me. I guess, in the end, it's one of…
  • Thank you for all your replies. I use the Omron HBF-516C as a body measurement scale. Working pretty well. No idea how accurate it is,but it seems consistent, which I care most about :) T
  • Thanks! This is a great site, and I'm glad I finally started using it for real. I dabbled with it a few months back, but this time I'm going all-in :)
  • When I go to the history, the calories are set to 0. T
  • Thanks. The software does have a calories burned column, but it is never filled in. Could that be because I'm using it while I'm riding on a stationary bike ?
  • I weigh myself every day in the morning, after I do my business :) I find it helpful, and it keeps me on track, and motivated. When I gain, I'm motivated because I Want to "beat the scale," when I lose I'm motivated because I want to keep going. The engineer in me sometimes wants to take measurements (oooh, TMI coming)…
  • Thanks! That actually sounds like the most accurate way to do it. I might do that as well. What does "Onederland" mean? (if you don't mind me asking) Thanks, T
    in Marinades Comment by toinel August 2011
  • Thanks. I guess the reason I asked the question is that even though I use 1 cup of marinade on the chicken, not all of it ends up eaten, since there is marinade left in the bag. Most of these marinades are so full of fat and sodium (or carbs), I Want a real representation of the amount I actually end up eating. Toine
    in Marinades Comment by toinel August 2011