30-something BUSY moms want to lose 20 pounds by New Years?



  • sgarner2005
    sgarner2005 Posts: 52 Member
    Everyone above this post is in the group. Here is the group name...

    Fit And Fab 30-Something BUSY Moms--CLOSED GROUP

    Looking forward to getting to know you!!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    I couldn't find the group in the search, i'll try again later. I'd love to join too if there is room, sounds like the perfect fit.
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    Is it too late to join?? I'm a (almost) 31 year old single mother with a 6 year old daughter. I work full time and then a couple shifts/month at a second job. I did Insanity a couple months ago, and since it ended have not logged a single minute of intentional exercise. I would LOVE the motivation of a group of similar women! Let me know if I can join in or not. Thank you!!
  • KathrynKennewell108