Fitness trainer told me CEREAL was bad!!



  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member

    Breakfast has always been considered the most important meal of the day as it gets your metabolism started.
    How can you start something that never stops until your dead.

    Hhha! Hhaha! Burrrrn.
  • I heard that the rule of thumb (from a nutrition class) for cereal, is at least 2g of fiber and less than 6g of sugar per portion. Psyllium fiber cereal is good for you but not very tasty. You can add it to yogurt. I eat all bran or whole wheat Cheerios (not multigrain, it has more sugar).

    As an alternative, I like to eat two toasts with all natural peanut butter and sliced bananas. It's yummy!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Get rid of that trainer! There is no bad food that you should avoid unless you have a medical reason to do so.

    Sure it has sugar, wheat and carbs but it's not terrible for you in moderation and will not harm your progress.

    Eat cereal if you want to. I do now and again. If you don't (but make your own choice and not listen to that trainer), have eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, etc.

    I eat cereal everyday. I like to mix in half a cup of which ever cereal i have in the house with my greek yogurt & cottage cheese.. Sounds Gross but it's SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I myself don't eat cereal as I have yet to train my brain that the measured amount is okay to eat. Meaning I eat it then I automatically go back for seconds...this is because as a kid that's how I ate it.. So I know this is a bad trigger for me and won't eat it myself.

    Doesn't mean I NEVER will EVER not eat cereal, just means at this time my mental and emotional state for cereal has not been hashed out yet :)

    So I normally will do a small bluberry sara lee muffin and a cup of chia made with milk. This hold me over for QUITE a while. Or whole egg with runny yolk on a packet of oatmeal :) YUM!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Usually its eggs mixed with vegetables and some sort of fruit on the side.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Get a new trainer
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    My trainer said it was OK to eat Grape Nuts. I mix it sometimes with non-fat plain greek yogurt and fruit, or eat it with unsweetened almond milk along with some scrambled egg whites.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Cereal is not bad unless it's processed to death and full of sugar. As with anything, look at the ingredients. My rule is if I can't pronounce it, or contains high fructose corn syrup, I don't eat it.

    ^^ ditto
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    well i just ate an entire box of chocolate cheerios so i guess I'm phucked
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    trainer is lametarded..hope this helps...:)
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    well i just ate an entire box of chocolate cheerios so i guess I'm phucked
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Cereal is not bad unless it's processed to death and full of sugar. As with anything, look at the ingredients. My rule is if I can't pronounce it, or contains high fructose corn syrup, I don't eat it.

    Not this. Eat all the damn cereal.
  • luvablesweetpea
    luvablesweetpea Posts: 11 Member
    I eat Mixed Berry Crunch made by Medifast and I love it! There is 11g Protein, 25 Vitamins and Minerals, only 100 calories and low in Fat! It's awesome! I love Take Shape For Life!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    well i just ate an entire box of chocolate cheerios so i guess I'm phucked

  • Cravitzina
    Cravitzina Posts: 10
    What ever I feel like! And not all cereal is bad. There are good ones too if you know where to look. I don't believe in cutting any thing "good or bad" I just make sure I log it :)

    Well said!

    When I do have cereal for breakfast, I tend to favor higher fiber, lower sugar types. I always measure, and combine it with some form of protein. For example, a high protein yogurt (such as Voskos) with a 1/4 cup kashi crunch and some fresh fruit. The protein keeps me sated and energized, and the cereal gives it crunch.

    Whatever you eat, log it honestly, and observe its effect on your energy and satisfaction. If you achieve those two qualities in your diet, and are eating within your target, you will feel good and make good choices.
  • 80sFanatic88
    80sFanatic88 Posts: 70 Member
    I've never really liked cereal. Well except when I was a kid and it tasted like candy. :P
    I have a granola bar or a fruit cup for breakfast.... if I remember to eat in the morning. :grumble:
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Great Grains - Cinnamon Hazelnut Protein Blend Cereal with 2% milk, and a chocolate calcium supplement.

    Lately, I have been making a fair number of fried egg sandwiches if I am still hungry after my cereal. In January, I ate deviled eggs every morning for breakfast.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Your trainer is probably a kind, well-intentioned person.

    You are probably a very nice person, too, the kind who would get the mail for her neighbors while they are out of town and feed their dog.

    Being a very good person does not mean you are always right.

    I apologize if this post was too harsh.:flowerforyou:
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I break my fast at 11am with my big meal of the day, ranging in the 1,000-1,200 calorie range. It usually involves beef or pork, veggies and mushrooms, cheese, butter or evoo, and then either plain full fat Greek yogurt with honey and fruit mixed in or almonds and dark chocolate :)

    I don't eat cereal and I don't drink any kind of milk. You need to experiment and see what works for you.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Didn't read other responses.

    Cereal: just not a lot of bang for your buck. If you love it and can make it fit with the rest of your day, ok. If you're hungry two hours later and it means you overeat at lunch or dinner, because you feel deprived, not so ok.

    My breakfast at home is usually eggs & toast, or if I'm grabbing something out, a hot breakfast sandwich from a coffee place.