I feel like a SELL OUT!



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Awesome work tuning your body composition. I think repairing loose skin at that point is a well earned cosmetic tweak!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Don't feel like a sell out! You look great and you've worked hard!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    You worked your *kitten* off before you had the surgery (btw, I had no idea you had a tummy tuck too!). And I know that you'll keep busting your *kitten* after you get the clear. There is no selling out there. You look fantastic!!
    You wouldn't have had the results that you have right now if you didn't work it beforehand!

    Be proud, surgery is scary, a huge thing, and not a light decision to make. I'd LOOOOVE to get the "mommy package" hehe

    (The girls look fantastic too!)
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    You look amazing!!!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Let me start by saying that anyone who knows my story knows that I busted my *kitten* to lose my weight.

    To my CSection mommies...I'm sorry for being a let down if you followed me. I feel like I gave false hope.

    To anyone who disapproves of cosmetic surgery...take your time to hit the back button now!

    For anyone who doesn't know my story, I'll fill you in. I am a mother of twin angel babies who would be 5, a 4 year old son, and a 1 year old son. They were all delivered via CSection and my tummy was disgusting. I weighed 205 lbs at the delivery of my oldest son because of severe hypertension. After 4 years of not caring and popping out kids like crazy, I thought I was beyond repair without surgery. I decided that I would give it my all for an entire year and decide where to go from there. I did two rounds of Insanity and two months worth of TurboFire. I lost 45 since last January and I toned up more than I thought possible. I just knew for sure that my "apron" or "CSection flap" would vanish with losing weight but the more I lost the more my skin sagged. My husband was already treating me to a breast augmentation so I decided for just a couple $K more, I could have the most perfect body. I got the Mommy Makeover on December 20th and my confidence has never been higher.

    1 week post op:
    2 weeks post op:
    3 weeks post op:

    I am 4 weeks post op as of today but I haven't been home to take my picture yet. I wish I could have done everything on my own but in my case...I tried my very best.

    im a c section and the only way to lose the weight on the right side of my belly (lost the prego weight by diet and exercise before except a big bump) is by surgery. all the nerves in the right bottom half are dead. they said it takes a year for them to grow back, 2 1/2 years later, nothing. no feeling at all, it reminds me of a stress ball you squeeze. you look great and sometimes we need that extra help.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    congratulations to you on everything you have done for yourself. Take care of yourself, and bless your family
  • Congrats on your new body! I am all for skin removing and post weight loss/baby surgeries. Whatever makes you feel better in your already healthy body!
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    That would be my dream plastic surgery. I could care less about my boobs going South or cellulite on my legs. That flat tummy would be amazing....and I know even with hard work it will never look attractive :embarassed: Good for you!
  • anitajrose
    anitajrose Posts: 9 Member
    Only a little more money? Was it a package deal? I don't need the chest (well, might need a reduction LOL) but the belly will need some help. I was thinking it would be a LOT of money though. Makes me wonder!

    Do you have any before pictures to share? You just look so great!

    It's a package deal basically because you are only paying one surgeon's fee, anethesia fee, and facility fee. For just the BA alone it was going to be $5600 and for the TT alone it was going to be $5800. I paid $8300 for both procedures together. It's not a huge difference but it is cheaper.

    That's a lot cheaper than I thought it would be either way! I've looked into a reduction before and that was $10K to $15K by itself!

    Don't forget prices for procedures can be higher depending on which country you live in. Especially comparing Australia to the States ;)
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    If you're a sellout, dear god I hope to be the same in a couple of years. My stomach has suffered from 2 c/sec which resulted in 3 full term babies (I have a set of twins). My stomach is a mess. I'm so proud of you. You look amazing.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I would 'sell out' in a heartbeat if I didn't have so much trouble with scars healing!
    My tummy has gotten pretty flat considering I had a c-section. But the skin still doesn't have the same elasticity.

    You look wonderful. I want to see the 'before' photo.
  • violetcharms
    violetcharms Posts: 158 Member
    i think u look gorgeous regardless, and all that surgery did was to help boost the appearance around the belly.

    IN NO WAY do I consider you a sellout! You busted ur *kitten* to get to where u were and u sure as hell deserved a lil booster to make u look as beautiful as u are =)

    I hope u are enjoying that fabulous new body and keep working it out! =)
  • As a fellow twin mum, you are not a sell out!! Multiple pregnancy is hard on our bodies. I am 95% sure that once I have reached goal weight I will still have a lot of loose excess skin that only surgery can remove (I'm saving for a tummy tuck)
    You look fabulous, you have obviously worked hard to get where you are now and should be proud of yourself:heart:
  • LENAhall
    LENAhall Posts: 47 Member
    good for you!! you look amazing! there are some things that just can't be overcome with exercise, clean eating, heavy lifting, etc, etc, etc. bumps to you for working your *kitten* off for a year to get as close as you did :) i didn't read through all the comments, so i'm hoping there weren't any negative posts, but if there were, screw em. all that matters is how you feel about yourself! go girl!
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    You look incredible! I have had two c-sections I have thought about getting a tummy tuck after I have reached my goal weight.
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    Why on earth would you think you are a sell out? Mfp is about getting healthy. There are people on here recovering from anorexia and are needing help to do that. So whatever makes you feel great and healthy!!!!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I would never say you are a sell out.

    There was clearly a rockin body there to begin with, and it's obvious that you have worked really hard and taken great care of yourself!

    You look great :)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I don't think you're a sell out at all, we all make decisions based on what we need and want. You look terrific and you're healing up nicely!
  • rjh1975
    rjh1975 Posts: 71 Member
    You look amazing! I am in the same boat - I've lost 113 lbs and, despite working out like a mad woman with a trainer, I have a lot of excess belly skin that I know isn't going anywhere. I'm back and forth all the time about having surgery to remove it. One of the things that scares me is not being able to work out for a long time after the surgery. If you don't mind my asking, how long were you told to restrict activity after surgery?
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    I think you look great! Anything that makes you feel good, mama. I don't think you're a sell-out. Congrats!

    Yes. This.

    You look TERRIFIC, and do what you need to do! This is just part of the reward for your hard work!
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