cant get back into it

jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
I used to love exercise, literally up until July, I could feel it working and see the changes. I then went on holiday and since I have come back I have completely lost the will. I have kicked my *kitten* this weekend and continued today to make sensible food choices but the idea of doing exercise after work tonight is not a nice thought. I just want to stop and sit on the sofa. Any tips to motivate me or do i just need to suck it up. I can feel the dreaded chub coming back!


  • toinel
    toinel Posts: 28
    My personal opinion: just suck it up and go to the gym.

    I work out first thing in the morning (around 5am)... and while the bed is nice and comfy, I just push myself to go. Once I'm working out, I'm *loving* it! The hardest part is going to the gym, at least for me.

    And hey, don't feel bad about taking a rest day here or there, or even taking a little mini-break, as long as you schedule your return before you take the break. I sometimes tell myself: "I'm taking a week off the gym." Then I schedule a session with a trainer, or just put the gym activity in my calendar for after that week.

    You can do it!

  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I thought that may be the general consensus, unfortunately my partner works late into the evening and I have a daughter so I have to exercise in the front room. Kick up the bum it is then for tonight :)
  • I go through the same thing and just recently got back into going to the gym consistently. I think what helps get me there is I put it on my calendar like I would with any appointment and I go, even if I don't want to. I find that after I am there for a couple of minutes the I don't want to be here feeling goes away. Also, seeing the results and having the feeling of I've just accomplished something really helps keep me going back.
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I go through the same thing and just recently got back into going to the gym consistently. I think what helps get me there is I put it on my calendar like I would with any appointment and I go, even if I don't want to. I find that after I am there for a couple of minutes the I don't want to be here feeling goes away. Also, seeing the results and having the feeling of I've just accomplished something really helps keep me going back.

    I am hoping I will get that feeling back. I miss the gym, I think I am feeling a little hard done by that I cant go. a sitter is too expensive along with the fee but exercising at home was working
  • AmandaAnne307
    AmandaAnne307 Posts: 113 Member
    I just have to make myself do it - usually if I take more then 3 days off at the gym I do not want to get back to it. But when I do, I feel better. But just getting up and doing it is the hardest part!

    Good luck - you can do it!
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I found it too easy not to exercise at home, I've recently joined a gym, I have to book classes in advance and if I want to back out I have to phone up and cancel, it really does make me go.

    Is there a crèche or kids club at the gym your daughter could go to?

    Could you exercise with our daughter, go out for a walk or bike ride?
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    I used to love exercise, literally up until July, I could feel it working and see the changes. I then went on holiday and since I have come back I have completely lost the will. I have kicked my *kitten* this weekend and continued today to make sensible food choices but the idea of doing exercise after work tonight is not a nice thought. I just want to stop and sit on the sofa. Any tips to motivate me or do i just need to suck it up. I can feel the dreaded chub coming back!

    My best motivation is my better mentality! I feel much happier, truly happy for the first time in 10 yrs! Just force yourself to workout 5 days/week for 1-3 matter how painful or tiring it seems and I PROMISE you will get back into routine!! This is what worked for me. After 2 weeks, I craved that exercise. Today, it's very hard for me to take a rest day b/c I love it so much! ...And it's been 3 months now! Good luck!!
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I found it too easy not to exercise at home, I've recently joined a gym, I have to book classes in advance and if I want to back out I have to phone up and cancel, it really does make me go.

    Is there a crèche or kids club at the gym your daughter could go to?

    Could you exercise with our daughter, go out for a walk or bike ride?

    we do walk everywhere as I dont have a car but I dont finish work till 5 and she is only little, by the time we get home she is exhausted bless her. I have to wait till I have made her tea and then put her to bed for 7 its getting the motivation to do that but kick up the *kitten* lol
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I would quit making excuses and do it.

    Or just give up, the choice is yours.
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    I have the same thing happen to me all the time. It is so hard to get back into it once I have had a bit of a break. I find that I need to schedule my workouts into my day/week. So if you are having a hard time getting into it today. Look at your day tomorrow and schedule your time to go to the gym or work out in your living room now, and STICK TO IT.

    Today, try and go for a walk with your daughter, or go to the park and chase her around.

    Then look at the rest of your week, when can you fit your workouts in? Get them into your game plan for your week ahead, write it down, tell your significant other so you have some accountability and then don't let anything get in your way from getting it done.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for additional accountability! :)
  • I find motivational tips and pictures on Pinterest to keep me moving!!! I also have recently vowed to myself not to weigh in for a month and just focus on the process. I have put too much emphasis in the past on the number and not the process and when the numbers don't reflect what I think they should I become depressed and give up, but NOT THIS TIME!!! Keep it moving and know that you are working your way into a much healthier and happier lifestyle change :) Best of luck to you!!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I would quit making excuses and do it.

    Or just give up, the choice is yours.

  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I would quit making excuses and do it.

    Or just give up, the choice is yours.

    gee thanks for this! obviously I wont give up, was just looking for a few tips
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I have the same thing happen to me all the time. It is so hard to get back into it once I have had a bit of a break. I find that I need to schedule my workouts into my day/week. So if you are having a hard time getting into it today. Look at your day tomorrow and schedule your time to go to the gym or work out in your living room now, and STICK TO IT.

    Today, try and go for a walk with your daughter, or go to the park and chase her around.

    Then look at the rest of your week, when can you fit your workouts in? Get them into your game plan for your week ahead, write it down, tell your significant other so you have some accountability and then don't let anything get in your way from getting it done.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for additional accountability! :)

    walking with her at the moment is a no go except at the weekends. I work 8-5 so have to give her over to the minders pretty early then she is exhausted by the time we get home. My partner is working 16 hour days this month to get a job completed. I know all excuses. I have pre logged some exercise to motivate myself :) will add you now
  • I would quit making excuses and do it.

    Or just give up, the choice is yours.

    gee thanks for this! obviously I wont give up, was just looking for a few tips

    I'm the first to call out someone if I think they're being a jerk, but this guy speaketh the truth. No tips. Just do it. You're procrastinating on this site. If you can't get to the gym, get your butt up, pop in a dvd or go to youtube and find a workout. Then work out. Done.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I would quit making excuses and do it.

    Or just give up, the choice is yours.

    gee thanks for this! obviously I wont give up, was just looking for a few tips

    & I gave you two.
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I would quit making excuses and do it.

    Or just give up, the choice is yours.

    gee thanks for this! obviously I wont give up, was just looking for a few tips

    & I gave you two.

    im not suggesting you were wrong nor was I suggesting that I was going to give up. I was saying is there a tip or do I just kick my *kitten*. I do pop in a dvd I do go for a run when my partner isnt working but I had lost motivation. Only asking for a handy way to get it back. I do exercise I have lost almost 30lbs already and dont have much more to lose so obviously doing something right :)
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    I would quit making excuses and do it.

    Or just give up, the choice is yours.

    gee thanks for this! obviously I wont give up, was just looking for a few tips

    I'm the first to call out someone if I think they're being a jerk, but this guy speaketh the truth. No tips. Just do it. You're procrastinating on this site. If you can't get to the gym, get your butt up, pop in a dvd or go to youtube and find a workout. Then work out. Done.

    friends list know I am usually an avid exerciser, I do dvds or go for a run when my partner isnt working etc, I usually walk 5 miles daily but my daughter isnt at school she is with a minder who picks her up, I am not wasting my time procrastinating on here. I am sat at a desk at work that I am pretty much chained to, I go on MFP at work and then at home I dont go on it at all. I am not sat on my butt doing nothing and just coming on here. All I wanted was maybe a few tips like a message I got saying reward the work. burn 400 cals and have a 75 cal treat as a well done that sort of thing or a try this workout I loved it soo much I couldnt stop myself yet another handy tip.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    YMCAs usually have a place to leave your kid while you workout. Maybe that's a viable option?
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    YMCAs usually have a place to leave your kid while you workout. Maybe that's a viable option?

    There isnt anywhere that would take her after 6pm which is the earliest I could get to the gym in the week but I am thinking about using the gym creche at weekends.

    thanks for all the tips everyone :)