drelan Member


  • It could be tight hamstrings. Do some stretches and see if that helps.
  • My knees hurt on the outside part sometimes due to my IT band being tight. I bought a foam roller and it helps a good bit. As for the back and front I don't have any advice other than give it a rest and don't do anything jarring for a few days. I hurt my knee on Saturday, not at the WOD but going up the steps at the movie…
  • Does it hurt on the outer part of your knee or the inner?
  • Seven weeks here...I love the taste of CrossFit Kool-Aid!
  • Exercise and not eating junk food. Especially sugar...I LOVE me some sugah!!!
  • I'm 43 and on my 7th week of CrossFit. Over 200 lbs. and in no physical shape whatsoever. I can say that it isn't an easy workout...BUT it is effective. I can workout for 3 days a week most of the time in less than 40-45 minutes and get great results. My trainer said that Bootcamp is actually harder than CrossFit. People…
  • I recently bought a foam roller because I have issues with my knees and realized it was my IT band. I wish I'd had the roller from day one (by day two I could barely walk.) It's a worthwhile investment seeing as I'll always be sore somewhere!
  • I started CrossFit 6 weeks ago and have not lost a pound. BUT...I am building muscle and burning fat. In 4 weeks I lost 4.5% body fat. Do yourself a favor and don't get on the scale. It's only a number that can fluctuate with TOM and how much salt you ate, etc. Especially if you are exercising hard that muscle you're…
  • My trainer said it was OK to eat Grape Nuts. I mix it sometimes with non-fat plain greek yogurt and fruit, or eat it with unsweetened almond milk along with some scrambled egg whites.
  • Chipper 100 ft weighted lunges 40 push-ups 25 knees to chest 30 sumo deadlift high pulls w/38 lb. kettlebell 25 wall balls 100 ft weighted lunges
    in Today's WOD Comment by drelan June 2013
  • You're the second person this week that's recommended this video. Just signed up with Netflix so I can watch it. I'm on a quest to find a lifestyle change that's healthy and sustainable. I would also recommend the HBO series Weight of the Nation. You can watch it for free online.
  • I bought a kettle bell and work out with some videos on YouTube.
  • Sounds like me a week ago. I did good all day then I spotted the Frito's, beckoning me. One chip, then two, two handfuls, three...then on to the ice cream, one bowl and cookies. I was just gonna eat one (I promise). One turned into three, then you can't have cookies without milk.... I ate my entire day's worth of calories…
  • I always laugh when I see some diet that says "a handful of almonds". Not. Possible. I'm sure I'm a binge eater sometimes. I do great all day then I see chips in the cupboard...beckoning me. One chip, then a handful, or two, or three. Oh did I see ice cream? Gotta have some of that...and a cookie to match (or two or three)…
  • That would be my dream plastic surgery. I could care less about my boobs going South or cellulite on my legs. That flat tummy would be amazing....and I know even with hard work it will never look attractive :embarassed: Good for you!
  • LOVE <3 my coffee too and can't go a day without it. I tried the fat-free creamer and it had more sugar so I switched to the sugar-free and it had more fat :noway: So, I just stick with the regular Coffee-Mate for hot coffee and for an iced latte I use unsweetened almond milk, stevia and/or Torani sugar-free flavorings. Or…
  • Steel cut oats made with unsweetened almond milk. Add dried cranberries and slivered almonds...YUUUUMMMM!
  • Decaf coffee and almond milk with some sugar-free flavoring (choc, vanilla, etc.). Can drink it hot or cold.
  • "When it comes to a man, don't listen to a word he SAYS, instead pay attention to everything he DOES." Best advice...ever.
  • I must say, VERY handsome :wink: Congrats...amazing job!
  • It's amazing how weight loss can make you look like a completely different person. Congratulations on your accomplishment...you look awesome!!!
  • In Louisiana: Biting someone with your natural teeth is “simple assault,” while biting someone with your false teeth is “aggravated assault. Also, it is illegal to gargle in public. Those darn garglers....always messing things up.
  • Special K Protein Plus isn't too bad on the calories with almond milk and 1/4 cup blueberries. It's really filling. Also plain greek yogurt with ground flax seeds or find the recipe for Biggest Loser oatmeal pancakes are good too.
  • 1. Greek yogurt (because you can use it in so many different ways from a sweet treat to sour cream). 2. Almond Milk is an absolute must. I use it in everything that calls for milk. Cereals, shakes, etc. 3. Fresh veggies - that's a no-brainer 4. Egg white substitute - great for breakfast (veggie egg bake) and use in recipes…
  • My ex-husband had the same issue with his triglycerides being so high it would trigger pancreatitis. As a result of him not getting his weight down to a healthy level and exercising he developed type II diabetes, hypertension, had multiple heart attacks and by-pass surgery TWICE by the time he was 36 (he is now 43) I have…
  • Ice Cream Baskin Robins, Cold Stone Creamery = Crack House
  • I don't think you can create a meal under the "my meals" tab. Say you had coffee, toast and peanut butter and you plan on eating that meal in that future. Once you've logged that in your food diary you can click on "quick tools", choose "remember meal" and it puts it under "my meals" after you name that meal. Next time you…
  • You need a nap from your long day of doing nothing.