Hitting the scale often - is it counter productive?



  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I get on the scale every morning at work. I know there are going to be days I am up and there are going to be fluctuations. I record the numbers and compare to the day before. Did I eat too much sodium? Drink too little water? Did I over eat or under eat? I don't let fluctuations bother me in the least, but it keeps me in check and helps me learn what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong.

    The scale doesn't tell the whole story, and I know that. I don't let the numbers bother me, it's just my way of staying on point.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I weigh every day (sometimes 2x) for me standing on the scale and seeing a number is a reminder of what i'm doing. I only record weight on official weigh in days for challenges etc but everyday I"m seeing that number to help me stay accountable for what i eat.

    I still have bad days and still eat out but i'm more conscious if that side of french fries or the side salad is going to show up on that scale number the next day. I got to be the highest weight ever by not looking at the scale so if this works for me I'm happy to do it.

    Same here...by weighing daily, it reminds me to keep working hard and motivates me to keep doing good or to do better if I need to...I'm in the same boat as megan, by NOT looking at the scale for so long I got to my highest weight too!!
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    I weight myself multiple times a day just to see how my weight fluctuates but I only record my weight once a week - ie Tuesday mornings. If i see a lower number it gives me more motivation to maintain the weight and ultimately a boost to loose more weight...its a great feeling to know that all the hard work is paying off :)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Not at all! I find it extremely helpful to weigh myself twice a day! For example yesterday I weighed in at 166lbs and this morning I weighed in at 169lbs. I haven't pooped, I feel bloated and my pants are tight so I know I didn't actually gain weight/fat but rather I'm retaining water and have to go #2!!! had I weighed in once a week and saw 169 this morning I would have freaked out!
  • toinel
    toinel Posts: 28
    I weigh myself every day in the morning, after I do my business :)

    I find it helpful, and it keeps me on track, and motivated. When I gain, I'm motivated because I Want to "beat the scale," when I lose I'm motivated because I want to keep going.

    The engineer in me sometimes wants to take measurements (oooh, TMI coming) before and after certain events.


  • sunshineshica
    I weigh myself twice a day as well. Once in the morning and after I workout. It lets me keep up with if I gain weight from snacking. Being lighter in the day doesn't make me feel as though I can treat myself. It lets me know that whatever it is I'm doing without eating snacks and treats is working and that I need to keep doing it. Everyone should have a cheat day. Most times it's not about the treat but how much of it you consume. If I did treat myself than I know I need to burn those calories off that night. But that's just me.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    My doctor told me to weigh myself every 4 to 6 weeks... Don't think so! I weigh myself maybe two or three times a week and on my weigh in day I weigh myself just before bed time because I'm at my heaviest of the day and I feel great if I'm down more weight than the previous week.
  • Missy0104
    It’s so hard because when I weigh in the morning and I’ve dropped from the day before, I’m all motivated to be extra good. But on days like today when I gained from the day before even though I was under my calorie limit, I feel like it’s all worthless. It’s hard!! I need the motivation from the good days but the bad days kill me! Any suggestions anyone??

    That's how I am. I say to myself that I won't let the number affect me but I'd be lying if I said those mornings where I don't budge at all (or even gain) that I feel a little deflated. I track my calories to the very last bite and even walked almost 4 miles yesterday and nadda this morning. I KNOW my WID # is all that matters but I can't help that it does influence my steam to see no downward movement in the number (even by .1).
  • sweetsapphire85
    If the number goes up one day it definitely brings my mood down, don't get me wrong. But in my head I know that hamburger or piece of cake is only going to make that number higher the following day so I'll walk away from it because it's a step in a direction I don't want to go. Instead I'll get on here and look at some posts or maybe try to find reassurance it'll go down in a few days from my friends.