Lourdesong Member


  • I said "pretty nutritionally void", and my point was its nutrition profile is not impressive. So why force yourself to eat an apple if doing so if because of a false belief that it is? Eat em if you like em.
  • Apples are pretty nutritionally void. They're tasty when in season and smell wonderful, but even their fiber isn't that great. Sugary cereals per serving have the same or more fiber, and less sugar, than an apple of the same calories. (yes I've really compared the supposed nutritional virtues of an apple to fruit loops)
  • About a pot of coffee, + 1-3 diet cokes. eta: I do think caffeinne suppresses my appetite somewhat. But that's not really why I consume it.
  • 7 mo pp, I gained almost 60 lbs during my pregnancy, and a good part of it in the 1st trimester. I didn't get morning sickness, instead my mouth watered like a starving person and I glugged milk like there was no tomorrow.
  • protein bars, mozzarella sticks, jerky, smoked salmon, lunch meat, yogurt. Animal products will pack more protein. Nuts are a good source of fat. I'm personally not that impressed by their protein content for hitting my goals (which is 35p/35c/30f). They might be good for yours tho.
  • Save calories for the evening. Air popped popcorn is fairly low calorie, really filling, high volume, and takes a while eat. I have better luck working with my tendencies than fighting against them. if your tendency is to munch at night, a few small changes and choices can make your tendency to do that then work towards…
  • Probably because it's a self-defeating proposition that seemingly nullifies the significance of whatever conclusions that scientist were genetically pre-determined to come to.
  • Too many calories? would be my best guess. I had a very active busy job and ate whatever I could in the limited time I had to eat. It's very easy to inhale too many calories when you do this and when you don't know when you'll get to eat again.
    in Ugh! Comment by Lourdesong May 2017
  • Lean meat and veg.
  • I'm not sure why you feel beat up or ganged up upon given what I understand you have described your situation to be: that you find yourself presented with opportunities to indulge in overeating. And who doesn't? I think the way you are framing your problem (I.e. that you are a victim of or a passive participant in a world…
  • This streak includes a pregnancy with a 60 lb gain, but I logged everything every day all through it. To the next 1000 days to get it done and hit my goals!
  • Ants on a log is fun cuz it takes time to assemble and eat, and can all be done in while on a Netflix or Hulu binge for relatively few cals. Even fewer if you use laughing cow wedge per 100g of celery instead of pb. I also use craisins instead of raisins but I don't think cals too different there.
  • My baby is almost 4 months and I dropped to 1500 calories (about a 500 cal def) on Jan 1st. I haven't noticed any decrease in my supply. I take an iron supplement when I remember. I gained about 60 lbs during pregnancy, and am down almost 25 post pregnancy--10 since the new year. if I noticed a decrease in my supply I…
  • I could be being cynical... I'm not sure.
  • I smell humble bragging here, tbh
  • it's not a cheap shot, but otherwise would be a pretty high opinion of one self, no?
  • people are great guys at times. not all the time. you're tall all the time. Wanting a girl to like you because you're a great guy presumes bring a great guy is an immutable fact about you. It's not. It's probably not true most of the time. who is a great person most of the time? That doesn't even make sense. You're…
  • My husband is 5'10 and has body image issues due to being below 6 feet tall. My dad is 6'5 and has body image issues due to his height making him stand out in a crowd. Grass is always Greener, as they say. Your height is an immutable fact about you, embrace it. your only other choice is self inflicted misery over that…
  • I agree with PAV8888. I'll add that because weight fluctuates, you could weigh a month from now and catch yourself at a bad time (retaining fluid, right before a whoosh, etc) and feel demoralized just because you have purposely limited the data you receive from the scale. Whereas if you weighed daily or weekly, you would…
  • For the flu shot. Not always though. I was against it for a time, not because I seriously investigated the topic but because I witnessed coworkers getting sick and calling out of work and citing the flu shot as the reason. Not to mention I heard similar things from clients who would state they were unwell and called out…
  • If you're truly concerned about sugar, the source is irrelevant. Sugary fruit is sugary, just as sugary cookies are sugary. (though in my experience, an apple will pack a greater sugar punch than a cookie, but I digress) If you are truly concerned about sugar, you do not have to eliminate fruit, there are plenty of low…
  • Never heard of doing that. Soaking beans, yes, but not oats. Most popular oats in America are old-fashioned and instant which are both processed to some extant, tho. Soaking instant oats would probably, I imagine, disintegrate the oats.
  • Scary movies and action movies about stressful but highly implausible situations is a good de-stressor, oddly enough. Not sure why, though. Sorry that boundaries are being crossed, I would probably stress too.
  • The ease of logging and recipe building as the app builds on its knowledge of me. Been logging daily for about 3 years so the app has a good history of my logging and knows me, so-to-speak, so it's pretty easy and quick to log meals and tweak recipes. My husband has an account he rarely uses but when he does I'll sometimes…
  • I didn't set up rewards because I always needed to purchase new clothes for my shrinking body. I felt like I was rewarding myself with shopping sprees every few weeks...
  • I don't track sugar but I check on it every once in a while and I'm almost always at or under MFP's goal for me. I do eat sweets but don't eat sugary fruit due to preference. My fruit sources are typically non-sugary foods like tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini, bell peppers, etc. The occasional banana, apple or orange can…
  • You could try eating with your non-dominant hand. I saw a thing in some documentary way back when where they had a percentage of people at the movies eat popcorn with their non-dominant hand and they ate much less popcorn than the rest of the audience. So I started doing that with my air popped popcorn and I definitely…
  • I tried it last year and struggled hard with not eating breakfast, and then I struggled with portion control after that. I was successful as more of a grazer, eating many light small meals/snacks every few hours. But when I tried having a smaller window to eat more calories I acclimated very quickly to larger portions and…
  • Your calorie balance is to maintain 170 lbs. If you lose 5 lbs with any diet and go back to eating/burning the calories to maintain 170 lbs then you're going to go back up to 170 lbs. Once you hit your goal you're still going to have to eat a little less and/or move a little more than you have been for the last 10 years in…
  • Had my baby on the 7th, same as my expected due date. Baby is punctual, lol. Was in active labor for approx 21 hours, but baby just wouldn't descend so I got a c-section. By that point it was a relief that my doctors finally gave up on vaginal birth. Baby girl is healthy and a beauty, in my completely impartial opinion,…