Still eating way too fast... Got a good tip to slow down?



  • ConnieT1030
    ConnieT1030 Posts: 894 Member
    Well i can say I eat slowly, it's just in my DNA, I have always done everything slowly and deliberately, and other people seem to get annoyed by it, but thats how my great grandmother was and that's how I am. I don't have a "speed up" button, and Im told neither did she. I was born to "dawdle" as my parents called it. lol
    She lived to 94, so it may not be such a bad thing. :)
    However, it sure didn't stop me from becoming overweight. I do eat distracted too much so I can finish something before I realize it (Im a big one for eating at the computer, ruins my keyboards) =P but in the end just eating too much and too calorie-dense things will add up. You can learn to eat past your full signal no matter how slowly you eat, so that won't necessarily help either.
    I'd be more concerned with the calories in things you eat than how fast you eat them, unless you want to be sure you savor it. If anything, just take much smaller bites. I never have eaten large portions at once. Some little cookie or something my husband will eat in 1 or possibly 2 bites I will take 4-5 bites to eat. Just always have.
    It does take longer, but it still wont guarantee weight loss.
  • kbarrett0701
    kbarrett0701 Posts: 54 Member
    I've lost 155lbs and I still eat fast. Always have.
  • espressoshotsnheavysquats
    Count a certain number of chews per bite. Like meat can be 20-40 sometimes. It forces you to be super conscious of what you're doing.
  • lauamy96
    lauamy96 Posts: 102 Member
    Can you eat with people? Chit chat a little on the phone? I eat in 5 mins or less if I'm by myself. With someone else, my food will have gone cold or soggy and gross and I haven't had half of it bc I talk too much and forget about the food.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm the opposite and it drives my husband nuts how long it takes me to eat lol. But, lunch time (my biggest meal), I eat while also plugged into MFP and I'm usually reading/typing on the forums, which then slows down the eating (and sometimes I'm also yelling at the computer screen :p ). And then supper is usually with family and I'm too busy talking to eat lol.

    Maybe incorporate doing something else while you're eating? Read a magazine or website, check your emails, chat with someone etc?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    How fast is fast? Maybe set a timer so you can actually see how much time is elapsing and that might encourage you to slow down. Maybe set a target of 20 minutes and try to stretch your meal out a couple minutes longer each day.

    I probably finish a meal when I am alone in 20 minutes. I drink a full glass of water with my meal. I might read something while eating alone.
    When I am eating with others it may take longer to finish a meal.
  • manukahoneybadger
    manukahoneybadger Posts: 30 Member
    When i remember I try to focus on what's excellent about the foodage- or what could be better,
    'bit salty' etc
    stops my brain wandering off-piste
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    I found an idea which stopped me in my tracks. Have something sweet, something small, I think it was half an hour before you intend to eat properly, nothing large but enough to give your taste buds an outing, giving your hormones time to think in the intervening minutes, they have seen more food than they have. I thought this might help hit the spot of slowing you down. Good luck.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I am a fast eater as well, and sitting at a table staring at my plate counting bites would drive me out of my mind. I do everything fast and I have to multitask or I will lose my mind. But I had a few issues caused by eating too fast - heartburn, and finishing and wanting more because my brain hadnt quite registered what I ate yet (they say it takes 20 minutes).

    So I decided to work with my natural rhythm and habits! This works because I lived alone, ate alone most of the time. I make my plate, put it on the counter... Take a bite then run off to do something else (i.e. start cleaning or organizing something). Every time I had a break I would run over and grab another bite. For example, I would clean my living room... Take a bite, pick up all the loose stuff and put away. As I walked past the counter, grab another bite then go pull out the furniture in prep to vacuum. Grab another bite then vacuum. Grab another bite then dust. etc. My counter was in same room so wasnt out of my way. But this way in 30 minutes to 45 minutes not only did I eat slower overall (each bite might be fast, but the whole meal took awhile) - but my living room got cleaned!

  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2017
    As long as whatever you consume in a meal is accounted for and is within your calorie budget, how fast you inhale it really doesn't matter, unless it gives you heartburn or indigestion.

    The problem with eating too quickly is that for some people, they've hoovered down their dinner so quickly that their brain simply hasn't had enough time to register the incoming food and turn off the "Holy crap I'm starving!" signal, so they still feel hungry although their plate is empty. That's what drives most people to second helpings and the risk of overeating, simply because they're not sated yet.

    As long as you're not going back for unaccounted seconds (or thirds!), eat however you like.

    Bon appetite! B)
  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    I kind of agree that speed doesn't matter for calorie counts. But it does matter for satisfaction and that helps me to eat less overall.

    How are you eating now? For me I have to have some rules. I don't eat in the car. I don't eat at my desk or in front of the TV. I do eat dinner with my family 99% of the time which works for me but might be a problem depending on how that goes for you.

    But what works the best for me is to be present and think about eat bite. Or to enjoy each bite. And, then access after each bite how that went. This also helps me to stop when I'm satisfied or full.

    I try to set a nice table. Light some candles this time of year for dinners.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    Not sure if anyone's suggested this, but how about breaking your main meal(s) down into two smaller plates. Put one plate out of sight (in oven to keep warm or fridge to keep cool). Eat the first plate, wait 5 mins or go do something else for a bit, eat second plate. Or if you're eating little and often, break your food down further into main and 'dessert'. So if you're having porridge and fruit, don't have your fruit in the porridge, have it 10 mins later as a dessert.

    I also liked the eat while doing something technique. I eat lunch at my desk as i walk during my lunch. All my food is in the fridge so i have to go get it (other side of the building), i take one thing at a time back to eat so i don't just gorge everything in one sitting.

    I'm also a fast eater, i just make sure i actually look at what i'm eating, while watching tv, working or whatever. So just before i stuff my face, i look at it. Visual confirmation i've eating something. It helps me.. it also helps that i'm a complete clumsy donkey so if i don't pay attention to what i'm doing i tend to drop stuff (or throw - weird RSI symptom, I apparently hate teaspoons they need to be thrown on the floor with vigour; yesterday i hated a box of dates).

    Hope that helps :D
  • bexilashious
    bexilashious Posts: 116 Member
    Each time you take a bite, put down the knife and fork and chew your mouthful 20-30 times before swallowing

    It takes a little getting used to but I find I'm fuller from doing this and eating less
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    You could try eating with your non-dominant hand. I saw a thing in some documentary way back when where they had a percentage of people at the movies eat popcorn with their non-dominant hand and they ate much less popcorn than the rest of the audience.
    So I started doing that with my air popped popcorn and I definitely found it slows me down a lot.

    It's much harder to eat meals with utensils with my non-dominant hand than it is to grab popcorn, but it's doable (except with chopsticks
    ime). It's quite a challenge to load up my fork and have that huge bite-to-be to make it to my mouth without falling off the utensil with an unsteady uncoordinated hand. Being so uncoordinated kinda forces one to put less on their fork at a time. I do this when I remember to, it doesn't always occur to me in time. Unlike the popcorn which stuck because of the doc. :)
  • maisiba
    maisiba Posts: 66 Member
    Sorry for not replying earlier. I was unexpectedly away for a while. Thanks everyone for their thoughts and contributions.
    ElvenToad wrote: »
    What I started doing pretty early on was simply just taking smaller bites because going from eating massive amounts of food to eating a normal amount of food... it helped me feel like I was getting more food?
    Focusing on small bits sounds more "feasible" to me than trying to chew 25 times - for me personally at least. I'll try do that a bit more. :)

    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    Here's a bit of an oddball tip, but it works: Try eating with chopsticks when you can!
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    You could try eating with your non-dominant hand. I saw a thing in some documentary way back when where they had a percentage of people at the movies eat popcorn with their non-dominant hand and they ate much less popcorn than the rest of the audience.
    These 2 suggestions are interesting. They might not work for all kinds of food but it could help for some. I'll add that to my list of things to try.

    For everyone who asked if it matters? Well, as long as you eat the same amount of food it won't matter in terms of weight loss or gain but that's my concern longterm.

    Because for me personally it does have an effect on satiety. And as I mentioned in my OP, right now I measure everything and stop eating after I finished my planned meal because that's what I cooked or prepared. I just know once I get into maintenance in 10-12 months time (or so I hope), this will become an issue for me because I hope to stop weighing and tracking every single thing at some point.... and then the risk of getting seconds or bigger portions just goes through the roof for me.

    That's why I want to improve on this habit now while I'm very focused and under control to reduce my risk of overeating in the future.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I eat my food crazy fast too. (Hate it when my food gets cold!). I think in the past its led me to taking extra helping of food I didn't need aince I still felt hungry. (They do say it takes your brain 20 min to 'catch up' and send the "I'm full" message). I tried chewing my food the recommended 20 times but honestly it made me gag to go past 12 chews. Instead, now I pre log my food and decide how much I'm eating beforehand, then eat it the way that I want. Its probably better for digestion to slow down but I also want to enjoy my food and I enjoy it more eating fast. :)
  • PatanjaliTwist
    PatanjaliTwist Posts: 485 Member
    It's a habit, so if you'd like to break it, you can.

    I agree with others that unless you're having digestion issues, or have other reasons for slowing down eating, it might not really matter. I have a brother who eats quickly & it's never seemed to do him any injustice. I think it came from being in military war zones... he needed to eat now & quickly, because who knows what's around the corner in 10 seconds. The only negative I've seen with it is sometimes he just doesn't taste his food... he tosses it down so quickly, you can ask what he just ate & he only has a reasonable idea of what meat was in his sandwich. That habit doesn't really affect him, so he doesn't care. Although, we have heard that the better food is chewed, the less the body has to work to digest & utilize nutrients, so it might not be a bad idea.

    What works with children in slowing eating is using bento boxes. You don't need to buy anything special, but can use any series of small containers to hold each food individually. Some say meals slow when eating only 1 food at a time on your plate or from your bento box. This way, you taste each food & appreciate it, which might slow your eating to savor each bite, rather than having everything mixed together, so that it's a mish-mash of dinner.

    For those who mentioned drinking water, many cultures drink only before or after a meal. Why? Liquids dilute digestive juices. Again, if you've no issues with indigestion, do what you prefer. But, I learned long ago to drink a glass of water 30-min before or after eating. I only take a sip, if necessary.

    Good luck!
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Chew each mouthfull 30 times before swallowing (obviously won't work with mushy textures). Take time to be mindful of the flavours you're eating.

    Digestion begins in the mouth and apparently the stimulus of chewing sends the message to your brain that you are eating leading to a slow down in the production of the hormones that say 'feed me'.
  • tasaiar1
    tasaiar1 Posts: 79 Member
    Ice started to count the times I chew. Aim to chew each mouthful around 30 times
    Trust me it's time consuming lol