Compulsive binge eaters



  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    If you decided to start a Group for this topic, please add me to it!

    My weaknesses are potato chips, french fries and pizza. If they are in the house, I can't get them out of my mind and will eat them, regardless of how full I am, until they are gone. Like others mentioned, I have made a conscious decision not to have them in the house and right now, while I am still new to my weight loss journey, I will have to avoid them altogether until I feel more comfortable with my healthier eating. I do love the Lean Cuisine pizza's but have not found a good substitue for the french fries and potato chips! Baked ones just don't cut it!

    Thanks for being brave enough to share you binging issue, I bet there a lot of us out there.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    If you decided to start a Group for this topic, please add me to it!

    My weaknesses are potato chips, french fries and pizza. If they are in the house, I can't get them out of my mind and will eat them, regardless of how full I am, until they are gone. Like others mentioned, I have made a conscious decision not to have them in the house and right now, while I am still new to my weight loss journey, I will have to avoid them altogether until I feel more comfortable with my healthier eating. I do love the Lean Cuisine pizza's but have not found a good substitue for the french fries and potato chips! Baked ones just don't cut it!

    Thanks for being brave enough to share you binging issue, I bet there a lot of us out there.

    Here is the group I joined!
  • SassJess81
    SassJess81 Posts: 75 Member
    I went to an emotional eating workshop and one idea they gave was making a toolbox. Whenever you have an urge to eat, go get the box. Basically you are trying to change your behavior by at least acknowledging it. Are you sad, mad, etc? Some things you could put in are nail polish (hard to eat with wet nails), a journal to write down your emotions, an accountability buddy's phone number, strong mints or gum that give your taste buds something, uplifting quotes, a relaxing CD, pictures etc. I took up knitting and also finds it can distract from mindless eating.
  • AngelaKelly02
    AngelaKelly02 Posts: 73 Member
    Definitely me. The worst time for me is if I'm home and my partner is out or not home from work yet, it's so hard not to just binge on food. I don't even know why I do it.
  • soleilxo
    soleilxo Posts: 202
    i think i have this sometimes... im trying so hard to overcome it!
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    Definitely a binge eater. I do okay as long as I stay away from my trigger foods, but that is a lot of foods to avoid. I am doing it, though.

    The saddest moment for me came when I realized cashews had to go on my 'don't buy this' list. Sigh. Cashews. Really, brain?

    You're not alone either. For me it's peanut butter, macadamia nuts, and almonds. Like seriously? Why are they so high in fat and calories!? :grumble:
    Oh well, it's definitely a process and learning to accept rather than reject ourselves for who we truly are, good and bad.

    I always laugh when I see some diet that says "a handful of almonds". Not. Possible.

    I'm sure I'm a binge eater sometimes. I do great all day then I see chips in the cupboard...beckoning me. One chip, then a handful, or two, or three. Oh did I see ice cream? Gotta have some of that...and a cookie to match (or two or three) and you can't have cookies without milk....killed my whole day in 2 hours.:frown:
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I have struggled with this on and off, and it's definitely emotional and NOT helped by knowledge of what to eat, etc. In fact, as I learned the calorie content of foods since my time on MFP, this actually made my binges worse because I sought out the foods I knew were the highest in calories instead of just the ones I craved.
    I don't know how I was able to move away from the emotional overeating and binges, except that I have been exercising almost every day for at least 45 minutes and sweating like a pig, which reaaallly helps me to find a way to work off the stress and anxieties I have every day. I have depression and an eating disorder (ednos) which means I have been bullemic, anorexic, and had BED here and there, No matter what my current problem is, it always comes down to emotional and psychological issues. I haven't gone to therapy yet but I've tried to do some searching from my childhood and upbringing, as well as talked to my husband and close friends, and it definitely has helped a lot. DON'T keep this a secret, it only gets worse. The humiliation is actually WAY worse before you tell you close friends and family, than after you actually tell them what you struggle with.
    There are a lot of hobby-type ways to prevent binging as well, and these are good, but they must be combined with looking deep inside yourself with the help of journaling, self help books, and talking to others who struggle with this.
    Hope this helps!
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    God, this sounds so famliar! It is really nice to know I'm not the only one either! I do the same things all of you are mentioning. It is most definitely a compulsion, not just a simple craving. *sigh* Thanks for posting! Feel free to add me everyone! I definitely could use the support from all of you!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    i think i have this sometimes... im trying so hard to overcome it!

    Given you are trying to get to 99Ibs at 5'4, I am not remotely surprised.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I must admit, I do sometimes wonder if some personality types are more prone to binge eating behaviour.
    For me, I have always been an all or nothing sort of person, and also the sort of person who wanted everything at once, perfection right away, no room for failure. If I am in a particular mode, and walk into a cafe or shop, I become overwhelmed by the sheer array of products for sale, and find I cannot just hone in on one item I really fancy above all others. I want to have it all in one go. There is no sort of thought of 'oh, I can have this today, and try that another time'. It is almost this sense of thinking it will all be gone the next day and there wont be another chance. Of time not being enough to fit everything in that I wish to. I am the same with other things as well. I find myself wanting to do multiple things each evening, but since there is limited time, obviously I cannot, so I end up just sticking to doing the same thing over and over.

    Can anyone relate?

    Anyway, please do add me, anyone else who struggles with periods of severe binge eating.
    Sometimes I can pack away over 6k calories in a bad day.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I'm totally a compulsive eater. I'm also a compulsive exercieser, so I guess it evens out. Come to think of it, I'm compusive about sex, and shopping, and a whole lot of other behaviors too. So maybe it's not even about food, maybe it's more of an overarching lack of impulse control for me.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    C'mon girls, this is my perspective:
    You want fast weight loss and you have to reduce your food consumption too much, don't like to exercise much and try to get greedy, meaning that if you eat less and less then will lose your weight faster...

    A word from a foodie, That's me!
    I do not have binges because if I do, I eat, but in moderation!.

    However, if i do eat the whole piece, then I know I will have to cut corners somewhere else or do some more cardio.
    If you exercise, you can eat more without remorse.

    Other advice: Surely you love a particular type of fruit. Have fruit in mid morning and mid afternoon and you will not be hungry!
    Have a great breakfast and eat protein. You will not be hungry!

    I have lady friends that don't have 100 cals at breakfast but at mid morning are so hungry that have 1000 cals snacks of junk food! Have a lovely breakfast with eggs, bread, marmelade. Find diet options if you like to eat more at breakfast and will have great days..

    I love bread, I love pizza, hot dogs and burgers, but I eat them AT HOME cooked by wifey or me when we can CONTROL what you put into them.. the same pizza but half the cals...

    Finally, the last option would be to lower your weight loss goals. Lose weight more solwly and you will not have problems.

    Just have fun, relax, enjoy yourselves and enjoy food following the rules of your body!

    I invite you to check at my food dairy and see for yourselves! Please enjoy this phase.. it's great and you will meet new friends.. Lose weight is easy if you follow the simple rules!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I must admit, I do sometimes wonder if some personality types are more prone to binge eating behaviour.
    For me, I have always been an all or nothing sort of person, and also the sort of person who wanted everything at once, perfection right away, no room for failure. If I am in a particular mode, and walk into a cafe or shop, I become overwhelmed by the sheer array of products for sale, and find I cannot just hone in on one item I really fancy above all others. I want to have it all in one go. There is no sort of thought of 'oh, I can have this today, and try that another time'. It is almost this sense of thinking it will all be gone the next day and there wont be another chance. Of time not being enough to fit everything in that I wish to. I am the same with other things as well. I find myself wanting to do multiple things each evening, but since there is limited time, obviously I cannot, so I end up just sticking to doing the same thing over and over.

    Can anyone relate?

    Anyway, please do add me, anyone else who struggles with periods of severe binge eating.
    Sometimes I can pack away over 6k calories in a bad day.

    YES! A million times yes! From start to finish you just described me. If I think I want a candy bar at the store, I can't choose one. Lord help me if they are on sale too! I'll just pick several and them all on the way home. Everything you just said is like a page from my own book.
  • In your same boat girlfriend.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    C'mon girls, this is my perspective:
    You want fast weight loss and you have to reduce your food consumption too much, don't like to exercise much and try to get greedy, meaning that if you eat less and less then will lose your weight faster...

    A word from a foodie, That's me!
    I do not have binges because if I do, I eat, but in moderation!.

    However, if i do eat the whole piece, then I know I will have to cut corners somewhere else or do some more cardio.
    If you exercise, you can eat more without remorse.

    Other advice: Surely you love a particular type of fruit. Have fruit in mid morning and mid afternoon and you will not be hungry!
    Have a great breakfast and eat protein. You will not be hungry!

    I have lady friends that don't have 100 cals at breakfast but at mid morning are so hungry that have 1000 cals snacks of junk food! Have a lovely breakfast with eggs, bread, marmelade. Find diet options if you like to eat more at breakfast and will have great days..

    I love bread, I love pizza, hot dogs and burgers, but I eat them AT HOME cooked by wifey or me when we can CONTROL what you put into them.. the same pizza but half the cals...

    Finally, the last option would be to lower your weight loss goals. Lose weight more solwly and you will not have problems.

    Just have fun, relax, enjoy yourselves and enjoy food following the rules of your body!

    I invite you to check at my food dairy and see for yourselves! Please enjoy this phase.. it's great and you will meet new friends.. Lose weight is easy if you follow the simple rules!

    That is great advice, BUT when the diet becomes about something other than hunger, then theres trouble. Some folks are compulsive binge eaters driven by some unknown force. I made it through two days with no binges. However, that does not mean I am out of the woods. Each day is a new obstacle. We have to take it day by day, sometimes hour by hour. It's like an addiction.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    The words "binge" or "cheat meal" are not in my vocabulary anymore! You are in a restricted cal budget, not in a diet!

    Ahh.. I forgot! If you think you really really want to go to Pizza Hut because you LOVE that pizza as I do, plan in advance! and say "OK, if I am going to eat that, then I will have to do this the rest of the day" and then you can do as you like and STILL lose weight!

    Have a great day and please don't get mad at me, I just want you to feel great and happy!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I went to an emotional eating workshop and one idea they gave was making a toolbox. Whenever you have an urge to eat, go get the box. Basically you are trying to change your behavior by at least acknowledging it. Are you sad, mad, etc? Some things you could put in are nail polish (hard to eat with wet nails), a journal to write down your emotions, an accountability buddy's phone number, strong mints or gum that give your taste buds something, uplifting quotes, a relaxing CD, pictures etc. I took up knitting and also finds it can distract from mindless eating.

    I LOVE this idea! Thanks!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Good luck you mastered the first gave it a name. Hang in there

    This is powerful. Good luck with your vices... we all have them. While you feel extremely out of control, you are actually in control and have more power than you believe. Learn what you need to arm yourself and approach it logically from an outsider's point of view. If you want to lose weight, it is a science experiment to see what works and what will not. Take notes. It helps remove the emotional aspect if you approach it with logic instead of anxiety and desperation.

    Best of luck.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    The words "binge" or "cheat meal" are not in my vocabulary anymore! You are in a restricted cal budget, not in a diet!

    Ahh.. I forgot! If you think you really really want to go to Pizza Hut because you LOVE that pizza as I do, plan in advance! and say "OK, if I am going to eat that, then I will have to do this the rest of the day" and then you can do as you like and STILL lose weight!

    Have a great day and please don't get mad at me, I just want you to feel great and happy!

    You are really not understanding what binge eating disorder is.
    This is not to do with being on a diet.
    It is usually an emotional driven disorder, and is not as simple as planning and moderation.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I have BED and I would highly recommend the Overcoming Binge Eating book. I have tried OA but what worked best for me actually was seeing a real eating disorder counselor and then coming up with some strategies to overcome it. Honestly, the most significant way to ward off binges for me is to exercise and be active. It helps me deal with stress and excess energy in a positive way instead of self-medicating with food to the point where the food is controlling me from the moment I wake up til I go to bed (and I even night eat).