Late night munchies

Any way to combat late night munchies!

I give my ego free-range to eat so that I can continue to work late into the night to meet deadlines.

I want to stop but can't think what alternatives to use ....any advice please.


  • chloelangford1983
    chloelangford1983 Posts: 2 Member
    Hot drinks, herbal tea, hot lemon water etc. And willpower!
  • chloelangford1983
    chloelangford1983 Posts: 2 Member
    I manage it some nights but not others. On nights where I am actually hungry while working I have some peanut butter on toast.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Go to bed.
  • jamandcreamscones
    jamandcreamscones Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks, certainly worth a try. Looks like I'll be visiting the shops. Let's hope I don't come across any cakes along the way ....or any other ...eatables!

    This willpower thing is a killer....
  • jamandcreamscones
    jamandcreamscones Posts: 23 Member
    I have to work to meet tight deadline that involve a lot of research. So normally work late/early into the night.

    But your right I should go to bed, it's just v hard to get everything done in the few hours at work. I am particularly worried as I have a v dense project coming my way that is likely to last till autumn. So I'm trying to find ways to adjust or stop myself from putting on more weight.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited May 2017
    Save calories for the evening. Air popped popcorn is fairly low calorie, really filling, high volume, and takes a while eat.

    I have better luck working with my tendencies than fighting against them. if your tendency is to munch at night, a few small changes and choices can make your tendency to do that then work towards your goals instead of derail you.
  • jamandcreamscones
    jamandcreamscones Posts: 23 Member
    *errors in earlier post.

    Free rein! Not range.
  • jamandcreamscones
    jamandcreamscones Posts: 23 Member
    Good suggestion Lourdesong, will try saving the calories till the evening.
  • work_on_it
    work_on_it Posts: 251 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Save calories for the evening. Air popped popcorn is fairly low calorie, really filling, high volume, and takes a while eat.

    I have better luck working with my tendencies than fighting against them. if your tendency is to munch at night, a few small changes and choices can make your tendency to do that then work towards your goals instead of derail you.

    +1. I LOVE eating at night ( and a drink or four). I bank those Cala during the day as much as possible.

    I also try and drink a lot of water.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Save calories for the evening. Air popped popcorn is fairly low calorie, really filling, high volume, and takes a while eat.

    I have better luck working with my tendencies than fighting against them. if your tendency is to munch at night, a few small changes and choices can make your tendency to do that then work towards your goals instead of derail you.

    I always pre-plan a night snack. Keeps me on track and gives me something to look forward too.
  • tashlewis06
    tashlewis06 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2017
    If you are at home, just clean your teeth! No food ever tastes nice after cleaning your teeth :D or low calorie veg like carrot or cucumbers with houmus or even an ice pop... hardly any calories! Hope that helps!
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    air popped popcorn or lately it has been 1/2c of vanilla halo top w/a good amount of berries.
  • loftus4827
    loftus4827 Posts: 56 Member
    air popped popcorn or lately it has been 1/2c of vanilla halo top w/a good amount of berries.

    It's not possible to eat only a 1/2 cup of Halo Top!!
  • steph81881
    steph81881 Posts: 50 Member
    Late night snacking is my problem too, I did end up just saving calories for my night time snacking... it def helped :) That and a few changes to "what" I was eating...
  • jesusx3g13
    jesusx3g13 Posts: 21 Member
    This is my biggest problem! I can eat healthy all day but then at night I just cant stop and snack on everything.
  • ColoradoChlo
    ColoradoChlo Posts: 517 Member
    For dessert after dinner, eat a protein-filled snack so that your body feels fuller, longer. Greek yogurt w/ dark chocolate chips, protein bar (I HIGHLY recommend Optimum Nutrition's Cake Bites), etc.
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    It's a natural consequence of staying up later and burning more calories. All about that protein at bedtime.
  • jamandcreamscones
    jamandcreamscones Posts: 23 Member
    The worse thing is I discovered a new cheese cake in Waitrose and Ive convinced myself That i buy it for others, except its not really. Having food lying around that's yummy is difficult.
    "Doesn't lie around for long"!
  • ajennilynrush
    ajennilynrush Posts: 14 Member
    An apple. They say if you are hungry and want an apple, eat. If you think nah. Don't eat it or anything -You're not really hungry. You're just bored.
  • steph81881
    steph81881 Posts: 50 Member
    The worse thing is I discovered a new cheese cake in Waitrose and Ive convinced myself That i buy it for others, except its not really. Having food lying around that's yummy is difficult.
    "Doesn't lie around for long"!

    Same way!! If there is bad food in the house I will eat it... My husband makes fun of me that when I'm on a "diet" the whole house is on a diet too lol!!