Still eating way too fast... Got a good tip to slow down?

I've started my weight loss journey last March and it's going pretty well, much better than I actually expected (yay me!). As I assume most people who are massively overweight, I had a lot of bad eating habits - including too much, not particularly healthy and too fast. Knowing that this all has to be a permanent life style change and not just a temporary diet, I'm working on improving in all areas in hopes to keep the weight off after reaching my goal weight.

The one bad eating habit where I've made very little progress so far is that I'm still eating way too fast. While this has no immediate effect on my actual weight loss right now (since I'm staying within my calorie target despite eating too fast), I know this will be a major "risk factor" to overeating longterm, especially once I hit maintenance.

So for 2017 I decided to try and put more effort into slowing down my eating and break the habit of inhaling my food. I've been trying to be more mindful and sometimes I manage but I just relapse still way too often.

I've read a couple of articles on that topic and I'm aware of the standard tips they all have but some of those recommendations seem to be less practical than others (at least to me).

I've wondered what actually worked for people here? Anyone got a good trick they swear on?


  • rachel53223
    rachel53223 Posts: 28 Member
    Drinking water in between, making sure you chew x number of times and actually counting them. Eating at the dinning room table with little distraction will help being more mindful.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Me too it's a habit I can't break, I keep attempting start off ok then totally forget, my
    Best time was when I had dental work I ate really slow but then it has got faster again.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Put the utensil down after each bite and chew 20 times before swallowing. Also drinking water while you consume helps to fill you up faster.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited January 2017
    I notice I slow down when I take the effort to plan food I really enjoy and then I savor it! For me there's a big difference between just throwing food on a plate and digging in and taking an extra minute to make it look pretty and then taking a really looking at it and anticipating how delicious it's going to be, like you would if you went to a nice restaurant. I don't think of it as extra work or something I MUST do every time, but when I do it I always feel more satisfied with my meal. Plus, I like to think that the slower I eat the more bang I am getting for my calorie buck. :wink:
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    My idea's been snipped. Indeed, put your fork or what ever you are using, (no good for soup, tiny giggle) chew well as niner said chew 20 times. The extra chewing will have the effect of making the nutrition more readily available. One of our health conscious programmes tested that theory and well chewed food or in a liquidised form is utilised much better. I can't remember the reason but drinking with meals does not suite everyone.

    May I congratulate you on staying with it, making changes as you go along. I wish you well as you achieve your goal.
  • maisiba
    maisiba Posts: 66 Member
    edited January 2017
    Thanks everyone so far.

    I've tried the drinking water to meals and chewing more etc but in the past, I wasn't really able to stick with it. It works for a few meals and then I'm back to eating like before.

    I think one of the reasons might be that I don't enjoy the food as much if I consciously add all those extra hurdles like putting your fork down or endless chewing, so the temptation to just eat is "as usual" is high with little downside right now.

    I guess I'll just have to keep working harder on it.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    edited January 2017
    Yes, smaler bites would slow you down, I hope you can give it a try. Good luck
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    I'm an unusually slow eater. I feel very lucky that I just happen to be this way.

    A couple of things I do... When dining with others I kinda talk a lot (and don't talk with food in my mouth). I drink a lot of water when eating because my digestion would suffer otherwise. I take tiny bites. Like tiny. And I chew them slowly. I alternate whatever food I have in front of me (not sure if that even matters, but I do notice my boyfriend who eats too fast will eat the entire steak, then all the fries, then all the broccoli, and all of a sudden everything is gone in 5 min!). Hope this helps at least a little!
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    In all seriousness does eating too fast really matter?

    I ask because I still eat pretty fast but either eating an average of 1250 calories a day over the last 6 months (used to lower calories) OR eating a protein, carb & fat has FOR ME kept me pretty satisfied while still eating fast.

    I'm not saying I don't have days I go over but for the most part I seem to be ok SO FAR:).
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    In all seriousness does eating too fast really matter?

    I ask because I still eat pretty fast but either eating an average of 1250 calories a day over the last 6 months (used to lower calories) OR eating a protein, carb & fat has FOR ME kept me pretty satisfied while still eating fast.

    I'm not saying I don't have days I go over but for the most part I seem to be ok SO FAR:).

    Personally, I don't think it does matter.

    I've always been a fast eater. Always will be most likely.

    I do make sure I'm chewing my food enough and not inhaling it, drinking water with my food, and I set my fork down occasionally to read something if I'm eating alone or talk with someone if eating with people but other than that I eat at the speed I eat.

    Doesn't seem to affect my level of satisfaction and I'm one of those people who likes my food hot too. One thing I can't stand is cold food and I find if I take too long to eat (especially in winter) my food gets cold.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Here's a bit of an oddball tip, but it works: Try eating with chopsticks when you can!

    For the average person who didn't grow up with them, it takes longer to eat with them. And you have to think more carefully about what you are eating and see it in a slightly different way. This of course won't work with all food and you may look a little odd if you're in public. But it's not a bad exercise to do, and it can be fun.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    If you really like what you are eating, dont you want the eating experience to last as long as possible? If I'm eating something I love, I take my time with it, actually taste the food, chew it properly before swallowing it. If I'm eating something I dont care for or I'm in a rush I eat it as fast as I can so I can move on with my day lol
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    No such thing as slow eating in our house. We are work in emergency services (EMS and PD). We eat at home the way we eat at work.... fast and usually no full meals. We pick at things throughout the day.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    If it's that serious of a problem, try eating from a small plate, like a saucer or side plate so that you have to go to the kitchen for every refill. Having many small helpings could help prolong the meal. And since you're not going to want to get up every 2 minutes, you will automatically eat more slowly.