payday tomorrow- your top food/supplements 5 items and why?



  • bowseramanda
    bowseramanda Posts: 58 Member
    Eggs.. 2 dozen (I hard boil and peel one doz)
    Chicken breast
    tuna packs (they have some flavored... like peppered or herb)
    cottage cheese
    string cheese
    bottled water if you aren't using your own refillable cups
    green peppers
    mini bags of microwave popcorn
    sugar free jello
    reddi whip (see above)
    grapes (eat frozen... yumm)
    multivitamin, omega 3, calcium, fiber supplement... cuz everyone poops :p
  • Lots of protein and green veggies.
  • myjourrneytoabs
    myjourrneytoabs Posts: 11 Member
    i buy meal replacement powder from sams club naturade total soy i usually drink the shakes when i don't have time to prepare breakfast or at night if i'm craving food. its very low in calories and pretty good in protein to keep you feeling full and sometimes i try to drink as many as i can during the weekend when i feel hungry since i don't work on weekends so i don't need as much energy hope this helps :D
  • bowseramanda
    bowseramanda Posts: 58 Member
    I forgot Almond Milk. so good!
  • Protein whey ( I love to make shakes for breakfast and late night snack) One flavored with coffee in the morning and one with fresh berries in the evening.

    Quick Oats (you can use these in the protein shakes or for breakfast with ground flax and berries) They also make some yummy healthy cookies with a couple other ingredients.

    Eggs - I haven't made them yet but I saw a post on pinterest that used a muffin pan to make like little egg patties with veggies and such in them. Ah, the incredible edible egg :)

    Honeycrip or Fuji apples (an inexpensive healthy sugar go to) 1/2 with lunch and 1/2 with evening snack

    Raw almonds (can be expensive, but a little goes a long way with this healthy fat/protein combo)
  • If you eat a balanced diet, I wouldn't waste your money on supplements. You should be able to get everything you need from the food you eat.

    THIS ^ I dont know why so many people log so many vitamins and supplements (that have reasonable diets). I didnt think I was perfect, but my doctor even said there was really no need and after tracking on MFP, most of these things come about naturally in a balanced diet.
  • Oh my goodness thanks so much for the response. I've added loads to my list :)
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    Chicken breasts
    Calcium and vit D supplements
    Greek yogurt ( love Oikos)
    Skinny Cow Peanut Butter Bars
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    1. Greek yogurt (because you can use it in so many different ways from a sweet treat to sour cream).
    2. Almond Milk is an absolute must. I use it in everything that calls for milk. Cereals, shakes, etc.
    3. Fresh veggies - that's a no-brainer
    4. Egg white substitute - great for breakfast (veggie egg bake) and use in recipes that call for eggs
    5. La Tortilla factory low carb tortillas - you can wrap anything in them for a few calories
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Granny Smith Apples
    Who Nu? Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Fiber One Oat & Chocolate Bars
    Fresh Mozzarella (not that high sodium dry stuff)
    Shamrock Farms Rockin Fuel Muscle Builder Chocolate (30g protein easy to drink)
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    I agree about the lack of need for supplements if you have a balanced diet unless you are a super lifter or something. (I am SOOO not! I do take two of my kids' vitamins every day because I like them...I am just a kid, I guess)

    Five required foods each week:

    *Fresh fruits and veggies (broccoli, baby carrots, baby spinach, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, whatever else I like that's reasonably priced and looks good)
    *quinoa or barley - they are both pretty easy to cook with and offer a great nutritional addition to any meal
    *skinless, boneless chicken breast - again it can be used in SO many ways
    *whole wheat/grain pasta - my two young kids love it plain and it's an easy addition to any meal (although I only eat it about 1-3 times per week myself)
    *natural peanut butter - it's my go to food for a quick snack. I love it on bread, celery, crackers, from the jar;-)
  • violetlight
    violetlight Posts: 4 Member
    Chia seeds! I put them on literally everything!
  • MarisaLWood
    MarisaLWood Posts: 44 Member
    If I had to stick with only 5 food items:

    1. Baby spinach (so good in green smoothies!)
    2. Frozen fruit (usually mango, strawberries, and/or pineapple--ditto)
    3. Bananas (good in smoothies and as a snack by themselves, good source of potassium)
    4. Black beans (good in soups and stews or in burritos, great source of plant protein)
    5. Hummus (another good source of plant protein, can be eaten with crackers or raw veggies or as a sandwich spread)
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I have to have:

    Light Vanilla Yogurt
    Cottage Cheese
    Fresh Fruit and Vegis
    Pumpkin Puree
    Multi Grain Noodles
  • My 5 must haves are:
    Almond milk
    Vi shake mix
    Boneless/skinless chicken
    Fiber one choc chip bars
    Fresh fruit
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    I personally take align probiptics which have helped me tremendously in my digestion mad stomach issues.I also tale garlic because of its natural antibiotic qualities because I do very poor on antibiotics so the healthier I can stay the happier I am. I like the raspberry ketones with green tea, not because I think it helps lose weight, but because both are antioxidants. It also seems to stop me from gettIng sour stomach or heartburn but npt sure why...And I also take fish oil. My number one though is the align
  • Green Tea
    Baby spinach leaves
    Carrots (great to munch on as a snack)
    Steam fresh bagged veggies
  • If I ONLY had the choice to buy 5 items, they would be:

    Frozen blueberries
    String cheese
    100% whole wheat bread (Okay, that's 6)

    They are quick and cheap and healthy and fill me up. :)
  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    My favorite snack ever=100 calorie popcorn, it feels like I'm eating a lot and totally gets me out of the "I want to eat the whole house" mode.... I would have been so miserable at the beginning especially without this stuff!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    Spark fruit punch or grape made by Advocare. 45 calories a serving. IT is an energy drink that improves mental focus and is loaded with vitamins. My #1 must have every day.