I'm begging for help

IVe recently gained about 20 lbs over the last year or so.. just bad eating habits in general ( new bf) getting to comfortable ect.

For the last 2 weeks, I have been dieting. no soda, no chinese food, no mcdonalds....

the First week I lost 1 single pound.
This week, i gained .5 lb.

So two weeks I've only lost .5 lb!!!

I am 145. 5'3. 26 yrs old. Thryoid is fine.

Can someone , PLEASE, PLEASE tell me what is wrong? Feeel free to browse my food diary. I feel like I am really keeping good track and I stay around 1500!

please... this morning seeing a gain of .5 has lost all my faith and im about to eat a cheeseburger for lunch unless someone helps..


  • toinel
    toinel Posts: 28
    You had a ton of sodium yesterday, which, for me, always makes me keep on the weight (water weight, though, it will eventually come off). When I know I'm eating a high sodium meal, I increase my water intake before, and after the meal significantly. That seems to remedy the issue a bit.

    Also there are days where you go over by a tad, and days you are way under. Try to be as consistent in your caloric intake as you can be.

    Keep at it, and keep eating healthy. Unfortunately the saying "slow and steady wins the race" is true here.

    Are you working out. If so, are you eating your work-out calories?

    Keep at it. I'm down almost 27lbs with just counting calories, and watching my macro's. I work out every so often,but not nearly enough. I have to find a routine that works for me there

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Seriously.. It's .5 pound.. put the cheese burger down and step away from the scale.

    I looked at your diary for a few days and I see a lot of processed food, and not very much fresh fruit/veggies or lean protein. I also see that your goal is 1200 a day but your eating way over that... So why don't you try to up the calories a little bit and see if that helps?

    Also, do you exercise at all? Cardio/weights is really awesome combo for weight loss!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You had a ton of sodium yesterday

    ^ If your weigh-in was today, this is the reason. Water weight. Don't sweat it and ignore that pun.
  • wilkinsonrg
    wilkinsonrg Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, definitely watch the sodium...it seems like your latest diary had the highest amount, and your other days were rather low. However, keep an eye on it! I've set my sodium level to 2000 mg a day, and try to stay under that. For me, it helps to control bloat.

    The fresh fruit and veggie idea is fantastic! It's amazing how low in calories they are...sometimes I have a hard time meeting 1200 cals a day, yet I'm stuffing my face with all sorts of vegetables. Try to eat cleaner and you'll notise a difference in how you feel, and in how the weight comes off.

    Stay away from the processed stuff, for sure. It's just not good for you. Leave it for a treat once in a while ( I still love my Kraft Mac & Cheese!!)

    Also, what is the thing called "Quick Calories"? I've never heard of that before.
  • jezmarie89
    Watch your sodium and sugar...eat alot of veggies and fruit..drink alot of water..stick to lean meat..stay away from processed foods.. i have many yummy recipes that are completely healthy, look some up, you wwill begin to learn how to make up your own :)

    oh and weigh yourself once a week your weight changes a little throughout the day..focus on fat and inches lost. You are just starting dont stress this early goo luck
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Eat more vegetables - at home. Fresh, frozen, canned, whatever - just eat some veggies.
    Step away from the scale. Consider only weighing yourself once a week. If you get neurotic about the scale, avoid it. Work hard, and visit it once in a while. I weigh in on Fridays. If I weighed myself daily, I wouldn't eat.
    I would also recommend logging EVERY morsel you eat. If it's from a package, the numbers are in MFP, or you can easily enter them yourself. Logging 100 calories here and there as [blank] doesn't help.
    Keep working at it!
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member

    please... this morning seeing a gain of .5 has lost all my faith and im about to eat a cheeseburger for lunch unless someone helps..

    lol this happends to all of us.. just don't eat that burger! u will not feel better after eating it.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    yep...sodium...and youre not logging consistently. youre using quick add calories. Try a low cal day..under 1200...then higher the next day. Just an idea.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    As long as you are accurately tracking your calories, and you stay under goal, you will lose weight. There are plateaus, but they will go away in time. I find most of mine are from not accurately tracking on my diary.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Nothing is wrong and what you're experiencing is not uncommon, just stick with it. Keep your calories under your goal, try to manage your macro-nutrient intake as well (carbs, fats, proteins) and as someone else mentioned, lowering your sodium intake may help prevent you from retaining too much water.