Fitness trainer told me CEREAL was bad!!



  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    I usually drink Shakeology for breakfast with fruit. On the weekends I eat steel cut oats with fruit or maple syrup. Sometimes eggs (whole eggs are not bad) and whole grain toast. I also like steamed kale in the morning. A big fresh fruit plate is also a very good breakfast :-)
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    It's defiantly not the best breakfast you could choose if you are concerned with your nutrition. I eat Egg Whites Turkey ham and bacon for breakfast most days.
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    Well, I think I'll continue eating cereal... As you can see from my weight-loss tracker, it hasn't hindered my weight loss.... I was determined that I was not going to give up anything when I started this journey... Seeing as I wouldn't be able to stick with the journey.... If you can cut cereal out- that's awesome, but I can't.... However, I definitely have taken an extreme liking to Cheerios and their various flavors (Cinnamon, Chocolate, Multi-grain, etc). Low calories, some fiber, and proteins... add in almond milk ( :love: ) and it's a delicious quick breakfast :happy:
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Oatmeal and some fruit usually, sometimes a greek yogurt, or a protein bar.
  • HolyPeas
    HolyPeas Posts: 71
    I don't like to characterize food in terms of good and evil. I think thats an unhealthy mentality. For weight loss, I like to stay away from sugar and foods that don't keep me full though. For that reason, I choose not to eat cereal as it is a bit of a carb bomb. I prefer an egg, or even fresh fruit (more whole nutrition) vs processed foods.
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    Usually oatmeal, blueberries and skim milk but I do often reach for the box of Cheerios too.
  • annahcash
    annahcash Posts: 7
    Its so bad for you because of all the sugar it has and it being so heavily processed, it out weighs all the good unfortunately, but thats another thing the servings are so small I could eat three bowls and be done for.

    I usually eat 'French Toast' for breakfast: 2 pieces wheat bread dipped in a tbsp of egg whites and a tbsp soy milk, then cooked on a no stick skillet, topped with 2 tbsp pure maple syrup and a few blueberries; and also scrambled eggs (one whole egg and 2 tbsp egg whites). ALL this is only about 270 calories! So I like to add some fruit in there too, usually watermelon or pineapple. Yum!

    If I'm feeling tired and don't feel like cooking Ill just have a huggggeee portion of pineapple and/or watermelon and peanut butter toast.
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    just based on knowing that 90% of the boxed cereals on the shelf at the grocery are processed and packed full of sugar, its a fair statement for your fitness trainer to say to you. But other "cereals", like oatmeal, grains, flax, are incredibly good for you, but you'll most likely have to prepare them yourself, not pour it out of a box.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    scrambler of sausage, veggies, potatoes, and egg beaters.


    An MRP shake


    A nice bowl of Wheaties. 2 cups of Wheaties w/ skim milk is only like 350 calories.
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    I pretty much always have Oats, and mixed berries for my breakfast. Every now and then i will sprinkle cinnamon on it as well.
  • chidori_nep
    chidori_nep Posts: 32 Member
    5-6 egg whites, one whole egg and two pieces of wheat toast.

    The problem with most cereals (IMO) is that they contain a lot of sugars and are processed. If you get something like Kashi or oatmeal, it is less processed and better for you. I use cereal as a snack/treat now, never as a meal. Plus, after I got my food scale and realized how small a serving size of cereal was and that I was typically eating 3-4 servings for the morning plus milk it really made me re-evaluate what I eat in the mornings with respect to calories.

    I totally agree with you!! Would love to have what you're having for breakfast if I had the time.

    Realize exactly your point, so I bought a mini weighing scale to size my breakfast to exactly one serving, about 40 -50g (as I add seeds n bran) and exactly 125 ml of milk, which is only half a cup....=(
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    The absolute best thing for breakfast. The absolute best thing for ANY diet. Oatmeal. Hands down. A slow burning carb. Nutritionally one of the best things out there. It will fill you up. It provides the energy to keep you going. Low fat, low sugar, high energy. Not the instant. Steel cut, or quick rolled, or other more "natural". They can be microwaved in about the same time as the instant, and much better for you. I use the quick rolled oats. 1/2 cup plus some brown sugar come in under 200 calories and will fill you up for hours and burn for hours after that.

    There is a reason why oatmeal is in the diet plan of every competitive body builder and has been for generations. And it is great for your heart too. Cheerios has that right. Oats are great for you. And nothing is better than oatmeal.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Nothing wrong with cereal for breakfast unless you're eating something like Froot Loops or Count Chocula. :laugh:

    It sounds like your trainer has jumped on the anti-wheat, low carb bandwagon.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Had no idea cereal was bad for you since it contains wheat and carbs and sugar. What do YOU guys eat for breakfast??

    Well, it depends on your exercise and health goals. My bro-in-law is body building and therefore eats protein, mixed with some protein, with a dash of fiber such as steel cut sugars, all natural.

    Personally, I eat whatever I feel like as long as it fits into my calorie goals. Regardless if I eat a bowl of Lucky Charms, Eggs and meatless sausage (I don't really eat meat since I don't like it, no other reason), egg & cheese on a bagel, or whatever else, I just make sure what I eat will keep my appetite satisfied until my next meal.

    As a disclaimer though, I make sure I meet my macro nutrients everyday, so if I know what I am eating for lunch and dinner, I may eat something specific at breakfast to make sure I get everything I need.
  • gillandjohn4
    gillandjohn4 Posts: 3 Member
    I either have one biscuit of Weetabix or Special K. It is the milk that has the sugar, but we need the calcium. Oatmeal is good too.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    I don't hold a high opinion of cereal in general, but it's not bad pre se, and why take nutritional advice from a trainer?
    This!! Couldn't have said it better.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Had no idea cereal was bad for you since it contains wheat and carbs and sugar. What do YOU guys eat for breakfast??

    There are people who spew the "knowledge" they have gained from various sources as if it is true. Is it possible that you might find a better option for you? Yep. I used to eat cereal and did not find it satisfying unless I ate at least 3 servings. Now I eat a banana with peanut butter and 2 eggs and feel much more satisfied.

    Ask the trainer, or anyone for that matter, why they make such claims? If the trainer is educated from an article he read, or from a nutritional guru he/she listens too then he/she will be happy to share his/her sources. If he/she is picking up broscience from various sources and doesn't really know what he/she is talking about he/she will say stuff like "trust me, it just is"
  • likethe309
    likethe309 Posts: 26
    I eat plain oatmeal because I'm boring like that.

    I also workout first thing in the morning so I have my post-workout shake with breakfast. Its just a banana, spinach, and some vanilla protein powder
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Stealing cereal from a kid is bad. Eating cereal isn't.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I eat a bran cereal almost every day. I don't usually go over on my sugars... unless I add in a brownie or ice cream or Snickers or something... :wink: