Bridal Shower Bummer, kind of hurt :(



  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I would be really pissed and I would not invite them to the wedding. Some of the excuses may be real, but I can guarantee some are not. If they call you again, apologize, and offer to spend time with you or buy you dinner than you know they are genunine. Otherwise...If you already invited them, uninvite them. If you can't do that, make the seating arrangements so that they will be miserable the whole night. You don't need friends like that in your life.

    Yep...sit them in the toilets! :laugh:
  • alliebe
    alliebe Posts: 21
    "Never make someone a priority that makes you an option" Great quote and so true! I like that.

    I try my hardest to be really hard to offend, it takes work but it also takes way more energy to be in conflict at someone than just to give them the benefit of the doubt. I agree it totally stinks and I know I would feel hurt too, but then I would try my hardest to not let it offend me by saying to myself, "Life is busy, things happen, I am sure they would not intentionally hurt me like that, I need to forgive them."

    With that all being said, I would tell each and everyone of them that they owe you big for your bachelorette night. ;)
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I would be mad! Heck, at our wedding we had people back out from coming for dumb reasons. One of our good friends was going to a concert instead of our wedding....another one rsvp'd (one of my good girlfriends) that she would be coming. well, she never showed because her sister had a baby the same day. And you know, still to this day, I have never gotten a card or anything from her. It really hurt my feelings, not that I needed to get a gift from her, but when I am "planning" on going to a wedding, I have at least a card or some sort of gift ready to go at least a day before! That's what hurt my feelings the most. It was almost like they say they are coming, but really have no intention of ever showing...
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm so sorry your day didn't go well. That really is bad that friends would do that to each other. I agree with others about concentrating on the positive - and I like the idea of treating your MOH because she surely does feel bad that the day she planned for you didn't meet expectations.