

  • You can do it! Just 9 weeks ago I started to run/walk combo through the couch to 5K program. I am now able to run 3.5 miles in just 9 weeks, it really is a great program to get you running. If you are interested check it out. Just google, couch to 5K and it will give you the program, there is even a free app on the adroid…
    in Kinda fun Comment by alliebe July 2011
  • "I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul." William Ernest Henley. 1849–1903 (From: Invictus)
  • We planted our first garden this year. I think I planted too many tomatoes. We have 14 tomato plants. LOL Oh well I guess there will be some canning in my future. Homemade salsa, speghetti sauce, and tomatoes. Sounds yummy to me. We also planted green peppers, orange peppers, jalepeno peppers, basil, rosemary, oregano, and…
  • How about running/walking. There is a great beginner running program online for free, couch to 5K. It trains you for a 5K (3.1 mile run). I am eight weeks in and already able to run 38 minutes at a time 3.31 miles. There are some great workout videos as well, P90X is a great workout program, I also enjoy zumba discs as…
  • Yard sales and thrift shops are the way to go until you get to the weight you want to be. I also tend to buy smaller sizes (especially at yard sales, when you can get them for 1.00 or less), it is motivation when I want a candy bar. LOL
  • I love the kudos m&m 100 calorie bars, it feels like I am eating a candy bar. Gum also can do wonders to starve off a craving for sugar. I use essential oil in my water, no calories, or artificial sweeteners and gives you something to taste. I use lemon or a metabolic blend called slim and sassy. Ice is a good thing if you…
  • First of all, congratulations. You are making a decision that will change your life. A great program to do is couch to 5K, it is a 9 week program, you can find it online free, or there are free apps for the android phones that actually will tell you when to run and walk for each day workout. It starts you out very slow,…
  • I am glad you posted this because I have the same question. I try to eat 1200 - 1300 on a daily basis I usually burn an additional 500-800 calories. I am not currently eating more than 1300 something. I have lost 10 pounds in two weeks though - it is the beginning and weight loss is always quicker in the beginning. I am…
  • If you have already ate what you normally do in calories, try eating ice. If you really feel your body needs a snack, eat something high in protein. String cheese greek yogurt peanut butter celery cereal bar beef jerky (last resort - high in sodium).
  • "Never make someone a priority that makes you an option" Great quote and so true! I like that. I try my hardest to be really hard to offend, it takes work but it also takes way more energy to be in conflict at someone than just to give them the benefit of the doubt. I agree it totally stinks and I know I would feel hurt…
  • YIKES! You need more protein for sure. If you like peanut butter try adding some peanut butter on an apple or banana or 100% whole wheat mini bagel. Remember fat is big and ugly, muscle is small and helps burn more calories. You do not want to add fat and loose muscle.
  • Welcome and great work on getting your mind set right. That is the hardest part sometimes. I am here for encouragement if you need it. I will add you as a pal.
  • Vinegar or low calorie fat free salad dressing, like basalmic vinegarette etc.
    in Help Comment by alliebe May 2011
  • Coincidentally my friend just sent me this link, I thinik you might find it useful too.
  • You can add me, if you would like. I am new here too and looking for encouragement. I have 50 pounds to lose.
  • I listen to skillet radio from pandora. Love it!
  • At the risk of sounding like a salesperson, I use deep blue by doTERRA. It is all natural with no harsh side effects, it helps sooth sore muscles and also heal sore muscles, remember when you are sore it is because you have microscopic tears in your muscles. I used this blend to help heal a torn gastrocnemis (calf) muscle.…
  • I have had similiar experiences with my parents, you just have to take it with a grain of salt. You also should know that sometimes when people seeing you lose a lot of weight, they get envious and will say hurtful things out of spite. You keep working hard and know that you are doing this for you and no one else.