5 week member

Hi, I'm Toine, from New Jersey, and I've been really using MFP for about 5 weeks now. I have lost 19.4lbs, and I have another 10 to go.

I just wanted to introduce myself, because reading the forums here has helped me with motivation, as well as with ideas on what to eat.

So, I guess I decided to become an active member of this community :)

I have a week of business travel ahead of me, part of it being a trade show. I hope I'll be able to maintain my weight (I don't have much control over the food I eat during trade shows, it's all brought in by the company)



  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member

    You should be ok on your trip, after 5 weeks you are able to know what is good for your personal weightloss

    I have been on work courses/trips before with no control over food but you just make wise choices, i have been able to maintain int hese situations!
  • auntmister
    Hello Toine,

    Congratulations on your weight loss. I just became a member this week and I am so excited to have found this site. When you are on that business trip just try to make the healthiest choices of the food they serve. You can do it, it's obvious from your great start...........19 lbs in 5 weeks......amazing! Just wanted to drop by and say hi....If you don't mind I will add you as a friend on here.....have a great day.
  • toinel
    Thanks! This is a great site, and I'm glad I finally started using it for real. I dabbled with it a few months back, but this time I'm going all-in :)