sgarner2005 Member


  • Everyone above this post is in the group. Here is the group name... Fit And Fab 30-Something BUSY Moms--CLOSED GROUP Looking forward to getting to know you!!
  • Hey everyone! I created our group. If you are in before this post, then you are in. If not, then maybe someone can create a new group. Here is our group name: Fit And Fab 30-Something BUSY Moms--CLOSED GROUP I think I have invited all of you, but I might not have gotten all your user names correct when I was setting it up!…
  • Yes, all of you are in!! I will start the group tomorrow!! So excited to get some motivation!
  • Anyone want in on this? I posted this is motivation and support as well and we will be starting a group asap!
  • Hey everyone!!! I'll get us a group started in the next few days. Maybe we can get some more to join in too!!! I need a small group for motivation!
  • I've been thinking about you all weekend!!! I've liked your facebook page and you are my new inspiration! I am similar to you in height. Something you said about being a size 12 has stuck with me. I always feel good when I get down to a size 12 and think it's just not in the cards for me to get below that. You are my new…
  • I am in!!!! I will be on VACA next Monday, but after that, I'm back on track!!! Here we go again..... I plan to hit my goal by Sept 5th. It is probably not my final goal, but the lowest I've been since college so I will have to re-evaluate when I am there. I have never been "skinny" so I'm not sure what my ideal weight is.…
  • I am in for the Labor Day Losers. Are you going to post a new thread? I'm on vacation next week so be sure to leave me a spot in the group! I'll have a lot to lose after Vaca I'm sure!! Congrats to everyone on the Mommy Challenge. I'm wondering how many people stayed through to the end?
  • I DID IT!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Starting Weight for this challenge: 180 Week 1: 177.2 Week 2: 176.6 Week 3: 175 Week 4: 172.2 Week 5: 169.5 Total Lost: 10.5 YAY!!! I have one week until vacation so I am hopeful to just maintain this until I get…
  • Yes, count me in too!!! I am totally in! The more goals the better!
  • It is VERY simple, but trust me, they are YUMMY!! I took them to a church function Sunday night and sat them next to all the yummy and super bad-for-you treats, and they were gone! Everyone could not believe that they were "diet cupcakes"!!
  • Once again, I am late weighing in!! HA HA! My weight yesterday was 172.2......I am almost there!! Going to step it up for the next week so I can hit the 10 pound goal!!! Ok, to satisfy your sweet tooth: 1 box Devil's Food Cake Mix 1 can Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper Pour the Dr. Pepper in a bowl, add the cake mix and stir! That's…
  • I'm shooting for 160. I can't imagine being that weight. I don't think I've been that weight since I was "skinny" and never even thought of stepping on a scale. The first time I can remember thinking I need to lose a few was when I was at 170. I'm 4 pounds away from 170 right now. Crossing my fingers I can do it!
  • Hey everyone!!!! I am so sorry that I did not weigh-in on Monday. I am a SLACKER at getting on here and weighing in, but the good part is that I am not slacking on what I'm supposed to be doing. YAY!! My Monday weight was 175. So, 5 pounds to go to reach our goal! YAY!!!! I am still hopeful that I can do it. I've got to…
  • Hello! Here's my weigh in... Starting: 180 Last week 177.2 This week 176.6 Not much of a loss this week, but hey, at least it's in the right direction! I've got to get to work if I want to lose those 10 pounds!!
  • 4 MORE DAYS and then I'm done! I am actually VERY ready to be finsihed, but I'm so close to the end that I will see it through!
  • Bump. I am about half-way through the program and am feeling much better! I'm doing the 30 Day Shred as well so not sure which has helped most, but I've lost 17 pounds! :) No pics though.... :( I'll see if I can find some when I totally done with the program.
  • Ok, my mommy friends..... I have a question for you..... What do you eat for lunch? I'm feeling kinda stalled out on what to have for lunch these days? I work part-time and I'm home part-time so I'd love to hear from all of you, whether you eat lunch at work or at home. Let's go girls, we can do this!!! :laugh: :laugh:…
  • I'm sorry I am just now checking in!! My hubby is a firefighter so we have different schedules and yesterday was our "Saturday" so we went out with the kids all day. My weight for this week is 177.2 I hope everyone is doing well. I am only a week away from finishing the 30 Day Shred and I'm so excited to actually finish…
  • Who's still hanging in? Tonight will be my last night of Level 2. I am SCARED to move to level 3. I have not missed a day yet. I am anxious to be done!! :) The end is near....
  • If I am counting right, I am on day 20 of the 30 Day Shred. I have not missed a day. Tomorrow I will move to level 3. SCARY!!!! I quickly measured myself last night and if I remember right, I think I am at almost 2 inches off my waist! SO, for those of you starting........DO IT!!!!!!! Here's a FUNNY---- I was telling my…
  • Today was day 18 for me. (I think) I've not missed a day since the 15th. Which means, I should move to level 3 in a few days. Not sure how I feel about that. Anyone else close to level 3?
  • I am a little more than half way done with the 30DS. I think I'm on day 7 or 8 of level two. I need to check and see! I'm nervous to go to level 3. I'm loving it though. It goes by quick. On day 10 I had lost an inch from my upper waist and an inch from my lower waist. I'm anxious to see what my waist measurement it after…
  • Funny! Took me a minute to figure out what you were talking about!! HA!! Question for all----How do you find your weight to be when "your little friend" is visiting? Mine is here this week and it's taking all I have to keep exercising and not use it as an excuse to sit on the couch and watch movies!
  • OOPS!! I just noticed you said it's time to close the doors. I was going to tell my BFF to get on here too. Why not let us 2 in and then stop at an even 30?????? PUH-LEASE! :) It's ok if you say no!! :)
  • OK, if it's not too late.......I AM IN!!!! This is actually my goal so to have some inspiration would be GREAT!!!! :) My starting weight is 180. I have my measurements written down at home. In the middle of the 30DS as well as on Week 5 of Couch to 5K. I plan to finish C25K right before the 4th. I am a mommy to a 5 year…
  • HALF WAY DONE!!!! I am so excited!!! YAY!!!!! I did it tonight with a friend....SOOOO much better when you have friends to do it with. She has done it before and said Level 3 is a KILLER! I'm kinda scared of that! How many are still going with it?
  • Hi! I log mine as Circuit Training General. Hope that helps!
  • I am having shin split troubles today and yesterday too. But I do think it's from the running. Didn't start bothering me until week 4, which has 5 minutes of consecutive running. I am going to try to do it outside next instead of the treadmill to see if that helps at all. I didn't think about it being from the shred, but I…
  • What Week are you on of the C25K?