Compulsive binge eaters

It finally hit me last night that I am a compulsive binge eater. What I have mistaken for an agressive appetite was really a much nastier monster lurking in the shadows. Someone made the comment that "If you're not willing to eat veggies to satiate your hunger, then you are probably just having some killer strong cravings, and are not actually hungry. "
NOT ACTUALLY HUNGRY! Who would actually be hungry after stuffing in nearly 1500 calories in an hours time? This gal hit the nail on the head. Sure, I don't always make "junk" my gorge food, there are times that I have destroyed massive piles of vegetables. Eaten endless handfulls of grapes, followed by a pile of carrot sticks, a few tablespoons of peanut butter, a spoonfull of jelly, then a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as long as I had the fixin's out!
Who else has a compulsive eating problem? Like you are on auto-pilot and not even remotely in control? I don't mean something that can be handled with some reasonable advice like "eat more protien!" "eat more often!" "Drink more water!" I mean something beyond a dietary obstacle? If you feel like this is you, please friend me! ( Friend me even if this isn't you!)
It would be helpful to have and give support from and to others who live in the same black hole.
I ran across a book that looks very promising that I am going to buy as soon as I can. It may have to wait until payday. So until then I will just have to beat the monster down someother way!


  • You are not alone!!! I can be doing so good on diet and exercise and then all of a sudden, I am eating everything in site until I am almost sick. I can consume massive quantities and still want more. I have tried to get into why I do this, sad, depressed etc but... I am not sure I know why.

    DON"T let yourself get too down. The next day, you will feel like crap. But, go back to "regular" food and exercise. In a few days, you will feel better.

    Not sure if this ever ends.
  • Good luck you mastered the first gave it a name. Hang in there
  • Good luck you mastered the first gave it a name. Hang in there
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member

    Not sure if this ever ends.

    It is the binge that never ends! Yes it goes on and on my friend... Some people started gorging endlessly not knowing what it was, and they'll continue gorging on forever just because this is the binge that never ends.......
  • jessmarie1023
    jessmarie1023 Posts: 26 Member
    I am in the same boat. It consumes my mind at times. It frustrates me like no other, because sabotage everything I've worked for. My issue is fast food.. I fall for the convenience of it, and who's lying the taste. What the heck!?? And I can eat and eat sometimes and before I know , or log it, I feel like a pile of lathargic yuckiness. What is the name of the book that you are going to get? I'd like to look it up. It's all a mental game, really, that's what this is. And I need all the help I can get to overcome this. I have children. I don't want them growing up like this, or thinking this going out to eat and or binge eating is okay. I broke down yesterday. Told my 8 yr old daughter that we will NOT be eating out as much. she looked at me like I was taking away her favorite toy. No.. that can't be how we live. Eating out will be a ONCE IN A WHILE treat.. Not something we do 4x a week.. Disgusting..
  • My personal trick is to just track it. Whether it's good or bad, it gets logged on here. That means I'm accountable for my choices, and I have an easier time making good ones.

    What also helps me is to log with each meal/snack/whatever. If I leave logging to the end of the day, I creep over my calories without realising it - and I could totally have done without that *whatever* that took me over my limit.

    Friend me if you like. I'll do my best to encourage! :)
  • skinnybetch78
    skinnybetch78 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been one of the victims of "the binge monster." I have gone back and forth between times of sanity and times of daily binges. (If you look up yo-yo diet in the dictionary, you'll see my photo!) There is a huge network of people who suffer from BED here on MFP, so reach out! Search in the groups for people with binge eating disorder.
    Logging is the first step, however. Don't throw in the towel. These are the times when it's most important that you log.
    I have tried so many things to break a binge (going for a walk, writing/journaling, drinking tea, whatever!) and it is so hard sometimes to remove yourself from the situation.
    One thing that someone here on MFP recommended a coloring book. It is amazing. I love to color, and it's mindless but satisfying. I have coloring books at home and at work so that when the binge monster begins to rear its ugly head, I can distract myself.
    Good luck, and don't feel embarrassed about reaching out. It is through the support of others that we can begin to conquer our fears and weaknesses! =]
  • There is a very group for this disorder, it is called Overeaters Anonymous. They offer it at the hospital that I work at. I think the only cost involved is the cost of the workbook. It is based on a 12 step system. From what I read, it is a very good group. You might check into whether your hospital offers it or not. If they don't, they may offer something similar. My hospital offers so many classes that I don't think the public are aware of.

    I'm so proud of you for stepping up and recognizing this, not being afraid to bring it to the table and being willing to share with complete strangers.

    I would put snacks in the bedroom to hide them from the kids, because they would go crazy, but then, I would wake up in the middle of the night and eat them, while half sleep and not even remember eating them during the night, but feeling sluggish in the morning and snack wrappers on the floor. I stopped buying the snacks and I would buy individual things for the kids, it was a little costlier, but it helped me break this habit, no food in the bedroom.

    Best of luck to you, in getting to the root of the problem. I think you are strong enough to overcome this.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I am really just floored by the response today! I was a little nervous about just dropping my pants like this in public, to strangers, but as they say "the first step is admitting it!"
    I have been mulling over joining compulsive overeaters anonymous. My only problem would be committing to a regular meeting day and time. I don't know anyone where I live and my husband works a rotating 12 hour shift. I hope to find a group that I can have some flexibility with changing days or times when needed. I am considering a talk with my primary care dr as well.

    The book I found is "overcoming binge eating" by Christopher Fairburn.
    I homeschool my child during the day and also have a 3 year old, so in between things I plan to do some searching and blogging etc... somehow I feel compelled to admit my dirty deeds to others. I have some pretty shameful skeletons in my closet! Lets lean on each other here! Is there already a group here for compulsive bingers? Maybe there should be?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You are not alone!!! I can be doing so good on diet and exercise and then all of a sudden, I am eating everything in site until I am almost sick. I can consume massive quantities and still want more. I have tried to get into why I do this, sad, depressed etc but... I am not sure I know why.

    DON"T let yourself get too down. The next day, you will feel like crap. But, go back to "regular" food and exercise. In a few days, you will feel better.

    Not sure if this ever ends.

    I am the same, although I do have a history of eating disorders. It seems that anorexia (which was a long time ago) can swing into binge eating disorder and/or bulimia. I can do very well for a period of time, sometimes weeks, but then I will either miss a workout and become consumed by cravings and hunger, or I will eat too much of a sweet thing, and that seems to drive further urges for sweet things. In fact, my urge to binge sometimes gets so great I will even order in ice cream at more than the store price in the middle of the night, or go out late to buy binge foods. It is as if the part of the mind that controls your rational thought, just switches off basically. My worst binge eating experience was over a few months late last year when I packed 10Ibs back on. Admittedly, I was not overweight regardless of gaining that weight, but I am still struggling to get some of it back off again.

    Feel free to add me, anyone else struggling with this.
  • abbylady
    abbylady Posts: 26 Member
    You are so not alone. My compulsion was pretty textbook when it came to binging. I would have a week or so of extreme binging. We're talking all the time, no regard for what exactly I was eating and not really caring that I was eating far more than the average person should in a day. And then that binge time would be followed by a week or two of extreme guilt and barely eating if eating at all.

    I can say it all now for what it was because I've gotten help and worked through it. But when it was happening, I would feel awful about it all the time.

    Whatever demons you might be facing, you can always come here for support! You can kick this thing and stay on track :) best of luck!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    The book I found is "overcoming binge eating" by Christopher Fairburn.

    I have this book and a couple of others (the names of which escape me at the moment). They are helpful.

    I like the distraction technique of a colouring book Skinnybetch. My therapist told me to try journalling my feeling etc at binge times, but that doesn't work for me - i never was much of a diary keeper.

    I have also done the going out late at night to stock up on all sorts of junk because i have an overwhelming desire to eat and nothing in the house will do. I hate to think how much money i've wasted on ice cream, chocolate, cakes etc.

    I looked at OA, but it is very much based on AA and relies too much god, which doesn't really compute for me.

    One of the NHS Trusts int he UK produced a really good self help guide for eating disorders - available here: Disorders A4 2010.pdf which my counsellor directoed me to while I was waiting for formal assessment.

    For the moment i am at the stage of recognising when a binge is imminient and trying to distract myself, but if it happens, trying not to kick myself too much, and picking up and starting afresh the next day/meal.
  • kludwig87
    kludwig87 Posts: 8 Member
    You just put my troubles on blast in your post! I searched "binge eating!" and this came up. You said everything I felt today as I had a great eating day and then ate a million things in the span of an hour and completely jacked up my great self control of earlier!
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    I have been a binge eater for years. I have found that I really need to keep some of my favorite binge foods out of the house. I can't have just a bite in moderation at this point in my journey. I used to live right next to a grocery store, so it was easy to run over to buy a boatload of junk at a moment's notice too. I've since moved and it will take a lot more effort to run to the store to buy junk. I'm hoping I can just do something else to get me through whatever is making me want to binge. Anyone else struggling with this problem, feel free to add me!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Definitely a binge eater. I do okay as long as I stay away from my trigger foods, but that is a lot of foods to avoid. I am doing it, though.

    The saddest moment for me came when I realized cashews had to go on my 'don't buy this' list. Sigh. Cashews. Really, brain?
  • Marianne Williamson's "A Course in Weight Loss" is probably the most valuable book you could ever buy for this.

    Warm wishes

  • I am also a binge/emotional eater. I eat when I am sad, bored, depressed, happy and a lot of it. I also will binge eat if I am very hungry to the point were I am sickly stuffed. I will binge eat just becaus the food is there, like I did last night (free buffet). It always sabatoges my weight loss.
  • mfoster1019
    mfoster1019 Posts: 152 Member
    You are not alone!!! I can be doing so good on diet and exercise and then all of a sudden, I am eating everything in site until I am almost sick. I can consume massive quantities and still want more. I have tried to get into why I do this, sad, depressed etc but... I am not sure I know why.

    ^^ This is totally what I do. Did that this weekend, and paid the price at my weigh in this morning.
  • Definitely a binge eater. I do okay as long as I stay away from my trigger foods, but that is a lot of foods to avoid. I am doing it, though.

    The saddest moment for me came when I realized cashews had to go on my 'don't buy this' list. Sigh. Cashews. Really, brain?

    You're not alone either. For me it's peanut butter, macadamia nuts, and almonds. Like seriously? Why are they so high in fat and calories!? :grumble:
    Oh well, it's definitely a process and learning to accept rather than reject ourselves for who we truly are, good and bad.
  • fro99erann
    fro99erann Posts: 10 Member
    Glad to hear that there are other people like me that binge...i hate admitting it but ya i can go to 3 different drive thru's and order a full meal at each and not even bat an eyelash. so now that i have admitted to it i have to figure out how to control that evil. i look forward to hearing everyones suggestions and advice! thanks