Coffee junkies? :)



  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I drink coffee black. sometimes in the afternoons at work i will get coffee and add 2 or 3 creamers and splenda for a treat to get me through the afternoon with a serving of crackers. I like fat free half and half and sugar free torani syrups for flavors at home. Also good for protien shakes.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I drink it black. I had a lot of resistance to the idea--I used to looooove cream in my coffee. Then I realized that it was adding 150 calories every day, with the amount of coffee I was drinking, so I gave it up.

    The good thing about drinking coffee black is that you have to seek out better coffee. Also, you drink less of it.
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    Has anyone tried the monk fruit sweetener in their coffee yet?
  • Niivsmom
    Niivsmom Posts: 145
    I love coffee. Like you I am a true coffee junkie.... I like using the sugar free syrups in my coffee for the hazelnut flavor, then you can add some almond milk, or regular milk and it's a taste you can definitely get used to. They sell the sugar free syrups in the coffee aisle at the Walmart I shop at... or you can order them online.
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    LOVE <3 my coffee too and can't go a day without it. I tried the fat-free creamer and it had more sugar so I switched to the sugar-free and it had more fat :noway: So, I just stick with the regular Coffee-Mate for hot coffee and for an iced latte I use unsweetened almond milk, stevia and/or Torani sugar-free flavorings. Or you can use the almond milk in hot coffee, but I find that you have to use a bit more if you like your coffee creamy :drinker:
  • jenni1d
    jenni1d Posts: 18 Member
    I love coffee too and have no plans to give it up. However, I recently switched to mostly decaf and have greatly cut back on the flavored creamers. I now use half & half, heavy cream, or just go black. No sugar.
  • bringnsparkleback
    bringnsparkleback Posts: 18 Member
    I love coffee! I'm waiting for mine to finish brewing right now. Sometimes I try to ease up on the creamers because I use too much. A lot of my calories come from those stupid things! If I have coffee in the afternoon, I try to use very little creamer and I usually use the "work supplied" creamer, which is powdered. LOL. Not the best,, but it's BETTER.
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    I do the same thing! Almond milk and 1-2 splendas. I try to stay away from dairy hence the almond milk. Soy milk makes it more creamy. And for a splurge, a soy latte... yum. I stay away from the creamers, mainly because i drink my coffee cold, the powdered ones don't mix at all
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Lattes, Lattes and more Lattes!

    Since starting on fitnesspal and seeing how much sugar I was downing with my favourite breakfast of many years (large latte, chocolate muffin) and a few more lattes through the day, I have made a few cuts.

    Sadly, the muffin has gone - and the string of afternoon lattes too. But still keeping the first one of the day (skimmed milk nowadays) - I'm sure its good for me

    I also like (on the weekends) instant with creamer ... a feel good drink!
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178
    Coffee, coffee, COFFEE!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Love it!!! 1/2 tablespoon of fat free half and half and a bit of stevia, and I get my daily coffee fix of 4-6 cups for less than 40 calories!!!
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    By the way ... does anyone know why there is sugar in Lattes made with skimmed milk? Skimmed milk officially has zero sugar, coffee has zero sugar, and I'm pretty sure they don't add sugar to the drink when they make it ....
  • kvdv78
    kvdv78 Posts: 2
    I am a coffee lover as well....who used to splurge on flavored creamers. I went through the same thing when starting my lifestyle change (I still refuse to call it a diet). Now, I buy flavored coffees (Target has some excellent choices), and add vanilla coconut milk (only 2 TBSP per my 20 oz cup) and a bit of stevia. So good, and sometimes I can find a chocolate flavored coffee, so it covers my sweet tooth too!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    I'm a coffee lover also, I no I drink too much. Mmmm coffee! Drinking some right now. I love it black most of the time. But about twice a week I but flavored creamers yummy treat.
  • chocolate_barbell
    chocolate_barbell Posts: 19 Member
    I love coffee, but that's no secret. ;) I usually have 1-3 a day...4 on a bad day.
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    Oh, for the true coffee lovers. The best beans I have ever had are the black market espresso from cartel coffee labs in tempe, az. I live in PA and have it shipped - yeah, its that good!
  • leejusd
    leejusd Posts: 81
    I grind beans daily for my coffee and drink it black. Grinding can give you more control over the flavor.
  • PhyllisRochester
    PhyllisRochester Posts: 3 Member
    I like mine with evaporated (NOT condensed) milk—which has a little natural sweetness—and no added sugar. I've been told that in the UK, evaporated milk is referred to as "coffee milk." When I order out, however, I usually use Half 'n Half. Gonna half to change that, I guess.

    Of course, the better the actual coffee is, the less I feel a need to add anything to it. I like my own home-ground and brewed coffee black, sometimes.

    Drinking coffee is comforting and satisfies a craving to put something in my mouth!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I love coffee!!! I recently (jan 1) gave up having splenda in my coffee because I've been wanting to cut out as much artificial things in my diet as I can....but I still have cream. Yes cream, not milk! Its so much more enjoyable to me with real cream. I have maybe 2 cups a day....sometimes a 3rd in the afternoon but I'll have decaf then.

    I CANNOT drink those flavored creamers because I get seriously addicted, its sooo bad.

    This is me I get so addicted to the flavored = tons of calories! The flavored stuff is artificial also. I have even cut back on myflavored coffee. Now I am, for the most part doing just half&half. Although, I may have just one here and there with Davinci or Torani flavored syrup. It has splenda in it but I do this on occasion and never a full serving. It's hard. Doing just half&half is sort of killing me but, this may change depending if I find some other way that is more natural. I don't do black. I have tried almond milk and coconut milk-not quite my taste. Although, I do love them on their own.
  • I love coffee, black and strong
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    ive been drinking pumpkin spice dunkin donuts coffee just plain. i love my coffee too!